WVC CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda November 09, 2011 2

November 09, 2011
LeAnn McGinley, Chair, Assessment
Leslie Hotta, Applied Arts/Sciences
Robert Anthony, Business
Brian Tramontana, Social Science
Betsy Sandford, Library
Patricia Louderback, PE
Herlisa Hamp, Admissions & Records
Michael Byers, Articulation
Thuy Tran, Office of Instruction
Greg Toland, ASO
Brad Weisberg, Fine Arts AB
Paulette Boudreaux, Language Arts AB
Chris Dyer, Math/Science AB
Cheryl Miller, Student Services AB
Kuni Hay, VP Instruction AB
Roll Call and Call to Order—LeAnn called the meeting to order 2:42
Approval of agenda M/S/P Brian/Bob
Lance Shoemaker advised that our agenda needs to be more transparent; goal is to list the
specific courses and programs that will be considered at the meeting. LeAnn asked for help
from the reps to accomplish this.
Approval of Minutes of 11/02/11 M/S/P Bob/Leslie
Lance Shoemaker advised that our agenda to be more transparent; goal is to list the specific
courses and programs that will be considered at the meeting. LeAnn asked for help from the
reps to accomplish this.
CurricUNET Updates from LeAnn. Kuni will take over the communication with CurricUNET
regarding requests that have not been accomplished and other areas of the COR that are
not being pulled into the WR outline correctly. LeAnn gave Kuni an annotated review of a
WR outline and of the task force requests from June, 2011.
Tech Review and Actions
 ATH 9.08 - M/S/P Patricia/Bob
 ATH 9.18 – M/S/P Bob/Leslie
The prefix for collegiate sports is changing to ATH in accordance with state rules for
 PE 9.42 – M/S/P Betsy/Patricia
 PE 9.47 – 1st Reading. Rationale, description need complete sentences, UC transfer
cannot be noted until submitted and approved SU 12. Recommended Prep for
English and Reading needs to be added; review Objectives
 PE 9.48 Needs complete sentences. Same as above.
 PE 9.52 Same errors as above.
 PE 9.53 Same as above.
 PE 9.55 Same as above.
 PE 9.56 Same as above.
Patricia asked for help if the PE does nt understand the changes, or for PE to attend
the next meeting. LeAnn offered assistance as needed.
 ART 47 A,B,C,D; 49 A,B,C,D; 65 A,B,C,D. These courses were on the list of
repeatability changes that Stephanie Kashima developed with departments in SP 11.
The Art department launched the courses with only the repeatability changes. Last
week LeAnn distributed an excerpt of the SP 11 Excel sheet showing these courses.
LeAnn requested that the committee consider these curses as it did all other
repeatability changes last spring without a full COR update. The courses will go on
the next board agenda if not previously acted upon. M/S/P Betsy/Bob
 BUS 062 M/S/P Bob/Betsy
 Business Leadership Skills Certificate M/S/P Leslie/Betsy
 ART 47 A,B,C,D; 49 A,B,C,D; 65 A,B,C,D. These courses were on the list of
repeatability changes that Stephanie Kashima developed with departments in SP 11.
The Art department launched the courses with only the repeatability changes. Last
week LeAnn distributed an excerpt of the SP 11 Excel sheet showing these courses.
LeAnn requested that the committee consider these curses as it did all other
repeatability changes last spring without a full COR update. The courses will go on
the next board agenda if not previously acted upon. M/S/P Betsy/Bob
 Business Management M/S/P Leslie/Bob
 Professional Selling M/S/P Leslie/Patricia
 Retail Management M/S/P Leslie/Bob
 Web and Mobile Design 1st reading. Committee discussed the rationale (need) for
the program and commended the labor studies included and summarized;
suggestion was made to add more detail in the Articulation field as to courses that
are already articulated and ones that will be submitted as lower division preparation
for majors at 4-year universities.
 DM/IS 022B Tech Review reading. No vote as lost quorum.
Meeting Adjourned 4:28PM
Next Meeting 11/16.