Date W/C Sept 1st Sept 7th Sept 14th Class R Key Stage 1 Class 1 INSET Greetingshello, my name is. (song – Un petit puce) INSET Introduction of the story 3 little pigs, read in English and introduce main characters (Listening task) I can name 3 or more colours What is your name, greetings and hello (song un petit puce track 4) I can say who the main characters are in the story recap the main characters – children to identify the characters verbally then try to find Key Stage 2 Class 2 Class 3 INSET Introduction of I can present simple the story of le personal information petit chaperon Children begin by rouge read talking to Léo together in puppet about English then themselves, asking discuss the main and answering characters questions. I can say who the I can listen and main characters understand familiar are words and demonstrate accuracy in pronunciation of key words Revisit numbers 120 orally, children to listen and repeat I can say who the I can read and main characters understand a short are in the story list of familiar words Recap the main and use a simple characters – word list to find out children listen meanings. Children and then find the given the wordlist characters on for numbers on a the board bookmark to keep – they then use this to complete selected Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 I can pronounce some new words Parts of the head – learn new words and copy the new vocabulary accurately INSET My phonic knowledge enables the pronunciation of unfamiliar language. Introduce shops on the high street topic and new vocabulary INSET Ask for clarification using a range of phrases Classroom commands and asking for help I can copy and adapt complex sentences using a writing frame Recapping the shop vocab, building up the sentences to form full sentences Use phonic knowledge to pronounce known and a range of unknown language with more confidence and accuracy. Items in the pencil case I can copy and adapt short sentences Parts of the head revisited – le monster looking at adjectival placement in sentences etc. Children to copy the monster and Sept 21st Play Ou est Léo? Greetings and asking answering in front of class and together Sept 28th Counting to 5 them on the whiteboard I can read and understand words written in French Activity sheet 1 reading colours and copying I can write a word in French/ I can write a sentence in French Children to colour and label the first image of the story – main characters. They will give the sheet a title. I can follow a story told in French Children listen to story page 1, read by teacher. they should join in I can name 5 or more food items Introduce the foods with flashcards, play games to reinforce. Worksheet I can read and understand words written in French Children to match food items and write the labels I can say that I like something/ I can say that I do not like something Using food vocab, children will be able to give their worksheets on number. link to sentences provided or to create their own I can accurately copy familiar words (write 5-10 words from memory) Children to draw numbers 1-10 on page and then write their individual spelling around the outline over and over until the number is complete – eventually, they should know the spellings without support. I can start to recognise imperatives and listen to the language and follow simple instructions Introduce classroom commands with I can pronounce some new words. I can complete a short gapped text with familiar missing words Parts of the body – learn the new vocabulary, use it to complete worksheet (differentiated) I can write a description of myself using a writing frame Look at hair/eye colour variations and putting them into sentences Understand how connectives can lengthen sentences Using connectives and adjectives to lengthen their sentences – dans la rue principale, il y a cinq grades boulangeries etc. I can hold simple conversations on specified themes Direction; asking for and giving directions – direction song/rap Negative sentences are used consistently and accurately J’ai/je n’ai pas de with itmes in the pencil case/ clothes/make link between J’ai, je n’ai pas de… Decode a text using their vocabulary, grammatical knowledge and a dictionary. Read and understand texts with actions/point to main characters as they are mentioned. Oct 5th Counting to 10 (song) I can name 3 or more body parts in French Introduce the parts of the pig as a whole class(body), play games etc to reinforce vocab Oct 12th Counting and games I can read and understand words written in French Activity sheet 2 –match the body part to the correct image opinion on an item of food. Introduce song Je marche dans la grande foret, first part I can take part in a song in French I can say 3 or more colours in French reinforce previous learning of colours, introduce new colours. Children to produce their arc en ciel pictures I can read and understand words written in French I can write simple words in French Children to complete activity sheet 2 – labelling colours in French I can take part in a song in French part 2 of the song, recapping visual stimulus and practise – (jaques à dit) Write a description of themselves (possibly to include other body parts etc) with unfamiliar language and appropriate grammatical complexity Decoding text le petit déjeuner I can join in stories, song, poems and rhymes Learn the song for classroom commands, reading and singing at the same time, using song sheet. I can extend my understanding of present tense to the third person Looking at third person present tense with hair/eyes etc play devine qui? I can read and understand increasingly complex texts. I know how to find out meanings using a range of sources and strategies. Mon chapeau (lesson 3 in pack) tackle as a reading comprehension/listening gap fill – giving opinions on this text Read and understand texts with some unfamiliar language Lessons at school, understanding a timetable in French. I can ask and answer simple questions Ca va? I am developing an awareness of simple