Judge – Helen Smith,Halifax,NS
Light Horse Committee:
Chair - Phil Milo, Secretary - Liz Milo, Cheryl Baxter, Scott Baxter, Gary Cole, Karen Giffen-Balcom,
Mary Jopling, Lisa MacDonald, Julie Morley, Clint Lewis, Joey Lewis, Nancy Tracey, Lisa Barteaux,
Alex Beaton, Steven Barteaux, Susan Judge, , Alissa Cue
Proof of $1,000,000.00 insurance to be attached to entry form.
The Committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries.
Please report to Exhibition Office before stabling.
No re-arranging stalls.
Stalls must be cleaned after last class so they are ready for the next exhibitor.
To obtain stabling for week exhibitor must show in 2 or more classes.
Due to limited stabling, no entries will be accepted after stalls are full.
Health of Animals - It is advised that all entries should have been immunized against equine influenza and rhino within one year. It
is suggested that this should have been done at least one month before the show in case of any reaction. Any animal which appears,
in the opinion of the Exhibition Veterinarian, to be ill will be asked to leave the grounds.
It is also advised that all entries be Coggins tested within the previous six months.
Refunds - Veterinarian certificate for horse; Doctor certificate for rider, for refund of entry fee within 2 weeks of show.
Class Times - Owing to the length of the Horse Show Program no delays will be tolerated. All entries must enter the ring
immediately when a class is called. When the gate is closed, no further entries will be admitted.
Vehicle Entry - All vehicles and trailers must entry through the West Gate unless other arrangements have been made with the
exhibition manager.
Horse Trailers - There will be no parking of livestock trailers on the Exhibition Grounds.
Reserved parking for livestock trailers in parking lot.
Bedding - Exhibitors must bring own.
Cross-entering - No cross -entering of horse into pony or pony into horse classes.
Cross-tying - No cross-tying of any animal in the barns.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Judge-Helen Smith,Halifax,NS
Entry Fee - 5.00/class 10.00/horse
Prize Money - 1st - 4th 25.00 20.00 15.00 12.00
Point Systems
High points are determined by the following point system:
1st - 7 2nd - 5 3rd - 4 4th - 3 5th - 2 6th - 1
In the event of a tie for high points, the exhibitor with the most 1 st ribbons will win.
If there is still a tie, 2nd place ribbons will determine the champion.
A competitor, horse/rider combination, will qualify only once per class.
In the event a western horse is five years of age or younger and is shown with a snaffle bit or hackamore.
It is legal for a rider to show with two hands on the reins.
Champion High Pt Western Division Prize Money 1st 100.00
Champion High Pt Western Division - $100.00 Gift Certificate
Champion High Pt Western Division Cooler
2nd 60.00
3rd 40.00
1. High Pt Western Division Pleasure Horse - Horses must work both ways of ring at all three gaits to demonstrate their ability with
different leads. At the option of the judge, horses may be asked to extend the walk, jog or lope, one or both ways of the ring. Judge
may ask all or just the top 12 horses to extend at the jog, however, never more than the top 12 horses may be asked to extend at
the lope. Riders should sit at the extended jog. Horses are required to back easily and stand quietly.
2. High Pt Western Division Trail Horse - Time allowed on the course will be assigned by the judge. Elimination, if 3 disobediences.
Pattern to be posted at least 1 hour prior to class. Judged 100% on manner or performance of horse over obstacle, response to rider,
intelligence and manner of travel at the walk, jog and lope. The gaits should be performed as the horse moves from one obstacle to
the next giving the judge an opportunity to evaluate all three gaits somewhere within the course. Credit will be given to those
horses negotiating the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, providing carefulness is not sacrificed.
3. High Pt Division Western Riding Horse - Riders will be required to perform a pattern (pattern to be posted at least one hour prior
to class). Pattern will consist of a gate to negotiate, a set distance to walk and jog, with the remainder of the pattern to be
performed at the lope with flying lead changes, a halt and a rein back. Horse will be judged on quality of gaits, change of leads,
response to the rider, manners, disposition and intelligence.
4. High Pt Division Western Command Horse - Suggested commands: stop, lope, jog, reverse. Entries are eliminated, one at a time
at the judge’s discretion, as commands are not executed correctly.
5. High Pt Division Western Horse Equitation - (ribbons only) Riders will be judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show horse.
Only one hand is to be used for reining and hand not to change. (In the event a horse is five years of age or younger and is shown
with a snaffle bit or hackamore, it is legal for a rider to show with two hands on the reins.) Clothing must be neat, clean and
appropriate to the western style of riding. Chaps are optional. Western tack must be used. Horse may be asked to walk, jog and
lope both ways of ring, rein back and upon the discretion of the judge, be asked to perform a pattern.
