1 Supplementary information 2 1. Section 1 – Sampling procedure 3 1.1 Preparation of the needle traps 4 First, a stainless wire was pressed by two steel guides and fixed into the desired position as a 5 spring plug. Then, sorbent particles were aspirated into the needle by a tap-water aspirator and 6 held by the spring plug. After packing the desired length of sorbent bed, a small amount of epoxy 7 glue was used to immobilize the sorbent in the opening end. During the packing process, the 8 aspirator was kept running until the epoxy glue was cured so as to avoid the blockage of the NT 9 by the epoxy glue. The sorbent beds packed inside the needles for this work were 1 cm 100/120 10 mesh DVB plus 1 cm 60/80 mesh Car. After packing, the NTs were conditioned in a GC injector 11 for 3 hours with helium gas continuously flowing through the needle. The conditioning 12 temperature was 260 °C. This process was similar to previous works 1–6. 13 14 1.2 Sampling chambers 15 The sampling chamber employed for the MFX evaluation consisted of a custom made 1.5 L glass 16 bulb with several sampling ports that were plugged with Thermogreen® LB-2 predrilled septa. 17 Omega 120 W heating tape was wrapped around the glass bulb to control the temperature inside 18 the bulb. An Omega K-type thermocouple was attached to the outside surface of the glass bulb 19 in order to control its internal temperature. Heating tape and thermocouple were connected to an 20 electronic heat control device constructed by the Electronic Science Shop at the University of 21 Waterloo (UW). Air temperatures in the vicinity of the SPME fibres were maintained within 22 ±1.2% of the adjusted temperature. The standard gas generator consisted of a permeation chamber 23 where Teflon tubes filled with the model compounds were placed and maintained at constant 24 temperature and nitrogen flow. Standard gas flow rates ranged from 50 to 3000 mL/min, resulting 25 in mean air velocities similar to those encountered in indoor air environments. Standard gas 26 generators and sampling chambers were validated using a multi-bed needle trap. 27 28 1.3 Indoors time-weighted average sampling 29 A diffusive fibre holder (DFH), as well as bare 85 μm FFA CAR/PDMS fibres were used for 30 passive sampling. A magnetic plunger was built at the machine shop of the University of 31 Waterloo to control the diffusion path of the bare FFA fibre. Rare-earth magnets employed to 32 manufacture this plunger were acquired at Lee Valley (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). Samplings 33 were performed over a period of 8 hours, between 9 am and 5 pm, during three different days in 34 the same week. For DFH evaluation, as described below, one of the fibres was installed on the 35 diffusive fibre holder while another two were used as controls. 36 37 1.4 Indoors air sampling in active mode 38 A portable dynamic air sampling device (PDAS) for SPME, described in Section 1 of the 39 Supplementary Information (Figure S10), was employed in the quantification of indoor 40 contaminants present in the air of a polymer synthesis laboratory at the University of Waterloo 7. 41 A magnetic plunger was used to expose the fibre coating; measurements exposing a SPME-FFA 42 Car/PDMS fibre for 30 s were performed four times within a day, using independent fibres. The 43 concentration of the target analytes was calculated using the diffusion-based SPME quantitative 44 model defined by Equation S1 in Section 2 of the Supplementary Information. A complete 45 description of the parameters used in these calculations is listed in Table S1. 46 47 1.5 Sampling and desorption of needle traps 48 For indoor air sampling and verification of concentrations in the exposure chamber, the NTD was 49 connected to the sampling pump while a volume of the gaseous sample was pumped at a flow rate 50 of 5 mL min-1. After sampling, the NTD was connected to a 1 mL gas-tight syringe filled with 51 helium, and introduced into a GC injector for desorption. Helium was consistently pushed out to 52 assist desorption throughout the whole desorption period. For NTDs packed with DVB/Car, the 53 needle was injected into the hot GC injector at a temperature of 260 °C for 1 min, assisted by 0.3 54 mL of helium 5,6. 