Pomborneit North NCR Management Statement 2005

Pomborneit North
Nature Conservation Reserve
Management Statement
Land Stewardship & Biodiversity
Department of Sustainability and Environment
May 2005
This Management Statement has been written by Hugh Robertson and James
Fitzsimons and for the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria.
This Statement fulfils obligations by the State of Victoria to the Commonwealth of
Australia, which provided financial assistance for the purchase of this reserve under
the National Reserve System program of the Natural Heritage Trust.
©The State of Victoria Department of Sustainability and Environment 2005
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in
accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
ISBN 1 74152 139 4
This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its
employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is
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for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any
information in this publication.
Stony Rises Woodland including remnants of a stone wall, Pomborneit North Nature
Conservation Reserve (Photo: James Fitzsimons).
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
This Management Statement for the Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
outlines the reserve’s natural values and the directions for its management in the
short to long term.
The overall operational management objective is:
Maintain, and enhance where required, the condition of the reserve while allowing
natural processes of regeneration, disturbance and succession to occur and actively
initiating these processes where required.
Background and Context
Reason for purchase
Since the implementation of the National Reserve System Program (NRS) in 1992, all
Australian states and territories have been working toward the development of a
comprehensive, adequate and representative (CAR) system of protected areas.
In a systematic process to increase the reservation levels of Victoria’s most
threatened ecosystems, particularly native grasslands and grassy woodlands, the
Department of Sustainability and Environment’s conservation land purchase
program aims to acquire areas of private land containing high quality samples of
such ecosystems for addition to the reserve system.
A strategic assessment of high quality sites containing threatened ecosystems on the
Victorian Volcanic Plain Bioregion was completed in 1999 (Ross 1999). Stony Rises
Woodlands in the Bungador and Pomborneit North areas were identified as being of
particular conservation significance. Pomborneit North Stony Rises Woodlands were
purchased due to their large area and good condition.
The purchase was assisted with funding from the National Reserve System Program
of the Commonwealth Government’s Natural Heritage Trust (Project No. N445).
The Pomborneit North Stony Rises Woodlands fall within the Victorian Volcanic
Plain IBRA 5.1 bioregion (Environment Australia 2000) and the Corangamite West
Local Landscape Zone (Ross et al. 2003).
The Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve (Pomborneit North NCR) of
56.22 ha is located off Pomborneit-Foxhow Road on the western shore of Lake
Corangamite, 5 km northeast of Pomborneit North (Figure 1). It consists of: Crown
Allotment 50, Parish of Purrumbete North. Purchase of the Pomborneit North
property was completed on 17 May 2002. The land was transferred to the Crown on
3 June 2002 and assigned to Parks Victoria for management on 20 October 2003.
Reservation Status
The Pomborneit North NCR is temporarily reserved for the “preservation of an area
of ecological significance” under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 and managed as
a Nature Conservation Reserve.
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
The generic management objectives for Nature Conservation Reserves as defined by Parks
Victoria (2003) are:
Nature conservation reserves a) conserve and protect species, communities and
habitats of indigenous plants, animals and other organisms; b) provide for research
and study of the natural environment of the reserve where this is consistent with a)
and there is minimal impact on the reserve; c) provide opportunities for appropriate
enjoyment and recreation and education by the public where this does not conflict
with a); d) protect Aboriginal cultural sites and places; and e) protect historic features
in specific reserves where noted.
Nature Conservation Reserves are consistent with IUCN Protected Area Category Ia:
Strict Nature Reserve (NRE 1996).
The adjoining Lake Corangamite was recommended as a Lake Reserve (N33) by the
LCC (1978). The LCC (1978) recommended that Lake Reserves be used for recreation,
wildlife conservation, scientific study, water supply, drainage, and low-intensity
grazing according to their particular capabilities. Lake Corangamite in also part of
the Western District Lakes Ramsar site (NRE 2002).
As the purchased land was originally freehold, no Land Conservation Council
(LCC), Environment Conservation Council (ECC) or Victorian Environmental
Assessment Council (VEAC) recommendations apply.
The Crown Land (Reserves) (Nature Conservation Reserve) Regulations 2004 regulates
activities in this reserve.