(18 yrs & under as of Jan 1st 2013)
Prize Money - 1st - 20.00 2nd - 15.00 3rd - 12.00 4th - 10.00
6. Junior Western Equitation - (ribbons only) Riders will be judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show horse. Only one hand
is to be used for reining and hand not to change. (In the event a horse is five years of age or younger and is shown with a snaffle bit
or hackamore, it is legal for a rider to show with two hands on the reins.) Clothing must be neat, clean and appropriate to the
western style of riding. Chaps are optional. Western tack must be used. Horse may be asked to walk, jog and lope both ways of
ring, rein back and upon the discretion of the judge, be asked to perform a pattern.
7. Junior Western Pleasure Horse - Shown at a walk, jog and lope with a reasonably loose rein without undue restraint. Must work
both ways of the ring at all three gait to demonstrate ability at different leads. May be asked to extend the jog only. Required to
back easily and stand quiet. To reverse to the inside (away from rail). May be asked to reverse at the walk or jog, but not the lope.
Western tack and western cloths to be used.
8. Junior Western Pleasure Pony - (same as Class 7)
(Non EC Show - run on EC Guidelines)
Western Judge-Helen Smith,Halifax,NS
English Judge-Janice Keith,Brooklyn,Hants Co,NS
Horse/Pony Fee 10.00
Regular Class Fee - 5.00/class
Stake & Versatility Class Fee 15.00/class
43. Maiden Pleasure Horse
Prize Money - 1st - 20.00 2nd - 15.00 3rd - 12.00 4th - 10.00
Open to horse which have never won a 1st place ribbon in competitions up to closing date of entries, judged on manners,
performance and quality, class may be divided English and Western if enough entries permit.
44. Maritime Bred Horse (Western or English)
Prize Money - 1st - $20.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $12.00 4th - $10.00
Open to horses whose sire and dam at the time of its conception stood in either NS, NB, PEI or NF. Judged 40% performance at
walk, trot and canter. Horses stripped and judged 60% on conformation and best of type. Owners of horses entered in this class will
furnish either certificate issued by the NSEF or a statement from the breed (dam owner) naming sire, location of breeding, date of
breeding as well as date of foaling and description.
45. Over 35 Pleasure (English & Western)
Prize Money - 1st - 20.00 2nd - 15.00 3rd - 12.00 4th - 10.00
Open to riders over 35 years.
Open to horses and ponies suitable for and used as pleasure mounts, judged on manners, quality and performance.
46. Lead Line - Ribbons only
Western or English, ridden by a child 8 years & under and led by an adult. To walk and trot. Competitors in this class not eligible for
any other class.
47. Walk Trot - Ribbons only
Western or English, ridden by child 12 years & under. To walk and trot both ways of ring. Judged on turnout of horse/pony and
riders. Competitors entered in this class not eligible for any other class.
48. Open Youth English and Western Pleasure (14 yrs & under as of Jan 1st)
Refer to Class 49 and Class 51 for class specs.
49. Open Western Pleasure Horse
Shown at the walk, jog and lope on a reasonably loose rein, working both ways of ring, demonstrating ability at different leads, to
back easily and stand quietly.
50. Open Western Pleasure Pony Refer to Class 49 for class specs.
Prize Money (unless stated otherwise) 1st-10.00 2nd-7.oo 3rd-5.00 4th-3.00
Open High Point English Horse Division:
Point System:
1st-7 2nd-5 3rd-4 4th-3 5th-2 6th-1
Champion High Point English Cooler,Greenhawk Harness& Equestrian Supplies
51. Open English Pleasure Horse Shown at a flat footed walk, normal trot and easy canter, not to gallop, medium to light contact,
working both ways of ring, demonstrating ability at different leads, to back easily and stand quietly.
52. Open English Pleasure Pony Refer to Class 51 for class specs.
53. Open Bareback Dollar Walk, jog and lope with paper under riders leg. Rider not to wear shorts or chaps, elimination class.
54. Open Working Hunter Horse/Pony #1 Jump order posted ½ hour before class. Shown over a suitable course of jumps. Judged
on way of going and manners, ponies fence first (fence height max. 2' 6"), then horses (fence height max. 2' 9")
55. Open Working Hunter Horse/Pony #2 Refer to Class 54 for class specs.
56. Open Stake Race - timed event in which horse & rider run across center timing line, turning left or right around stake at that
end, return through center, turn opposite way around other stake and sprint back through center. (Failure to follow course or
knocking down stake causes elimination.)
57. Open English Road Hack Pony - ponies to enter ring at a walk, shown at a flat footed walk with reasonably loose rein, at a trot,
strong trot and easy canter.
Class 58-61 Barrels & Poles open to the first 30 entries
1st - 40.00 2nd - 25.00 3rd - 20.00 4th - 15.00
Youth Barrel & Pole competitors cannot enter Classes 58 & 59
58. Open Western Horse Pole Bending - rider over 14 yrs as of Jan 1st
59. Open Western Horse Barrel Racing - over 14 yrs as of Jan 1st
60. Open Western Youth Pole Bending - 14 yrs & under as of Jan 1st
61. Open Western Youth Barrel Racing- 14 yrs & under as of Jan 1st
62. Open Versatility Stake - 15.00 class fee. Prize money depends on number of entries.
One class in which one rider participates in Western Pleasure, English Pleasure & Barrels.
