sanit john -

(The process of “canonization” is the act by which the RCC [as well as the “Eastern Orthodox Church”]
declares that a deceased individual is a “saint” [i.e. a person who has been “recognized for having an
exceptional degree of holiness”]. While the designation, “saint”, originated in the Christian tradition, in
the “modern” era, religious historians have expanded the concept to include a number of different
Originally, individuals were “recognized” as “saints” without a formal process for designation.
The common characteristics or “family resemblances” [i.e. “things which may be thought to be
connected by one essential common feature may in fact be connected by a serious of overlapping
similarities, where no one feature is common to all”: Ludwig Josef Johann “meaning is use”
Wittgenstein,1889-1951]among “saints” are being an “exemplary model”, an “extraordinary teacher” , a
“wonder worker”, an “intercessor”, “anti-materialistic”, and “revelatory” [John A. Coleman S.J.].
Since 1983, the following “steps” [or developmental stages] to “canonization” were established by the
“Congregation for the Causes of Saints”: [1] “Servant of God”; [2] “Venerable/Heroic in Virtue”; [3]
“Blessed”; and [4] “Saint.”)
Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) and Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) were “sovereigns” of Vatican City and
popes of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), respectively, from 1958 to 1963 and from 1978 to 2005.
On April 27, 2014, the RCC (under Pope “Argentine Dirty Wars” Francis: his papacy began on March 13,
2013) canonized these popes to the “surprise and embarrassment” of “John” and to the privileged
“expectation and delight” of “John Paul.”
(See e-articles “3”, “64”, “72”, “109”, and “136” on this website for more information concerning the
“oligarchic” RCC and some of its hypocritical “familiars.”)
Out of 265 popes (one source’s estimate, but excluding other possible candidates), 80 rulers have been
“recognized” or “canonized” by the RCC: that is, an astounding 30 percent of this Church’s popes have
been considered worthy enough to be “set aside”, and emulated by the Catholic many.
Nota bene:
It should be noted that 52 of the first 54 popes have been recognized as “saints.” Also, 16 other popes
are being considered, currently, for canonization (i.e. they are at other stages of the formal process). If
they are canonized, the total of “pope-saints” will reach an astronomical value of 96.
Since the “modern” era of Christianity (which is being arbitrarily being set at the beginning of the Second
World War [1939-1945]), the RCC has violated all of the teachings of its Lord, Jesus Christ, thematically,
repeatedly, and uncaringly.
For the purposes of this work, the “oligarchic” behaviors of the RCC, in the area of “human rights” (e.g.
its “Vatican” bank in its processing of Nazi gold during WW II [i.e. in its laundering of “syndicate”,
criminal, “blood profits” in the past and in the “modern” era] and in the denying, the hiding, and the
obstructing of investigations relative to acts of “child sexual abuse” by its clergy in the past and in the
present) and in the area of the treatment of the global, “poorest of the poor” (Arguably, the RCC is the
wealthiest, religious institution in the world.) have been consistently immoral, unethical, and criminally
And, to claim “sainthood” for any “absolute ruler” of the “oligarchic” RCC, especially during and since
WW II, is extreme “absurdity at the highest levels of hypocrisy and dishonesty.”
“Saint” John was a caring, humble, selfless, and populous leaning ruler who attempted to change the
“elitist” attitudes and negative practices of a corrupt, “oligarchic”, RCC during his brief papacy (19581963).
The great “John” advocated the needs and the interests of the global many, Catholic and non-Catholic
“John” was born “Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli” to a family of “sharecroppers” in “Sotto il Monte” (a small
country village in the “Bergamo” province of the “Lombardy” region of Italy).
“John” was ordained as a priest on August 10, 1904 at the age of 22. He was made a “Cardinal-Priest” of
“Santa Prisca” by Pope “the collaborator” Pius XII (1939-1958) on January 12, 1953.
(The “Collaborator”, in the context of the racial genocide of the European Jews [and others] during WW
II, remained silent and inactive. He made the RRC establish an official, political position of “neutrality”
during the war in order to preserve its wealth, its “blood profits” [especially through its “Vatican Bank”],
and its institutional power [for example, through its political deal with Italy’s Benito Amilcare Andrea
“the clown” Mussolini: 1883-1945]. In 2009, Pope “the denier of child sexual abuse among the Catholic
clergy” Benedict XVI [2005-2013], not unsurprisingly, declared that Pope “the collaborator” Pius XII was
“Venerable” [i.e. the second “step” to canonization].