Natural Values and Condition
Refer to Figure 2 for the location of threatened species recorded in the Atlas of
Victorian Wildlife and the Flora Information System1.
Vegetation Types
Stony Rises Woodland is the main Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC) represented in
the reserve2 (Figures 2 & 3). Stony Rises Woodland is considered vulnerable in the
Victorian Volcanic Plains bioregion (Taylor et al. 2003) and the Pomborneit North
NCR protects part of one of the largest areas of this EVC remaining (Ross 1999). Only
around 18% (19,461 ha) of the original extent of this community remains in the
Victorian Volcanic Plain bioregion (Taylor et al. 2003). While over 8,000 ha of Stony
Rise Woodland are protected in reserves, almost all of this occurs in the Mount
Eccles and Mount Napier National Parks in the west of the bioregion.
Note this does not necessarily represent records for all threatened species on the reserve. Only those
recorded in the DSE flora and fauna databases are displayed.
2 Stony Rises Woodland was formerly known as Stony Rises Herb-rich Woodland. Note that as of
November 2004, >90% of the total area of Pomborneit North NCR had been mapped as Stony Rises
Woodland EVC within the EVC_CMP100 geospatial data layer.
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
Other vegetation communities occur in Pomborneit North NCR where it adjoins
Lake Corangamite, including freshwater wetlands and saltmarsh. The freshwater
wetlands receive water from freshwater springs that percolate through the basalt
rock. The wetlands provide freshwater refuge areas supporting aquatic vegetation
that do not exist within Lake Corangamite due to its naturally high saline levels
(Smith pers. comm. 2001).
Ecological Management of Stony Rises Woodland and other vegetation types
The Stony Rises Woodland in Pomborneit North NCR is in a predominantly
undisturbed condition. Although the understorey vegetation supports a few
introduced herbs and grasses they do not pose a significant risk to the conservation
values of the woodland.
Wetlands and saltmarsh in Pomborneit North NCR are also in good condition but
are susceptible to degradation from stock accessing the reserve along the shores of
Lake Corangamite, as well as human access via the lake. Altered water regimes and
the establishment of aquatic pest plants may also impact on wetlands and saltmarsh.
Historically, the property has not been used for stock grazing, although some cattle
may illegally access the reserve from the margins of Lake Corangamite. Grazing is
not recommended for management of Pomborneit North NCR because stock would
damage the vegetation.
Management objectives and targets (short-long term)
- Monitor the condition of the Stony Rises Woodland and other vegetation
communities in Pomborneit North NCR. If required, investigate management
options to maintain the condition, species diversity and the structural
heterogeneity of the vegetation.
- Investigate options to exclude stock access to wetland and saltmarsh areas of
Pomborneit North NCR.
- Encourage ongoing research by universities and other scientific institutions into
optimal management techniques for maintaining and enhancing Stony Rises
Woodland biodiversity.
Stony Rises Woodland in Pomborneit North NCR is dominated by Manna Gum
Eucalyptus viminalis in association with Blackwood Acacia melanoxylon and
Lightwood Acacia implexa. The reserve is also likely to contain a number of significant
plant species including the nationally vulnerable3 Spiny Pepper-cress Lepidium
aschersonii, and Button Immortelle Leptorhynchos waitzia and Golden Dodder Cuscuta
tasmanica (both vulnerable in Victoria) (Smith pers. comm. 2001). Wetland and
saltmarsh plants are present in the spring-fed freshwater wetland, and saltmarsh
areas adjoining Lake Corangamite.
Threat status for flora and fauna follows DSE (2003, 2005).
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
Refer to Appendix 1 for flora recorded in Pomborneit North NCR and adjoining
Management objectives and targets (short-medium term)
- Record flora in the Parks Victoria Environmental Information System and the
DSE Flora Information System (FIS), and encourage seasonal survey programs.
