Holocene dust records from the West African Sahel and their implications for changes in climate and land-surface conditions Helen E. Cockerton1, Jonathan A. Holmes2, F. Alayne Street-Perrott1, Katherine J. Ficken1 1. Department of Geography, College of Science, Swansea University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, UK. 2. Department of Geography, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK. Text S1 study sites and materials, methods and supplementary references Study sites and materials During the SAHEL (Sub-Saharan Africa: Hydrogeology, Environment, Limnology) project, between 1992-1995, several of the lakes in the Manga Grasslands were cored and provided long, near-continuous records of Holocene environmental change [Waller et al., 2007; Street-Perrott et al., 2000; Holmes et al., 1997, 1999; Salzmann and Waller, 1998]. This study is based on data from two sites, Jikariya Lake (13°18.82’N, 11°04.62’E) and Kajemarum Oasis (13°18.30’N, 11°01.73’E), which are two small-sized depressions (≤ 0.1 km2 and 0.7 km2, respectively). Jikariya Lake is persistently wet due to its large groundwater seepage line in relation to evaporation surface, compared to larger depressions, such as Kajemarum Oasis, which are seasonal playas [Waller et al. 2007]. The lakes are bordered by fringes of reed-swamp and doum palm, which are sustained by the seepage of fresh groundwater from the grass-covered dunes. At Jikariya Lake a 30 cm-deep pit near the centre was sampled at 1 cm intervals and then extended to 690 cm using a 5 cm-diameter modified Livingstone Corer. The sediments were composed mostly of organic lake muds intercalated with silty and sandy silt units. There are two probable 1 desiccation surfaces at the base of the core and close to the top. At Kajemarum Oasis, the upper 175 cm of sediment was taken from a pit in the centre of the dry lake bed, and extended to a depth of 393 cm further using a modified Livingston piston corer. The sequence comprises organic muds and clayey silts at the base and very fine silty sand in the top 75cm. Chronologies for the two sequences were based on bulk-organic-matter radiocarbon dates (Table S1) and, for Jikariya Oasis, a 137Cs profile. Radiocarbon dates were calibrated using IntCal13 [Reimer et al., 2013] and classical agedepth modelling performed using Clam 2.2 [Blaauw, 2010]. For Jikariya Oasis, an age-depth profile based on six bulk-organic-matter radiocarbon dates, and a 137 Cs peak representing the 1963 thermonuclear peak is described by a third-order polynomial curve (age = -0.000062depth3 + 0.04822depth 2 + 1.7845depth + 26.466, where age is in calendar years 600 500 Depth (cm) 400 300 200 100 0 Before Present (AD 1950) and depth in cm; r2 = 0.999) (Fig. S1). 12000 10000 8000 6000 cal BP 4000 2000 0 Figure S1. Age-depth curve for Jikariya, based on 6 radiocarbon dates and a 137Cs peak at 3.5 cm depth. Shading represents 95% confidence intervals. 2 Table S1. Radiocarbon dates for lake sediment cores from Jikariya Oasis and Kajemarum Oasis Lab Code Core AA30926* AA30925 AA30924 AA30923 AA30922 AA30921 AA30920 AA17158 AA17653 AA17652 AA17651 AA17157 AA17156 AA17660 Jikariya Jikariya Jikariya Jikariya Jikariya Jikariya Jikariya Kajemarum Kajemarum Kajemarum Kajemarum Kajemarum Kajemarum Kajemarum Midpoint Depth (cm) Radiocarbon Age (BP) 8.5 109.5 188.5 286.5 334.5 537.5 667.5 15.5 36.5 62.5 80.5 135.5 174.5 293.5 255 1040 2150 3995 4765 8965 10025 385 720 1635 2185 3640 4845 9630 Error (1s) Calendar Age Range (2s) 70 45 45 60 50 80 70 45 45 45 45 50 55 70 -4 - 493 803 - 1058 2004 - 2307 4249 - 4788 5327 - 5596 9787 - 10249 11261 -11817 316- 511 562 - 731 1410 - 1686 2063 - 2328 3837 - 4135 5468 - 5711 10759 - 11191 *Regarded as too old based on the inferred 1963 137 Cs peak at 3.5 cm and therefore excluded from age model For Kajemarum Oasis, an age-depth profile for the sequence is well described by a third-order polynomial curve based on seven radiocarbon dates (Age = - 0.0002depth3 + 0.1227depth2 + 15.169depth + 98.753 where age is in calendar years Before Present (AD 1950) and depth is in cm; r2 = 0.999) (Fig. S2). The only evidence for truncation, thought to be a result of deflation, occurs at the top of the sequence indicated by the extrapolated surface age of ~100 cal. BP, and by the lack of both a 210Pb-excess profile and a thermonuclear 137Cs peak [Holmes et al., 1997; Street-Perrott et al., 2000]. 