The victims of the global genocide of WW II and the victims of child sexual abuse would not agree that
any ruler of the RCC could be designated as such. After all, “hell” [and not “heaven”] is designed for
those who stand by while the innocent are slaughtered and/or sexual abused for the needs, interests,
pleasures, and sport of the parasitic, global few, either to the extreme left or to the extreme right.)
“John” was elected pope [after 11 ballots] on October 26, 1958 following the death of the
“Collaborator.” He (i.e. Roncalli) took the name of “John” in order to settle the “question/despite” of
the “official numbering” issue attached to his chosen, papal name.
(“Baldassarre Cossa” [1370-1419] took the name of John XXIII [1410-1415], during the so-called
“Western Schism” [1378-1418]. During this period of time, several individuals took the title of pope.
These persons were referred to as the “antipopes” or persons who were “in opposition” to the elected
or “legitimate” pope of the RCC.
In order to end the “Western Schism”, the RCC’s Pope “who me resign” Gregory XII [1406-1415] was
forced to abdicate.
Parenthetically, “Who me resign” was the last pope to “step-down” from his throne until Pope “the
denier” Benedict XVI’s abdication [which was due in part to the historic and to the continuing sexual
abuse sandals of his clergy] on February 28, 2013.)
Pope John’s election was a complete surprise to the “insiders” in the Vatican. Still, the political
speculation was that he would be a “caretaker” pope. After all, he was 76 years-old. Thus, the Vatican
“insiders” concluded that “it would be business as usual.”
Still, what was Pope John attempting to do with convening the “Second Vatican Council” (1962-1965)
and with composing the “encyclical” (Originally, an “encyclical” was a circular letter which was sent to all
of the churches in a particular region in “Holy Roman Empire.”) of “Pacem in Terris” (1963)?
The “Second Vatican Council” or “Vatican II” addressed relations between the RCC and the “modern”
world. It was the 21st “ecumenical council” (i.e. “a conference of ecclesiastical dignitaries and
theological experts convened to discuss and settle matters of Church doctrine and practice in which
those entitled to vote are convoked from the whole world and which secures the approbation of the
whole Church”).
The term “ecumenical” is derived from the Greek word meaning “the inhabited world.” Of course, this
was never the case. The decisions of these councils applied only to the inhabitants of the “Holy Roman
Empire” or to inhabitants in some other parts of the world.
(The “Holy Roman Empire” [HRE] was a “multi-ethnic complex of territories in ‘Central Europe’” which
developed during the “Middle Ages” and which ended in 1806 with the defeat of Francis II, the last
“Holy Roman Emperor”, by the great Napoleon Bonaparte [1769-1821]. The precise meaning of this
term is somewhat “elusive” since it implies a mythical place where “East and West” are jointed
“Vatican II” was “convoked” by Pope John, and it was “presided” over by Pope John XXIII and, later, by
Paul VI (after Pope John’s passing on June 3, 1963). Of those who participated (up to 2,625 individuals),
four have become “pontiffs” in their own right: Montini [Paul VI], Luciani [John Paul I], Wojtyla [John
Paul II], and Ratzinger [Benedict XVI].
“Vatican II” generated four constitutions, nine decrees, and three declarations. Unlike previous councils,
it did not issue new “dogmata” or declare any “anathemas” or resolve any current “heresies.”
Simply, it initiated a renewal of Catholic doctrine relative to a “modern timeline and perspective.”
“Pacem in Terris” (PIT) or “Peace on Earth” was a papal encyclical issued by Pope John on April 11, 1963.
The full title of his work is “On Establishing Universal Peace in Truth, Charity and Liberty.” Its
abbreviated title is an “incipit” (Latin for “it begins”). Before the invention of “titles”, the names of
literary works were designated by their opening words. And, the practice of “incipits” (with creative
works) predates classical antiquity by thousands of years.
Retrospectively, PIT is viewed as a “peace” encyclical as well as the first papal encyclical to address “all
men of good will.” That is, it was not only addressed to “Roman Catholics”, but also to non-Catholics,
PIT spoke to the senselessness of war, and it condemned war as the immoral strategy of the global few.
And, it emphasized the “importance of respect for human rights as an essential consequence of the
Christian understanding” of humankind. Along, with the great Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Pope
John viewed the theological virtue of “charity” in actions as the principal virtue of Roman Catholicism (in
contrast to the theological virtues of “faith” and “hope” individually or conjointly).