Pomborneit North NCR provides diverse habitat for fauna, including large areas of
remnant vegetation, stony barriers, protected bays and freshwater springs. The
adjacent Lake Corangamite is an important site for significant bird species, including
a number of international migratory species (NRE 2002). Pomborneit North NCR
also provides habitat for the nationally endangered Corangamite Water Skink
(Intermediate form) Eulamprus tympanum marnieae that has been observed at a
number of sites close to the reserve (Figure 2). The major threats to the Corangamite
Water Skink are habitat loss and fragmentation, degradation of remaining habitat
(e.g. through weed invasion) and threats associated with introduction of pest
animals, including predation (Robertson 1998).
Refer to Appendix 2 for fauna records from Pomborneit North NCR and adjoining
Management objectives and targets (short-medium term)
- Record fauna in the Parks Victoria Environmental Information System and the
Atlas of Victorian Wildlife, and encourage seasonal survey programs.
Three Biosites are recorded near to Pomborneit North NCR, these are:
- Site # 556 ‘Pomborneit North’ (Located approximately 1 km southwest of
Pomborneit North NCR in the same stand of Stony Rises Woodland)
- Site # 4277 ‘McGarvie’ (Located approximately 1 km southwest of Pomborneit
North NCR in the same stand of Stony Rises Woodland)
- Site # 507 ‘Carter Swamp’ (Located at Purrumbette North Lake Reserve
approximately 2.7 km west of Pomborneit North NCR)
Refer to Appendix 3 for further details.
Landscape context
Pomborneit North NCR represents one of the largest Stony Rises Woodland
(including wetland and saltmarsh habitat) sites reserved for conservation in the east
of the Victorian Volcanic Plain (smaller occurrences are found within the Floating
Islands Flora and Fauna Reserve and Bungador Stony Rises NCR). The surrounding
landscape is characterised by undulating stony rises, small freshwater and saline
wetlands, a number of which are included in the Western District Lakes Ramsar site
‘Biosites’ are sites of biological conservation significance and their location and details are maintained
on a register by the Department of Sustainability and Environment.
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
(NRE 2002). Pomborneit North NCR is bordered by the Lake Corangamite Lake
Reserve to the east, and to the west, north and south by vegetated private land
(Figures 2 & 3). The private land to the west is protected through a conservation
covenant. Unused road reserves border the NCR to the west and north, while a thin
strip of Crown land currently separates the NCR from the Lake Corangamite Lake
Reserve (Figure 1). Due to the rough and inaccessible terrain, landuse is mainly
restricted to vacant blocks with minimal infrastructure.
Other nearby reserves in the region include the Lake Purrumbete Wildlife Reserve
(no hunting), Floating Islands Flora and Fauna Reserve, Bungador Stony Rises
Nature Conservation Reserve, Lake Colongulac Lake Reserve, Lake Kariah Lake
Reserve, Lake Koreetnung Lake Reserve, Lake Weeranganuk Lake Reserve and
Purrumbete North Lake Reserve (Figure 4).
Threatening Processes
Pest plants
Pest plants are not considered a major threat to conservation values of the
Pomborneit North NCR at present as the woodland is in excellent condition and has
few weed species. However, a small population of Pine Pinus spp., and the noxious
weed Ragwort Senecio jacobaea occur in the reserve. Since pest plants have the ability
to alter the structure of the vegetation and pose a threat to species reliant on the
ecosystem, ongoing monitoring of pest plants in Pomborneit North NCR is
recommended, particularly in wetland and saltmarsh areas.
Management objectives and targets (short-long term)
- Monitor the establishment and spread of pest plants in Pomborneit North NCR
and, if required, control using appropriate management regimes and encourage
the establishment of native plant species in their place.
- Remove the population of Pine occurring in Pomborneit North NCR and monitor
Pest animals
Foxes are present throughout the district, but the impact of predation on native
fauna in the reserve is unknown. However, they may pose a significant threat to
small mammals, ground nesting or feeding birds, and reptiles, including the
Corangamite Water Skink (Robertson 1998). Rabbits are likely to be present in
Pomborneit North NCR but their impact in the reserve is undetermined.
Management objectives and targets (short-long term)
- Control foxes to maintain habitat values of the reserve for small mammals,
reptiles and other ground-dwelling fauna.
- Maintain rabbit numbers at less than 5 per spotlight km.
