March 19, 2012

Graduate Council Meeting
Monday, March 19, 2012, 3:00 p.m.
University Center Annex, Room 203
Present: Drs. Irene Aiken, Valerie Austin, Scott Billingsley, Alfred Bryant, Warren Eller, Leah
Fiorentino, Roger Guy, Rita Hagevik, Patrick Hannigan, Karen Helgeson, Ann HortonLopez, Roger Ladd, Howard Ling, Larry Mabe, Sara Simmons, Karen Stanley, Tommy
Thompson, Velinda Woriax
Absent: Drs. Sherry Edwards, Angela Holman, Raymond Lee, Kim Sellers; John Edwards
(President, GSO)
Guests: Drs. Meredith Storms, Judith Losh
Call to Order
Dean Simmons called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. The agenda was adopted as distributed.
The minutes of the February 20, 2012 meeting were accepted by unanimous consent.
Curriculum Proposal
Department of Education Specialties
Dr. Judi Losh presented a proposal to Delete RDG 5230, 5430 and 5630. These three courses
were replaced in a proposal approved last month. Dr. Eller moved for approval, Dr. Ladd
seconded and the motion passed.
Department of Professional Pedagogy and Research/Department of Education Specialties
Dr. Judith Losh presented a proposed new MAT specialization in Special Education: Includes 9
new SED courses and 8 existing courses to make 39-42 hours (three hours for internship if not in
a classroom). Dr. Ladd moved we accept the proposals and Dr. Eller seconded. There was much
discussion. EDN 5660 will be removed from the course requirements, making 36-39 hours.
Several corrections will be made to the materials. The motion carried.
Department of English and Theatre
Dr. Roger Ladd proposed changes to ENG 6010 Three-Credit Thesis, ENG 6020 Six-Credit
Thesis I, and ENG 6020 Six-Credit Thesis II. The changes involve adding the following to the
end of each course description: “Must be taken in every fall or spring semester once thesis work
is begun until such time as the thesis has been successfully defended.” Dr. Warren Eller
seconded and the motion passed.
Department of Music
Dr. Valerie Austin proposed a change to MUS 5990, Graduate Portfolio. The change consists of
changing the wording of the hours to read, "…variable, 1-4 hours and repeatable for a total of 8
hours.” Dr. Warren Eller seconded and the motion passed.
Graduate Policy Issues
Admission Deadlines:
School Administration, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and Professional School Counseling
programs will no longer have admission deadlines and will return to rolling admissions. The
following programs will continue to have their current deadlines: Public Administration, Reading
Education, Social Studies Education (M.A. and M.A.T.), and Social Work.
Report from School of Graduate Studies
Graduate Research Poster Session: Tuesday, March 27, 2012
 seventeen (17) posters from the following six (6) programs will be presented:
 Elementary Education
 Physical Education
 Science Education
 M.A.T.--English Education Specialization
 English Education
 LTC Walton from Ft. Bragg will be guest judge
 some presenters will participate in Graduate Education Awareness Day in Raleigh
 all program directors expected to be present and to have recruitment/promotional
information at designated tables
Enrollment goals by program requested by Provost Kitts
 email sent with suggested goals based on enrollment trends for 2010 fall and 2011 fall
(including both preceding summer terms).
 feedback invited by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20
 goals will be sent to Provost Kitts on Wednesday, March 21
Graduate Faculty Renewal
 occurs at April meeting (Irene Aiken emailed information in January)
 need approval from PD and dean or chair
Graduate Research and Writing Academy
 held February 25, 2012
 attended by 26 students; 33 slots were available; 7 students did not show up and did
not provide notification that they could not attend; 22 students were on waiting list
 very positive evaluations
 subsequently, several Academy students made appointments with the Writing Center
 next Academy will be held 9:00-12:00 on Saturday, March 31; 30 slots will be
available; waiting list students will have first opportunity to attend
Graduate School office technology initiatives in collaboration with DoIT
 examining an online application system that may be a viable alternative to
 implementing the document imaging project in Graduate School office order to move
applicant/student files from paper to electronic format (long-term project)
New recruitment initiatives
 Spring Fling Application Fee Waiver—similar to March Madness initiative
 Recruitment effort targeting American Indian prospects
Unfinished Business
Dean Simmons called for any unfinished business and there was none.
New Business
“Good News” and/or announcements
 Dr. Valerie Austin announced there will be a free Orff workshop “Unlocking the
Schulwerk. Moving Beyond the Bar: Orff-Schulwerk Essentials” on UNCP’s campus
(Moore Hall 130) on Saturday, March 31 from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm.
Graduation application deadlines:
October 1, 2012 for spring 2013 graduation
March 1, 2013 for fall 2013 graduation
Graduate Appeals Committee meetings: June (date TBD); October (date TBD)
Spring Grad Finale: March 21-22, 2012 in Annex
Graduate Research Poster Session: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 in Annex
Graduate Studies Spring Commencement: Friday, May 4, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in GPAC
Fall 2012 New Graduate Student Orientation: Saturday, August 11, 2012 in Annex
Withdrawal deadlines: Check Graduate Academic Calendar (see below)
Remember to check regularly the Graduate Academic Calendar for dates of importance
Next Meeting: Monday, April 16, 2012, 3:00-5:00 p.m., UC Annex Room 203