In honor of PIT, the annual award of “Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom” was established in 1964.
Pope John’s work enumerates “the rights of the human person to life, respect, freedom, and education
as well as working towards the end of nuclear weapons, and the arms race.”
(See e-article “93” on this website for more information concerning one of the significant influences for
Pope John’s “Pacem in Ferris.”)
“Saint” John Paul was an elitist, extremely conservative, self-centered (i.e. a narcissist), anti-communist
who strongly supported “oligarchic”, Catholic orthodoxy. He was the second longest-serving, elected
pope in Roman Catholic history, serving 9,665 calendar days.
The not so great “John Paul” advocated the needs and interests of the global few, Catholic and nonCatholic alike.
Nota bene:
Pope “the infallible” Pius IX (1846-1878) or the “Prisoner of the Vatican” was the longest-serving, elected
pope in Roman Catholic history, serving 11,560 days. During his “pontificate”, he convened the “First
Vatican Council” (1869-1870). This infamous council decreed the absurd “dogma” of “papal infallibility”
(i.e. The Pope is preserved from the possibility of error “when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd
and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine
concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church.”).
(Historical evidence would indicate that even with a more limited definition of “papal infallibility” [i.e.
pronouncements from “the chair” of Saint Peter or “ex-cathedra”], the “dogmata” of the Roman
Catholic popes have never been without error.
See, for example, the erroneous pronouncements on “faith or morals” of Pope Liberius [352-366] and
the “Arian controversy”, of Pope Vigilius [537-555] and the “Three Chapters controversy”, and of Pope
Honorius [625-638] and “Monothelitism.”)
Pope John Paul was the first non-Italian (He was born in Poland.) to serve as pope since Pope Adrian VI
(Pope “I want my baptismal name” Adrian VI [i.e. “Adriaan”] was born on March 2, 1459 in the city of
“Utrecht”, Burgundian Netherlands in the HRE. He was only one of two popes to retain his “baptismal
name.” The other one was Pope “they bled me to death” Marcellus II [1555-1555]. Having “reigned” for
only 22 calendar days, he died of some mysterious disease. Some papal historians feel that he was
poisoned because he was considering a number of changes to the power structure of the RCC.
Parenthetically, Pope Marcellus ranks sixth on the list of the “10 shortest-reigning Popes” after Sisinnius
[21 calendar days], Theodore II [20 calendar days], Celestine IV [17 calendar days], Boniface VI [16
calendar days], and Urban VII [13 calendar days].
Pope Urban VII [1590-1590], “Giovanni Battista Castagna”, chose his name based upon its meaning: in
Latin, “Urban” [“Urbanus”] translate into “kind.”)
Pope John Paul has been “credited” with helping to end “Communism” in his native Poland as well as in
Europe during his papacy.
Also, Pope John Paul placed special emphasis upon the “universal call to holiness.” Incredibly, he
“beatified” precisely 1,340 individuals and “canonized” another 483: this was more than the combined
“call to holiness” actions of all his predecessors over nearly five centuries of rule. Therefore, he utilized
the process of “canonization” as a means of control and reward during his papacy: and, it follows that
he would be an ardent protector and supporter of the repressive Opus Dei and like, rightist
organizations within the RCC.
(“Opus Dei” [Latin for “Work of God”] is an institution of the RCC which teaches that “everyone is called
to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity” or “holiness.” The “call to holiness” is a phrase [or
pseudonym] which stands for the repression and/or the extreme control of others, especially of the
Roman Catholic faithful.
“The Work” was founded on October 2, 1928 by the rightest, Franco supporter and collaborator,
Josémaria “the admirer” Escriva [1902-1975].
[The “Admirer” was “canonized” in 2002 by Pope John Paul II who stated that “Saint” Josémaria should
be “counted among the great witnesses of Christianity” despite the Saint’s historic, rightist extremism
and despite his involvement in numerous controversies during his lifetime (e.g. his stated admiration for
Adolf Hitler, 1889-1945; his admiration and active support of rightist, extremists dictators such as
Francisco Franco Bahamonde, 1892-1975; and, his desire to be more than a “familiar” unto the Spanish
The majority of “Opus Dei’s” members are “lay” people with “secular” priest leadership under the
governance of a “prelate” or bishop. In 1982, it became a “personal prelate” [by decree of Pope John
Paul II]. That is, the members of “the Work” became, magically and geographically, independent of any
diocese’s jurisdiction.