Other threats
Rock removal and firewood collection pose threats to the conservation and
indigenous values of Pomborneit North NCR. The removal of rocks and standing
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
and fallen timber can significantly alter the structure of the ecosystem and displace
fauna utilising the habitat.
Management objectives and targets (short-medium term)
- Monitor the occurrence of rock removal and firewood collection from
Pomborneit North NCR and establish management actions if considered a threat
to the conservation values of the reserve.
Physical Assets and Boundaries
There is no boundary fencing around the reserve at present and legal boundaries for
the NCR are not clear on the ground due to the nature of the terrain and contiguous
vegetation on surrounding private land. The eastern boundary of Pomborneit North
NCR is the high water mark of Lake Corangamite Lake Reserve. Water levels of the
adjoining Lake Corangamite vary over time, however this does not alter the legal
boundaries between Pomborneit North NCR and the Lake Corangamite Lake
Reserve. At time of site inspection (August 2004) the water’s edge was approximately
50-100m away from the high water mark at Pomborneit North NCR.
Crown land to the north (unused road reserve) and to the east (Crown land frontage)
will both be added to the Pomborneit North NCR to increase the area of protected
habitat and reduce potential management issues (Figure 1).
Management objectives and targets (short-medium term)
- Establish the location of boundaries of Pomborneit North NCR, particularly
along the shore of Lake Corangamite as a basis for enforcement of Regulations.
- Investigate measures to increase the protection of the Lake Corangamite Lake
Reserve shoreline adjacent to the NCR, and ensure consistent management
between the two reserves.
- Investigate the need for the establishment of boundary fences around the
perimeter of the reserve, to protect vegetation from disturbance (e.g. from stock
that enter the reserve).
Heritage Values, Condition and Risk
There are no recorded places of heritage value in Pomborneit North NCR. However,
the potential for sites of heritage value is considered high considering the numerous
stone features in the reserve. Remnants of stone walls and stone fences occur in
Pomborneit North NCR, although the exact location or heritage value of these
features has not been formally documented.
Management objectives and targets (short-medium term)
- If sites of heritage value are identified within the Pomborneit North NCR, assess
their condition and establish management objectives.
Indigenous Values, Condition and Risk
There are no recorded archaeological sites in Pomborneit North NCR. However, the
potential for sites of indigenous value to be present within in Pomborneit North
NCR was considered high following site inspection in August 2004. The remnants of
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
a stone dwelling identified on the shore of the Lake Corangamite adjacent to
Pomborneit North NCR are highly likely to be of indigenous significance (Clarke
pers. comm. 2004). Stone removal and disturbance to the site associated with
activities on Lake Corangamite (e.g. duck hunting) are identified as the main risks to
these features.
Management objectives and targets (short-long term)
- Respect the aspirations and rights of the Kirrae wurrong and Framlingham
Aboriginal Trust in managing the reserve in accordance with relevant legislation
and Parks Victoria’s operational policies.
- Work together with the Kirrae wurrong with Framlingham Aboriginal Trust to
survey Pomborneit North NCR to identify the location of significant indigenous
sites, places and objects.
- If sites, places and objects are identified, assess their condition and seek guidance
from these communities on future management.
- Support the Kirrae wurrong and the Framlingham Aboriginal Trust, through
liason with the committee of management for Lake Corangamite Lake Reserve to
ensure protection of the site identified on the shoreline of the adjacent Lake
Corangamite Lake Reserve.
Visitor Services, Condition and Risk
There is currently no level of visitor services for Pomborneit North NCR (classified as
“Very Basic”). The provisional future level of service will be “Very Basic” (no
facilities). While there is no data available, visitor numbers to the Pomborneit North
NCR are likely to be low (0-5000 p.a.) as the reserve has only been recently
purchased. Access is currently restricted to an unmade Government road reserve off
Pomborneit-Foxhow Road or via Lake Corangamite. Public access via Lake
Corangamite is not recommended because of the soft sediments on the lake edge and
the risk of disturbance to wetland and saltmarsh habitat.
Management objectives and targets (short-long term)
- Retain ‘Very Basic’ level of service; i.e. do not provide built facilities or access
roads accessible by the general public.