3 0 50 Depth (cm) 150 100 200 250 300 10000 8000 6000 cal BP 4000 2000 0 Figure S2. Age-depth curve for Kajemarum, based on 7 radiocarbon dates. Shading represents 95% confidence intervals. Methods Dust extraction Between 1 to 3 g of air-dried bulk sediment were weighed prior to analysis. An additional step was added to the procedure by Rea and Janecek [1981] to remove organic carbon as the original methodology was created for ocean sediments, which generally have negligible concentrations of organic matter present [Harrison et al., 2001]. Samples were either treated with concentrated hydrogen peroxide or heating at 550˚C for 2 hours 45 minutes to remove organic carbon. The latter method was preferred for its rapidity, whereas removal of organic matter using hydrogen peroxide took up to 2 weeks for some samples. Testing was carried out to determine the comparability of the two methods, and it was found that reproducibility was 2.3% (1 σ, n = 8), only slightly greater than the precision of the dust extraction method (see below). Following removal or organic matter, each sample was placed in a conical flask to which 25% (vol) acetic acid was added to remove carbonate. 70-100 mL of the acid solution were added slowly to 4 samples, which where then placed on an automated shaker for 4 hours, after which samples were centrifuged and rinsed with distilled water for 10 minutes at 2000 rpm, and the rinse stage was repeated twice more. To remove amorphous iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides a sodium dithionite-sodium citrate solution was used following the procedure described in Rea and Janecek [1981]. The sample was then sieved at 63μm and any remaining biogenic silica was removed by adding 40 mL 0.4N sodium carbonate solution to the washed sediment and placing in a 100˚C waterbath for 20 minutes. The supernatant was rinsed and centrifuged three times, each for 10 minutes at 2000 rpm. Once washed, the remaining material, deemed to be the aeolian dust component, was air-dried and weighed. Percentage dust concentration (wt. %) of each sample was calculated using the initial dry weight of the bulk sample and the final weight of the dried dust residue as follows: Dust content (wt.(mg) %) = Final dry weight of dust after chemical digestion (mg) x 100 Initial dry weight of sample (mg) Analytical precision for dust concentration measurements, based on replicate determinations from Kajemarum sample 117-188cm, was ±1.12 % (1 σ, n = 10). The preparation methods employed remove biogenic silica, organic matter and carbonate, along with the silicate fraction that is >63µm in size. All of these are also components of modern dust. However, biogenic silica, organic matter and carbonate are all produced autochthonously within the lakes of the Manga Grasslands [Street-Perrott et al., 2000] and >63 µm fraction may include sand from the surrounding dunes: the removal of all of these components is therefore essential in order to derive realistic estimates of dust content, although these estimates will be minimum values as a result of the preparation method used. 5 Dust flux calculation In order to determine the input history of dust to the sediment record, the mass accumulation rate (MAR), or flux, of the dust was calculated using the following equation: Dust flux (f) (g cm-2 yr-1) = LSR (cm yr-1) x DBD (g cm-3) x wt. % dust concentration Weight percentage of the dust component (expressed in mg), linear sedimentation rate (LSR) and dry bulk density values (DBD). The values