63. Open Quadrangle Race
Timed event, horse must follow a pattern around four barrels, 5 second penalty for knocking over a barrel.
64. Open Ranch Trail Stake - 15.00 class fee. Western, entries must have legal equipment (ie bit). Time limit of 3 minutes. All
obstacles will be realistic where possible. Horse will be shown in all three gaits with credit for performing gaits on correct lead and
alert attitude. There will be at least 10 and a max of 14 obstacles of which 8 are mandatory. Judge will choose 2-6 optional
obstacles. Each obstacle will be scored 0-10pts (0-incomplete, 1-poor to just complete, 5-average, 10-excellent). The gaits
approaching each obstacle will be included in this score. Time faults will be given: 1 pt for each 2 secs over allowed time. An
exhibitor who does not complete the course cannot place over one who does. Pattern posted at least 1 hour prior.
65. Open English Road Hack Horse - horses to enter ring at a walk, shown at a flat footed walk with a reasonably loose rein, at a
trot, strong trot and easy canter, may be asked to hand gallop (no more than 8 horses at a time).
66. Open English Equitation (13 yrs & under as of Jan 1st)
Medals and ribbons only.
Riders to be judged on seat, hands and ability to control horse/pony, shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of ring.
67. Open English Equitation (14 - 18 yrs as of Jan 1st)
Medals and ribbons only. (Same as Class 66)
68. Western Reining Stake - 15.00 class fee. Prize money depends on entries. Open to horses and ponies. To follow a pattern
consisting of spins, flying lead changes, rollbacks and sliding stops. Pattern posted 1 hour prior to class. Horse should be willfully
guided with little or no apparent resistance and dictated to completely. Any movement on its own is considered a lack of control,
therefore a fault. Bit rules to follow general performance rules. Riders do not need to drop bridle for Judge. Please jog in (if walk-in
pattern) and jog out to save ring time.
69. Open West. Pleasure Stake - 15.00 class fee. Prize money depends on entries.
Class specs same as class 49.
70. Open Western Equitation (13 yrs & under as of Jan 1st)
Medals and ribbons only.
Riders judged on seat, hands and ability to control horse/pony, shown at walk, jog and lope both ways of ring.
71. Open Western Equitation (14 - 18 yrs as of Jan 1st)
Medals and ribbons only. (Same as Class 70)
72. Open English Pleasure Stake - 15.00 class fee. Prize money depends on entries
Class specs same as class 51.
73. Costume Class - Ribbons only - all ages, horse/pony, single or group entry.
Judged 75% on originality of costume and 25% on presentation, shown at a walk both ways of the ring.
74. Wheelbarrow Race - Competitors 18 years and under must wear a helmet, whether riding or not
75. Open English & Western Pleasure (Tuesday, August 13th 6:45pm)
No competitor age restriction. 18 yrs & under must wear a helmet.
Open to competitors not entered in any other class at the Exhibition.
Refer to Class 49 and Class 51 for class specs.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Prize Money 1st – 6th 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 15.00 10.00
Overall Gymkhana Champion – Trophy & Cooler
Champion Barrels – Halter
Champion Pole Bending - Cooler
Only 30 entries accepted. Entry Fee - $45.00
Stabling - May not be available for only Gymkhana show.
To obtain stabling for the week, must show in 2 or more other classes.
Gymkhana is a sweepstakes division. Competitors enter classes on Thursday and Friday.
Saturday will consist of the 15 fastest times from Thursday and Friday.
Saturday’s competition list will be posted Friday night.
A competitor, horse/rider combination, qualifies only once per class.
In the timed events a 5 second penalty will be added to each knockdown.
Barrels – course may be run to the right or left in the pattern.
Poles – rider may start right or left of the first pole, then run remainder of the pattern accordingly.
Disqualification will result from going off course or crossing the finish line before course is completed.
There is no division of horse & pony.
Ponies will race with horses.
Whistle blown if lope not maintained.
Tuesday, Aug 13th 8:00pm
Entry Fee 10.00
Run as 2D or 3D depending on number of entries
1D: 1st 75.00 2nd 60.00 3rd 45.00
2D: 1st 40.00 2nd 30.00 3rd 25.00
3D: 1st 20.00 2nd 15.00 3rd 10.00
Proof of $1,000 000.00 insurance must be presented before entry is accepted.
Open to any competitor, horses, ponies, heavy horse.
Two competitors will race at the same time on separate pole patterns.
There will be a timer for each pole pattern course.
Gymkhana Pole Bending rules (see above) will apply.
1st place awarded to the fastest pole pattern, this is called 1D.
2nd place awarded to the next fastest run, this is called 2 nd place 1D.
2D is determined by adding 1 second to the 2nd place winning time in 1D, etc.
Depending on the number of entries there may be a 3 rd place for each D.