- Maintain existing internal Management Vehicle Only (MVO) tracks where
required. These MVO tracks will not be accessible for public vehicular access.
- Investigate management options to restrict public access to the reserve from Lake
Signage: Provide locality signage for the reserve within two years and maintain it.
This Management Statement has been prepared in consultation with Rob Wallis,
John Clarke and Evan McDowell (Parks Victoria).
References and Further Reading
DSE (2003) Advisory List of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria - 2003. Department
of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne.
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
DSE (2005) Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria - 2005. Department of
Sustainability and Environment, East Melbourne.
Environment Australia (2000) Revision of the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation
for Australia (IBRA) and Development of Version 5.1 Summary Report.
Environment Australia, Canberra.
Fitzsimons, J.A., FitzSimons, P. & Ashe, C. (2004) Further strategic additions to
Victoria’s public protected area system: 2002-2004. The Victorian Naturalist 121,
LCC (1978) Corangamite Area Final Recommendations. Land Conservation Council,
NRE (1996) IUCN Categories and Other Key Data for Parks and Conservation Reserves in
Victoria. National Parks and Reserves Branch, National Parks Service,
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne.
NRE (2002) Western District Lakes Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan. Department
of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne.
Parks Victoria (2003) Conservation Reserves Management Strategy. Parks Victoria,
Peterson, G. N. L. (1999) Distribution and conservation status of the Corangamite
Water Skink (Eulamprus tympanum marnieae) on the Victorian Volcanic Plain.
Report to the Research Advisory Group of the Grassy Ecosystem Reference
Group, Parks Victoria, Melbourne. Department of Zoology, La Trobe University,
Bundoora. http://www.deh.gov.au/land/publications/water-skink/
Robertson, P. (1998) Corangamite Water-Skink (Eulamprus tympanum marineae)
Recovery Plan 1998-2003. Biodiversity Group, Environment Australia, Canberra.
Ross, J. (1999) Identification of priority areas for protection and establishment of
protected areas – Victorian Volcanic Plain. Report for Parks, Flora and Fauna,
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Melbourne.
Ross, J., Lowe, K.W., Boyle, C. & Moorrees, A. (2003) Biodiversity Action Planning:
Landscape Plans for Central Zones - Victorian Volcanic Plan
BioregionLandscape Plans for the Eastern zones in the Victorian Volcanic Plain
Bioregion. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne.
Taylor, R., Wierzbowski, P., Lowe, K.W., Ross, J., Moorrees, A. & Ahern, L. (2003)
Biodiversity Action Planning: Strategic Overview for the Victorian Volcanic
Plain Bioregion. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne.
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
Native species
Acacia implexa
Acacia melanoxylon
Acaena novae-zelandiae
Carex appressa
Crassula helmsii
Eucalyptus ovata
Eucalyptus viminalis
Galium spp.
Geranium sp. 4
Tall Sedge
Swamp Crassula
Swamp Gum
Manna Gum
Rough Cranesbill
Hydrocotyle hirta
Hairy Pennywort
Juncus spp.
Lachnagrostis billardierei s.l.
Lachnagrostis filiformis
Lindsaea linearis
Lobelia anceps
Melicytus dentatus s.l.
Mentha australis
Oxalis corniculata s.l.
Parietaria debilis s.l.
Poa labillardierei var. labillardierei
Rubus parvifolius
Senecio pinnatifolius
Stellaria pungens
Coast Blown-grass
Common Blown-grass
Screw Fern
Angled Lobelia
Tree Violet
River Mint
Yellow Wood-sorrel
Shade Pellitory
Common Tussock-grass
Small-leaf Bramble
Variable Groundsel
Prickly Starwort
Introduced species
Acetosella vulgaris
Aira spp.
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Avena barbata
Bromus diandrus
Bromus hordeaceus subsp. hordeaceus
Cirsium arvense
Cynosurus echinatus
Galium aparine
Holcus lanatus
Hordeum murinum s.l.
Hypochoeris radicata
Lolium perenne
Medicago sativa subsp. sativa
Pinus spp.