As of 2012, “the Work’s” membership was estimated to be over 92 thousand individuals. It is
headquartered in Rome, Italy. Currently, its “prelate” is Bishop Javier Echevarria.)
Also, Pope John Paul attempted, during his papacy, “to place his church at the heart of a new religious
alliance that would bring together” the Abrahamic religions of the world into a “great (religious)
Apparently, Pope John Paul’s goal was for this “armada” to win souls for Yahweh, for Christ, and for Al’
la under his religious leadership.
Finally, Pope John Paul was opposed to the “ordination of women”; was contrary to the use of
“contraception” (no matter what the “real world” circumstances were occurring in a specific case); and,
disavowed (i.e. refused to acknowledge and/or to eliminate and/or to contain and/to repudiate) the
actions of chronic child sexual abuse which had been (or were) occurring among the Roman Catholic
clergy. In addition, he has been accused by a number of Catholic “laity” of such illegal actions of criminal
“cover-up”, of criminal “obstructionism”, and of hiding clergy who were guilty of this “’Sin’ of all sins.”
In summary, “canonization” is more of a political process of reward for those “familiars” who follow the
dictates of the rightist and “oligarchic” RCC rather than a process of reward for those Catholics who
implement the teachings of the Lord, Jesus Christ, especially those Catholics who generate positive
actions toward the “poorest of the poor”, the helpless, and the disenfranchised.
The idea that any ruler of the RCC can be “canonized” is a true “absurdity of absurdities” since the role
of popes, generally, is to maintain a politically and morally corrupt, “oligarchic”, religious structure
which is both anti-Christian as well as inhumane, especially when it comes to God’s Catholic children.
If you disagree with these conclusions, just speak to the great Pope John XXIII: he was at least “surprise
and embarrassed” at the prospect of being granted “sainthood” by the “oligarchic”, anti-“poorest of the
poor”, misogynistic, murderous, subversive, elitist, rightist, privileged, anti-universal, pedophiliac, and
self-serving RCC (of Satan).
Sadly, the business of the RCC is religion without compassion. And, religion without compassion can be
a very uncaring and a very Satanic enterprise especially when wealth, power, and privilege replace the
teachings of the Lord, Jesus Christ which were promoted through His “Virgin Mary” and through His
“Mary Magdalene.”
Still, it is believed (at least at this website) that out of all the popes (Authoritatively, the exact number of
popes is historically and politically inexact and/or unknown.) “John” may have actually earned the
“heavenly existence” (which the RCC incorporates into the status of granting “sainthood” to its Catholic
faithful) because of his multitude of “good works” among Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
Unfortunately, the RCC’s reward of “sainthood” has nothing to do with “heavenly existence.” In
actuality, it is all about the RCC’s hierarchy certain banishment to the hells of the Abrahamic religions
along with its so-called “saints’” and their proclivity for child sexual abuse.
Imagine: a system of religious belief without compassion, without caring, and without “good works”
toward the global many! And, is this not a true description of the hell of Satan?
(Is Satan’s hell punishment enough for all those who use religious belief to ignore, to shield, and/or deny
the existence of the “’Sin of all sins?’”)
And, It is said by the Roman Catholic many that if you look very, very, very carefully into the “Abyss”, the
second longest-reigning pope, Pope John “the sanctifier” Paul II, will be looking, with very frighten eyes,
back at you!
The Lord, Jesus Christ, certainly has a sense of humor when it comes to the punishment of the truly evil.
To hell with the “oligarchs” (All the “Big” institutional religions, but especially the few of the royal RCC)
and their “familiars” (the majority of popes of the RCC since its “beginnings”: some of these would be
John “lets sanctify everyone and everything” Paul II, “Argentine dirty wars” Francis, “the collaborator”
Pius XII, “the denier” Benedict XVI, “the antipope” John XXIII, “who me resign” Gregory XII, “the
infallible” Pius IX, “I want my baptismal name” Adrian VI, “they bled me to death” Marcellus II, and, “the
kind” Urban VII; “the clown” Mussolini; “the dictator” Franco; “the admirer” Escriva and his “Opus Dei”
and the like, HRE, Francis II; Bonaparte I; all those who do NOT follow the positive teachings of the
Abrahamic religions due to fear, to greed, to revenge, to economic reward, and to social advantage;
and, all those who stand by and allow “God’s children” to be sexual abused by the “oligarchs” of the RCC
[and, also, by the “oligarchs” within other institutional religions] and their more than willing “familiars”),