CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 Ted Schroder, Pentecost, May 24, 2015 Fifty days after Passover, on the feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came in power upon the apostles and the Christian church exploded. About three thousand people were baptized on that day. What did these three thousand do that changed their lives? St. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 8:5 that they first gave themselves to the Lord and then they gave themselves to the apostolic community: “They gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will.” What does this mean to us today? Let us look at these two acts of giving to see what they can teach us about God’s will for our lives. First they gave themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ. They gave their heart and soul by faith to follow Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life. This was a serious step to take. They were identifying themselves with one who was regarded as a trouble-maker, who had been executed by the Romans, and yet could not be silenced but was proclaimed as the conqueror of death and the Savior of the world. To give yourself to the Lord was a costly decision. It may have resulted in your being cast out of your family or regarded as suspect in your community. It would be like becoming a Christian in a Muslim culture today. You would be exposing yourself to danger. It took courage and determination to give yourself to the Lord. It would be willing to pay a price for becoming a Christian. This is a far cry from the easy believism of being a Christian in our culture. It does not require much for us to profess faith in Christ in our neighborhoods. Nobody cares what we do with our Sunday mornings as long as it does not infringe upon their freedom to do what they want to do. Christian faith is met with indifference rather than hostility. We are more likely to be mocked or patronized than persecuted. Nevertheless a recent Pew Research Poll shows that Americans whose Christianity is nominal – in name only – are now saying that they have no religion. Members of mainline Protestant denominations are declining precipitously. The cultural cost of calling yourself “Christian” is starting to outweigh the cultural benefit, so many are dropping it. Those with low levels of religious commitment are now more likely to identify as religiously unaffiliated. These early Christian gave themselves willingly to the Lord. They understood what was involved when they submitted themselves to being baptized. They believed what Peter proclaimed about Jesus – that he was both Lord and Christ. They wanted to receive the forgiveness of their sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. They were prepared to die to sin and to begin a new life in Christ. They wanted to leave the old self-centered life behind and to become a new creation in Christ. They knew that it was all or nothing. They were all in for Christ. They wanted to become a temple of the Holy Spirit. They didn’t give part of themselves to the Lord and kept part for the world, the flesh and the devil. They gave all that they knew of themselves to all that they knew of Christ. “They gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.” There are too many people who are members of churches who have not first given themselves to the Lord. Instead they have given themselves to a denomination, or to a tradition, or to the maintenance of their family church buildings. They identify themselves with a place rather than a person. They believe in Churchianity rather than Christianity. They belong to churches for what they can do for them: to provide comfort, to give them a place to feel important, to influence others, to give them respectability. The church to them is a club for their friends, and they resent new people seeking membership. They prefer the few chosen frozen to the multitudes who they do not know or care to know. Their allegiance is to the past rather than to the future. It is to that which gives them status rather than to the needs of those who need Christ. St. Paul reminds us that the church is built on Jesus Christ, and its mission is to reach others for the kingdom of Christ, not to build a mausoleum to ourselves. The church began when 3,000 people, on that Pentecost, gave themselves first to the Lord. Have you done that? Is that your first allegiance – to the Lord? Second, they gave themselves to the apostolic community – the Church of Jesus Christ. When a person comes to Christ in faith, she should seek out a fellowship of believers and give herself to that Body of Christ. She should give herself, all of herself. Not just her presence, or her offering, or her sympathy, or her admiration, but the whole force and weight of her influence, personality and ability. In other words, to identify yourself with your local church, to be added to their number, to become a member of that congregation, of that Christian family. After baptism you are admitted to the family feast – the Lord’s Table – where you enjoy the privilege of communion with Christ and with your brothers and sisters in Christ. You pray for one another, you encourage and support one another. You do not hold yourself aloof from others but aid and comfort one another. You are to “do good to all men, especially unto such as are of the household of faith.” You do your share of church work by volunteering when needed and giving generously to support the ministries. St. Paul writes that this is in keeping with God’s will for his people. But there are some who will say, “Well I have given myself to the Lord, but I do not intend to give myself to the church because ________.” Now, why not? “Because I can be a Christian without it.” But what if it is God’s will for you to be added to the church? Suppose everybody thought as you do, and did as you do? Suppose all who claim to be Christians said, “I shall not join the Church.” There would then be no visible Church. There would be no Baptism or Holy Communion. What is right for one is right for all – why should not all of us do it? Do you really believe that Christians need not join the Church? If by your act you contributed to destroy the visible church of God, would you be as good a Christian as if you did your best to build up the Church? I do not think that you have such a belief. It is only an excuse for something else. If you a rolling-stone Christian, and you go from church to church you are living contrary to the life which Christ would have you live, and you injure the Church. What is your reason for not joining and participating in the life of the Church? Is it because you feel that it will be too much of a commitment? But are you not meant to be committed to the body of Christ? Is it because you think that the Church is so imperfect and you have been disappointed in other churches you have been part of? Are you then claiming to be perfect yourself? Then you will have to wait until you go to Heaven before you join the Church, for you are not fit to join in on earth. Is it because you see so much that is wrong with Christians? Does that mean that there is nothing wrong in yourself? The Church is a hospital and school for sinners. We are here because we know that we need to be forgiven and to grow in grace. Is it because you think that the church is full of hypocrites? What about you? Is it hard for you to join in the prayer of confession which we say every Sunday? Would hypocrites confess their sins publicly? Yes, the church has its share of hypocrites. There are church leaders and pastors who have feet of clay and who make mistakes and say the wrong thing and hurt others. James warns that teachers will be judged more strictly. “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man” (James 3:2). We are all sinners in need of a Savior. That is why we give ourselves first to the Lord and then to the apostolic community of the Church. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, and the need to belong to the Church. That is in keeping with God’s will. Join the army of Christ. Enlist in his cause. “Stand up, stand up for Jesus, you soldiers of the Cross.” Fly His flag. (With acknowledgements to C.H. Spurgeon, October 24, 1869, Sermon #341. Subscribe to Ted’s blog at It will be sent to your email at no charge.)