Ranunculus muricatus
Senecio jacobaea
Solanum nigrum sensu Willis (1972)
Sheep Sorrel
Hair Grass
Sweet Vernal-grass
Bearded Oat
Great Brome
Soft Brome
Perennial Thistle
Rough Dog's-tail
Yorkshire Fog
Cat's Ear
Perennial Rye-grass
Sharp Buttercup
Black Nightshade
Common Name
Vic Status
Appendix 1. Provisional list of vascular flora recorded at Pomborneit North Nature
Conservation Reserve and adjoining areas.
Sonchus oleraceus
Trifolium dubium
Trifolium fragiferum var. fragiferum
Trifolium repens var. repens
Trifolium spp.
Vicia sativa
Vulpia bromoides
Vulpia muralis
Vulpia myuros
Common Sow-thistle
Suckling Clover
Strawberry Clover
White Clover
Common Vetch
Squirrel-tail Fescue
Wall Fescue
Rat's-tail Fescue
Total no. Native spp.
Total no. Introduced spp.
Total no. spp.
Threat status follows DSE (2005).
1 - Incidental flora observations at Pomborneit North NCR. Observers: I. Smith, NRE (Smith pers.
comm. 2001); H. Robertson, DSE (August 2004)
2 - Victorian Flora Site Database Ref: M00551, Date: 18 December 1997. Site located 1 km north of
Pomborneit North NCR near the edge of Lake Corangamite
Common Name
Vic Status
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
Appendix 2. Provisional list of fauna recorded at Pomborneit North Nature
Conservation Reserve and adjoining areas.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Black Rock Skink
Corangamite Water Skink
Eastern Three Lined Skink
Australian Shelduck
Chestnut Teal
Fan-tailed Cuckoo
Little Raven
Masked Lapwing
Musk Duck
Silver Gull
Straw-necked Ibis
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Welcome Swallow
White-faced Heron
White-fronted Chat
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Egernia saxatilis intermedia
Eulamprus tympanum marnieae
Bassiana duperreyi
Tadorna tadornoides
Anas castanea
Cacomantis flabelliormis
Corvus mellori
Vanellus miles
Biziura lobata
Larus novaehollandiae
Threskiornis spinicollis
Cacatua galerita
Hirundo neoxena
Egretta novaehollandiae
Epthianura albifrons
Lichenostomus chrysops
Introduced Species
European Goldfinch
Carduelis carduelis
Indigenous Species
Key: c (critically endangered in Victoria), v (vulnerable in Victoria), v (near threatened in Victoria), L
(listed as threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988), E (nationally endangered). Threat
status follows DSE (2003).
1 - Pomborneit North NCR site inspection 27 August 2004. Observer: J. Fitzsimons, DSE.
2 - Victorian Fauna Site Database (VFD) Ref: A0089695, Date: 9 November 1997
3 - Victorian Fauna Site Database Ref: A0089684, Date: 13 October 1997
4 - Victorian Fauna Site Database Ref: A0089696, Date: 9 November 1997
5 - Victorian Fauna Site Database Ref: A0089683, Date: 13 October 1997
6 - Victorian Fauna Site Database Ref: A1713028, Date: 15 January 1991
All VFD sites located within 1.5 km of Pomborneit North NCR
Pomborneit North Nature Conservation Reserve
Appendix 3. Biosites listed as occurring within or nearby the Pomborneit North
Nature Conservation Reserve (Database accessed on 16 August 2004).
Site # 556 ‘Pomborneit North’ (Located approximately 1 km southwest of the reserve
in the same stand of Stony Rises Woodland (Figure 2))
 Significance Level: State
 Last Update: 18/08/1998; Date Created: 24/04/1998; Created by: SM01, Colac,
South West, Old ID: 04A0221
 Bioregion: Victorian Volcanic Plain
 Habitat: Remnant Herb-Rich Woodland
 Map References: Western side of Lake Corangamite, opposite Wool Wool and
Herring Point.
