AP Psychology – Learning Concepts and Targets Unit One (page 1-16) I. Learning Target: after completing the reading schedule, I will be able to thoroughly answer and understand the ideas / concepts / theories from the book: A. To understand* the reasons behind the theories and methodologies of main Psychologists in History. i. Socrates; Descartes; Darwin; Wundt; James; Piaget; Freud; Maslow (just to name a few) ii. body and mind connection iii. nature versus nurture issues iv. science and/or philosophy B. To understand the purpose and usage of the perspectives of psychology i. biological; cognitive; humanistic; psychodynamic; etc. C. To understand the different fields of psychology (areas of study/career) i. Basic Psychology: Research and Study ii. Applied Psychology: Forensic; Human-Factors; Educational, Health, etc. *To understand in this class means not only to recall facts but connect, apply, and effectively use those ideas in a variety of ways. II. FRQ (Free Response Question)-LT (Learning Target) Style Main Questions - answer as you read (will be graded at the end of the unit- turned in on test day) Put answers on a clean, separate sheet of paper: 1.) Which philosopher’s view on the connection between mind and body would you side with during a philosophical debate, as well as help explain your view: Plato OR Aristotle? 2.) Explain the connection between the theories of Francis Bacon (common experience) to John Locke (empiricism). 3.) Why as a functionalist did it take William James twelve years to write Principles of Psychology (first Psychology textbook)? 4.) How does the definition of Psychology (page 7) encompass the aspects of structuralism, functionalism, experimental, behaviorism, humanism, as well as cognitive neuroscience (pages 5-7)? 5.) Why are the jobs in psychology important to all parts of society? (provide two specific examples) III. Concept Cards (turned in at the end of the unit – day of the test) please put the term {one side of card}; AND the definition and an example (connection) {other side of card} Select TEN of any of the following concepts from Unit One: theory / term / person / perspective / experiment / field ** Choose concepts that might be harder to remember or process & NOT part of BIG LIST ** IV. From the College Board Syllabus = AP students in psychology should be able to do the following: 1. Recognize how philosophical perspectives shaped the development of psychological thought. {B – aligns with learning targets from above} 2. Describe and compare different theoretical approaches in explaining behavior: {A i/ii & B} — structuralism, functionalism, and behaviorism in the early years; — Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, and humanism emerging later; — evolutionary, biological, and cognitive as more contemporary approaches. 3. Recognize the strengths and limitations of applying theories to explain behavior. {A iii} 4. Distinguish the different domains {careers} of psychology: {B & C} — biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, educational, experimental, human factors, industrial–organizational, personality, psychometric, and social. 5. Identify the major historical figures in psychology (e.g., Mary Whiton Calkins, Charles Darwin, Dorothea Dix, Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall, William James, Ivan Pavlov, Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Margaret Floy Washburn, John B. Watson, Wilhelm Wundt). {A i} Self Reflection: After completing the different processes of information and knowledge gathering and retention (RG/NC/LT) – reflect on the ideas below to evaluate whether you concretely understand* them (Yes) OR determine the ideas you feel unsure (No). If you are unsure (No), write ideas you have questions regarding - complete this process BEFORE the TEST!!! QUESTIONS???? Yes or No 1. The creation and purpose of Psychology. Yes or No 2. The multiple uses of and for Psychology. Yes or No 3. The impact famous psychologists have had on the field of Psychology. Wundt; Freud; Pavlov; Rogers; etc. Yes or No 4. The major philosophical debates and their purposes (nature v. nurture and science vs. religion) Yes or No 5. The definition and creation of the perspectives of psychology. Biological; Humanism; Cognitive; etc. Yes or No 6. The use and purpose of perspectives of psychology. Biological; Humanism; Cognitive; etc. Yes or No 7. The uses and purposes of applied psychology (research and education). Yes or No 8. The uses and purposes of applied psychology (careers: counseling or industrial-organization)