55 56 2. Section 2- SPME diffusion based calibration approach 57 Significant research with SPME has focused on applications for air sampling and analysis. The 58 theory behind equilibrium and non-equilibrium extractions for liquid coatings is well understood 59 and described in the literature. Despite the sensitivity of solid coatings for the extraction of VOCs 60 being higher when compared to PDMS, competitive adsorption and displacement effects make 61 mass calibration and quantification particularly challenging. In order to solve this issue, Koziel et 62 al. 63 critical restrictions: short sampling times and non-equilibrium conditions. Following these rules, 64 the effects of competitive adsorption are diminished, and the coating can be calibrated on the initial 65 linear extraction region. If the concentration of the analyte is assumed to be constant for a very 66 short sampling time, the concentration can be estimated from the following equation: 7,8 proposed an approach that relies on diffusion-controlled extraction. This method has two 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 where n is the mass of extracted analyte in nanograms over sampling time t; Dg is the gas-phase 75 molecular diffusion coefficient (cm2/s); b is the outside radius of the fibre coating (cm); L is the 76 length of the coated rod (cm); δ is the thickness of the boundary layer surrounding the fibre coating 77 (cm); t is the sampling time (s), and Cg is the analyte concentration in bulk air (ng/mL). L and b 78 are constant for each type of fibre coating, and n can be estimated from the detector response. The 79 diffusion coefficients of the analytes can be estimated from physicochemical properties using the 80 method proposed by Fuller, Schettler, and Giddings (FSG)9: πΆπ = π ln((π + πΏ)/π) 2ππ·π πΏπ‘ Equation S1 81 0.001 × π 1.75 1/ππππ + 1/ππππΆ π·π = π ππππ 1/3 + ππππΆ 1/3 2 82 Equation S2 83 84 Where Dg is expressed in cm2/s, T is the absolute temperature (K), Mair and MVOC are molecular 85 weights for air and the VOC of interest, p is the absolute pressure (atm), and Vair and VVOC are the 86 molar volumes of air and the VOC of interest (cm3/mol). Additionally, based on Koziel and 87 collaborators, the effective thickness of the boundary layer can be estimated using the following 88 equation: 89 90 πΏ = 9.52 (π/π π 0.62 ππ 0.38 ) Equation S3 33 91 Where Re is the Reynolds number, Re = 2ub/v, u is the linear air velocity (cm/s), v is the kinematic 92 viscosity for air (cm2/s), Sc is the Schmidt number, and Sc = v/Dg. Particular attention should be 93 paid to control convection conditions during extraction in order to maintain a constant boundary 94 layer, and hence avoid variations in the extracted amounts of analyte. In addition, by using forced 95 air, the sensitivity of the solid coatings is enhanced. In order to facilitate control of convection 96 conditions, Augusto et al. designed a Portable Dynamic Air Sampler (PDAS) for SPME. Figure 97 S7 presents the schematic of the device built using a hair-dryer. This instrument was modified to 98 revert the air flow direction and to disable the internal heating coil. When compared to standard 99 methodologies, the authors demonstrated that a 30 s sampling time using PDAS-SPME allowed 100 measurement of VOC concentrations that were not detected by the NIOSH standard method, even 101 after several hours of extraction using expensive and non-reusable materials. It should be also 102 emphasized that short sampling times are important so that the effect of relative humidity on the 103 adsorption of VOCs on the solid coatings is minimized. Indeed, to obtain accurate and precise 104 concentrations, the sampling time should be properly measured. One interesting advantage of this 105 method is that external calibration is not needed since sampling conditions and constants are 106 known. Also, since the method depends on the dimensional parameters of the fibres, its dimensions 107 and integrity should be checked prior to sampling. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Supplementary Figures 122 Lexan™ case 124 123 Glass bulb Septa e 125 FFA device 126 d Heating tape a Insulation c 127 b Standard gas Heat control Upper view 128 Front view 129 130 131 Figure S1 Glass container for live plants BVOC extraction: 1, silanized glass cylindrical body 132 (120 mm x 60 mm); 2, silanized glass lid; 3, sampling holes topped with Thermogreen LB-2 septa; 133 4, thermocouple; 5, SPME-FFA 65μm DVB/PDMS; 6, microfan (40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm); and 134 7, Teflon tape seal 10. 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 35.0 143 144 Amount extracted (ng) 30.0 145 25.0 146 20.0 147 15.0 148 10.0 5.0 149 0.0 150 Benzene Toluene FB FF FL o-Xylene FM FV 151 152 Figure S2 Amount extracted of BTX in nanograms using passive sampling with 5 different 153 Car/PDMS fibres (n=5). Samples were taken from a standard gas generator using SPME in passive 154 sampling mode (Z=0.2 cm, t = 15 minutes). 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 1.0 FL 166 FM 167 0.5 FB 169 170 171 Factor 2: 23.62% 168 0.0 -0.5 172 173 174 FF FV -1.0 -2 -1 0 1 2 Factor 1: 76.32% 175 176 Figure S3 Principal component analyses of 5 Car/PDMS SPME-FFA fibres. Samples were taken 177 from a standard gas generator using SPME in passive sampling mode (Z=0.2 cm, t = 15 minutes). 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 Figure S4 Schematic drawing of the Diffusive Sampling Fibre Holder (DFH). 204 Concentration of Toluene (ng/mL) 1.8 205 206 207 208 209 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 210 0.0 Day 3 211 Day 2 AVG-TWA Day 1 DFH 212 Figure S5 Evaluation of the diffusive fibre holder (DFH) versus conventional FFA-SPME devices 213 using 85μm Car/PDMS (Z=0.147 cm, t = 8 hours). AVG-TWA is the mean toluene concentration 214 value obtained with two fibres without holder. DFH is the value obtained using a single FFA device 215 placed on the DFH. 216 218 219 220 221 222 Percentage of BTX left on the fibre (%) 217 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 Benzene 223 Toluene 0h Ethylbenzene 12h 224 Figure S6 Evaluation of the storage stability up to 12 hours of the diffusive fibre holder (DFH) 225 using 85 μm Car/PDMS (Z=0.147 cm, t = 8 hours, n=5). 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 Figure S7 Schematic of the portable dynamic air sampling device for SPME developed by 235 Augusto et al. Image was taken with permission from reference 7. 236 237 238 239 Supplementary tables 240 Table S1 Latin-square design used for the evaluation of 5 different 85 μm CAR/PDMS fibres. 241 Positions on the MFX tray and the sampling chamber were both randomized. F#Xx, where # is the 242 number of the fibre, X is the position on the chamber, and x is the position on the MFX tray. a, 243 position 1; b, position 5; c, position 21; d, position, 25, and e, position 13. 244 245 246 247 248 Replicate 1 2 3 3 5 F1Aa F2Ab F3Ac F4Ad F5Ae Fibre Position (F#Xx) F5Bd F4Cd F3De F1Be F5Cc F4Da F2Ba F1Cd F5Db F3Bd F2Ce F1Dc F4Bc F3Ca F2Dd F2Ec F3Ed F4Ee F5Ea F1Eb 249 Table S2 Experimental parameters used to determine the concentration of toluene in indoor air in 250 a polymer synthesis laboratory using SPME diffusion-based calibration. Parameters/Day time (h) 10:30 11:45 15:30 16:35 Units Concentration 1.62 0.21 0.14 0.10 ng/mL 37 5 3 2 ng Temperature 295.6 295.6 295.3 295.2 K Diffusion coefficient (Dg) 0.0793 0.0793 0.0791 0.0791 cm2/s Boundary layer thickness 0.0135 0.0135 0.0135 0.0135 cm Reynolds number 28.339 28.339 28.391 28.407 - Air kinematic viscosity (v) 0.1535 0.1535 0.1532 0.1531 cm2/s Schmidt number 1.937 1.937 1.937 1.937 - Amount extracted Fibre radio (b) 0.0145 cm Fibre length (L) 1 cm Sampling time (t) 30 s Pressure (P) 1 atm Mass air 28.97 g/mol Volume air 20.1 cm3/mol Mr 0.045 mol/g Mass toluene 92.14 g/mol Volume toluene 111.14 cm3/mol 150 cm/s Linear velocity of the air (u) 251 252 References 253 254 (1) Reyes-Garcés, N.; Gómez-Ríos, G. A.; Souza Silva, E. A.; Pawliszyn, J. J. Chromatogr. A 2013, 1300, 193–198. 255 256 (2) Asl-Hariri, S.; Gómez-Ríos, G. A.; Gionfriddo, E.; Dawes, P.; Pawliszyn, J. Anal. Chem. 2014, 86 (12), 5889–5897. 257 (3) Warren, J. M.; Pawliszyn, J. J. Chromatogr. 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