 Boundary Derivation: Site Register map (small scale 1:50 000 to 1:100 000)
 Longitude: 38° 14' 56", Latitude 143° 19' 53 "
 Other Assets: Rare or threatened species or community (not FFG listed), High
Site # 4277 ‘McGarvie (Grass VVP192)’ (Located approximately 1 km southwest of
the reserve in the same stand of Stony Rises Woodland (Figure 2))
 Significance Level: Yet to be determined
 Bioregion: Victorian Volcanic Plain
 Habitat: Stony Rise Woodland covenant
 Boundary Derivation: Site boundary not mapped on DSE GIS.
 Area (Ha): 29
 Longitude: 38° 14' 49", Latitude 143° 19' 32 "
 Floristic Community: Unclassified vegetation (583)
 EVC Description: Unclassified vegetation (324)
Site # 507 ‘Carter Swamp’ (Located approximately 2.7 km west of the reserve at
Purrumbete North Lake Reserve)
 Significance Level: State
 Last Update: 22/07/1999; Date Created: 1/05/1998; Created by: SM01, Colac, South
West: Old ID: 04A0172
 Bioregion: Victorian Volcanic Plain
 Habitat: Deep freshwater marsh (26 ha)
 Map References: 3-4 km west of Lake Corangamite, 4.5 km south of Lake
 Boundary Derivation: Site Register map (small scale 1:50 000 to 1:100 000)
 Longitude: 38° 14' 32", Latitude: 143° 18' 09"
 Species Asset: Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata
 Other Assets: Rare or threatened species or community (not FFG listed); High
Figure 1. Pomborneit North Nature Conservation
Reserve - Location, Boundaries and Access
Purrumbete North
Lake Reserve
Pomborneit North NCR
Unused road reserves - proposed addition to NCR
Adjoining parcel - proposed addition to NCR
Access road (approximate location)
Roads (1:25,000)
Major road sealed
Major road unsealed
Vehicular track
December 2004.
Base Data from DSE GIS Corporate Library
© Department of Sustainability and Environment
The State of Victoria, 2004.
This map is made using the best available information.
The creators of this map do not warrant that it is free
of error and do not accept liability for loss arising
from use of this product beyond its original purpose.
0.25 Kilometres
Figure 2. Pomborneit North Nature Conservation
Reserve - Threatened Species, Biosites
and Ecological Vegetation Classes
Corangamite Water
Corangamite Water
Water Skink
Pomborneit North NCR
Threatened flora and fauna
● Musk Duck
Corangamite Water Skink
Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC)
(203) Stony Rises Herb-rich W oodland
(647) Plains Sedgy Wetland
(997) Private Land No Tree Cover
(991) Water Body - Salt
■ Biosite # 4277
December 2004
Base Data from DSE GIS Corporate Library
© Department of Sustainability and Environment
The State of Victoria, 2004.
This map is made using the best available information.
The creators of this map do not warrant that it is free
of error and do not accept liability for loss arising
from use of this product beyond its original purpose.
0.25 Kilometres
Biosite # 556
Figure 3.
Pomborneit North Nature
Conservation Reserve Aerial photograph
Including approximate boundary of
Pomborneit North NCR. Extant Stony
Rises Woodland and Lake Corangamite
also pictured.
Round Lake Wildlife
Reserve (no hunting)
Figure 4. Pomborneit North Nature Conservation
Reserve - Landscape Context
Lake Terangpom Wildlife
Reserve (no hunting)
Lake Colongulac
Lake Reserve
Lake Kariah
Lake Reserve
Lake Weeranganuk
Lake Reserve
Lake Koreetnung
Lake Reserve
Lake Corangamite
Lake Reserve
Parks and Reserves
Nature Conservation Reserve
Natural Features Reserve
Pomborneit North Nature
Conservation Reserve
Western District Lakes Ramsar Site
Roads (1:100,000)
Major road sealed
Purrumbette North
Lake Reserve
Vehicular track
Minor road sealed
Minor road unsealed
Lake Purrumbete Wildlife
Reserve (no hunting)
Floating Islands Flora
and Fauna Reserve
December 2004
Base Data from DSE GIS Corporate Library
© Department of Sustainability and Environment
The State of Victoria, 2004.
This map is made using the best available information.
The creators of this map do not warrant that it is free
of error and do not accept liability for loss arising
from use of this product beyond its original purpose.
2 Kilometres