
Sustainable Landscape Solutions
Grass Clippings and Yard Waste
Written by: Jared M. Austin, CNLP
Many homeowners often believe grass clippings, and other yard waste such as leafs need to be removed
from lawns. Many think due to old knowledge and research, leaving and / or mulching these materials
back into your lawn have negative impacts on the overall health of their lawns. We have outlined facts
which we hope will help in your understanding of why bagging these organic materials is more costly,
less efficient, and poor for both your lawns and the environment.
Bagging and Mulching Facts:
Yard waste in the U.S. accounts for roughly 20% of all waste brought to our landfills, filling them up with
valuable organic yard waste, or, “free fertilizer.” Believe it or not, bagging grass clippings actually has
been banned in many states. With a lack of training and knowledge the valuable aspects mulching has,
many landscape companies in our area continue to drive away from your lawns, with dumps trucks full
of grass clippings, burning unnecessary time, and fuel. The green waste taken from your lawns, mostly
composed of grass clipping could have accounted for about 25% of your lawns needs for nitrogen for the
season had it been properly mulched. In fact, grass clippings are composed of 85-90% water, making
them easy to break down if properly mulched and dispersed throughout your lawn.
Facts about Thatch:
Contrary to older schools of thought, mulching grass clippings does not cause thatch. Thatch layers in
our soils, are created when the rate of top growth of the grass continually exceeds the rate of
decomposition of organic matter. This imbalance is due largely to the mismanagement of operations
such as, over irrigating and over fertilizing our lawns, resulting in, un-natural and imbalanced soil
environments. That being said, if you do have a pre-existing thatch issue, leaving your clippings may
worsen the problem. It is also highly recommended a thatch layer be diagnosed prior to treating for it,
as you could cause unnecessary damage to your lawn. Routine “de-thatching” performed by many, is
often done unnecessarily, again wasting valuable time and money, and not providing any benefit to your
16 Wisconsin Avenue, Rensselaer New York, 12144 (518) 577-2100
Sustainable Landscape Solutions
Proper Maintenance:
Proper maintenance of lawns follows a few basic principles which are extremely beneficial in
maintaining a healthy lawn. Cutting and maintaining your lawn at an average height of 3”, with sharp
blades, will foster deeper root growth. Deeper roots in your lawns mean, thicker and healthier grass,
which is much more drought tolerant and disease resistant. Thicker more healthy lawns also mean
fewer areas for weeds and crabgrass to filter in. Proper management of your fertilization and irrigation
schedules is extremely important in balancing the health of your lawn. Over irrigating, can cause things
such as run-off, and unwanted disease issues, whereas improper fertilization can cause unneeded
nutrients being applied which never become available for use in the lawn.
A Word about our Business:
The principles outlined are followed and practiced by us every day, showing great results. Our mowing
practices of mulching grass and leaf matter, returning what green matter you have back to your lawns
wherever we can is extremely beneficial. We don’t believe in removing compost from your property,
and make every effort in using it to benefit your lawn and landscapes. In the event, waste such as leaves
become too extreme and unbeneficial we will remove them where necessary. Our annual maintenance
contracts are fully inclusive, covering all your landscape needs. They will include all mowing, trimming,
spring and fall clean-up, pruning and weed control. All contracts can also be tailored to meet your needs
depending on the needs and requirements of the property.
Some of our other services we specialize in include:
- Landscape Consultation, Design and Installation
- Landscape / Night Lighting Design and Installation
- Aeration, Slit-Seeding, and Lawn Renovation
- Edging and Mulch application Services
- Natural Stone Walls and Walks
- Paver Walks
Thanks so much for taking the time to read our article. Please check
out our website for more valuable information or give us a call. Also,
don’t forget to browse through the pictures of our work!
16 Wisconsin Avenue, Rensselaer New York, 12144 (518) 577-2100