calculated using the relationship above are multiplied by 1000 to obtain fluxes in g cm-2 kyr-1 The mass accumulation rate takes in to account both temporal and areal components allowing comparisons with other sediment records of the same variable [Rea and Janecek, 1981]. The 95 % confidence intervals of the dust-flux calculations were calculated by propagating uncertainties in the sediment accumulation rates determined during age modelling, the percentage dust determinations referred to above and the dry bulk density measurements (precision = ±0.03 g cm-3, n = 10) Particle-size analysis. Particle size characteristics of the dust fraction were analysed using a Beckman Coulter Laser Particle Sizer LS320. Approximately 0.1g of sample was dispersed in 5% calgon (sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium carbonate) prior to analysis to ensure proper wetting and to prevent agglomeration. Wherever possible several measurements were taken per sample to gain an average/reproducible distribution. Particle size reproducibility was ±1.4 µm (1 σ, n = 14). Of the 149 samples, 3 did not produce the minimum amount of material required to create enough obscurity (> 8%) in the detector unit to enable particle size to be carried out. Particle size distributions were mapped and average measures for grain size (μm) were calculated for all 146 6 samples. For calculation of the fine/coarse dust ratio, fine particles were defined as those with <20 µm median diameter and coarse particles those with >20 µm median diameter. Supplementary references Blaauw, M., (2010), Methods and code for 'classical' age-modelling of radiocarbon sequences. Quat. Geochron. 5, 512518. Harrison, S. P., K. E. Kohfeld, C. Roelandt, and T. Claquin (2001), The role of dust in climate changes today, at the last glacial maximum and in the future, Earth-Sci Rev., 54, 43-80. Holmes, J. A., F. A. Street-Perrott, M. J. Allen, P. A. Fothergill, D. D. Harkness, D. Kroon, and R. A. Perrott (1997), Holocene palaeolimnology of Kajemarum Oasis, Northern Nigeria: An isotopic study of ostracodes, bulk carbonate and organic carbon, J. Geol. Soc., 154, 311-319. Holmes, J. A., F. A. Street-Perrott, R. A. Perrott, S. Stokes, M. P. Waller, Y. Huang, G. Eglinton, and M. Ivanovich (1999), Holocene landscape evolution of the Manga grasslands, NE Nigeria: evidence from palaeolimnology and dune chronology, J. Geol. Soc., 156, 357-368. Rea, D. K. (1994), The paleoclimatic record provided by eolian deposition in the deep-Sea - the geologic history of wind, Rev. Geophys., 32, 159-195. Rea, D. K., and T. R. Janecek (1982), Late Cenozoic changes in atmospheric circulation deduced from North Pacific eolian sediments, Mar. Geol., 49, 149-167. Reimer, P. J., E. Bard, A. Bayliss, J. W. Beck, P. G. Blackwell, C. B. Ramsey, C. E. Buck, H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards, M. Friedrich, P. M. Grootes, T. P. Guilderson, H. Haflidason, I. Hajdas, C. Hatte, T. J. Heaton, D. L. Hoffmann, A. G. Hogg, K. A. Hughen, K. F. Kaiser, B. Kromer, S. W. Manning, M. Niu, R. W. Reimer, D. A. Richards, E. M. Scott, J. R. Southon, R. A. Staff, C. S. M. Turney, and J. van der Plicht (2013), Intcal13 and Marine13 radiocarbon age calibration curves 0-50,000 Years Cal BP, Radiocarbon, 55, 1869-1887. Salzmann, U., and M. Waller (1998), The Holocene vegetational history of the Nigerian Sahel based on multiple pollen profiles, Rev. Palaeobot. Palyn., 100, 39-72. Street-Perrott, F. A., J. A. Holmes, M. P. Waller, M. J. Allen, N. G. H. Barber, P. A. Fothergill, D. D. Harkness, M. Ivanovich, D. Kroon, and R. A. Perrott (2000), Drought and dust deposition in the West African Sahel: A 5500-year record from Kajemarum Oasis, northeastern Nigeria, Holocene, 10, 293-302. 7 Waller, M. P., F. A. Street-Perrott, and H. Wang (2007), Holocene vegetation history of the Sahel: pollen, sedimentological and geochemical data from Jikariya Lake, north-eastern Nigeria, Journal of Biogeography, 34, 15751590. 8