negatives Ca ne va pas! I can copy and adapt short sentences and write 3-5 simple sentences from memory Third person revisited, use a range of known characters to describe I can copy and adapt complex sentences using a writing frame Think about how the high street is on different parts of the day (matin, soir etc) – using knowledge of –in and –oir words, try to pronounce new words/use dictionary to Adapt a previously written text to demonstrate increased grammatical awareness. Adapting a paragraph from 1st person the third person part 1 also. Oct 19th Recapping asking and answering what is your name and counting I can write a word in French Label the first picture with body parts. I can write short sentences in French Children to write some of the lyrics of the song onto a song sheet. I can write 5-10 words from memory Children to produce storyboards for a short conversation in French Nov 2nd Colours in French I can name 3 or more body parts recap with parts of the wolf – introduce parts of the face I can follow a story in French Recapping of the story told so far and some of the key vocabulary. HALF TERM I communicate using simple words and phrases Recapping number work introduce quel age as-tu? Nov 9th Arc en ciel I can follow a I can write I participate in facial/body features. I can recognise that adjectives can change and influence word order Building sentences based on body and face parts – describe strange creatures/aliens. Using adjectives wherever possible help find more examples. I can write compound sentences from memory Pendant le soir, la rue principale est calme mais pendant l’apresmidi, elle est vraiment occupée etc. –Children to use a frame to write sentences about the town then adapt them to create new ones – this should then be committed to memory and the children should try to write them again without support. (based on school timetable. Start using adverbs when expressing opinions Adverbs – adding these into sentences to produce more complex sentences I really like maths because etc I can ask for simple clarification and give simple instructions to others Asking for help/expressing need etc, giving instructions to others – passesmoi, etc... I can ask for help or clarification. I can express and justify my opinions. Classroom commands , asking for help nd clarification. Giving opinions and justifications. I can pronounce My phonic knowledge Adapt a previously written text to demonstrate increased grammatical awareness Introduce clothes with je porte/il/elle porte adapting a text from 3rd person to ist person Develop use of (colouring activity) story told in French Page 23 children decode key words and follow as a group Nov 16th Animals, with text coucou les animaux I can read and understand words written in French Module 3 worksheet, cut and stick words to match label with image, part 2 reading and understanding, and writing the French for body parts Nov 23rd Repeat story and animals, I can name 3 or more parts simple words in French Children to complete activity sheet 3 – understanding key vocabulary from the story. Repeat the song so far, reading from heir song sheets to join in I can take part in a song in French I can write simple words in French .I can write short sentences in French. Children to colour, label and title the sheet for module 3teacher to give support by writing words for them to copy. Rehearse song. Add in module 3 element. I can follow a story in French. stories, reading and understanding a short list of words or phrases Read French story together – les amis de Berthe/salut Berthe to focus on previously learned vocab but also cope with new words in a new context some new words Introduce animals in singular form, paying attention to masculine/feminine enables me to pronounce unfamiliar words Hobbies – introduce the new vocabulary in form of verbs only aller, lire, jouer etc. I listen and understand/respond, follow simple instructions Recapping and revisiting this term, record conversations in front of the class. I can use a glossary or simple dictionary to find out new meanings Following a story about going to the zoo – decoding text and using a dictionary to help figure out the story. I can express and justify opinions Build up sentences from the verbs to say that they like/dislike doing each activity and why I can present simple personal information I can recognise that adjectives can I can read and understand increasingly regularly occurring modal verbs in present tense and develop a basic understanding of the conditional tense/mood An ideal uniform – using the conditional/future tense to say what an ideal uniform will/could be. Write a simple text from memory starting to use complex sentences Read and decode a longer text about school uniform with opinions etc. then use this as a model to create their own paragraph on their own uniform. Produce an oral piece Nov 30th Dec 7th review asking and answering questions of a house in French Introduce parts of the house with flashcards, play games to reinforce Il pleut song, using images for support I can follow a story told in French Module 4 story from PPT – children listen and find the main parts of the house etc. Il pleut song – repeated. I can join in with songs in French Module Children to listen to module 4 story – recapping work on body parts with eyes, ears, teeth etc. They will draw on prior knowledge and make links with the English story to help them decode the new information. I can write simple words in French Children to complete module 4 worksheet, matching the parts of the wolf’s face to the picture, then to identify a random selection of key vocabulary from the story. I can take part in a song in French Children to learn Revisit the work done over this term, what can they remember? Video their conversations change and influence word order. Using adjectives to describe the zoo animals, gender agreement complex text. I know how to find out the meaning of words Le petit Thomas, reading and understanding. demonstrating 35 key grammatical features of the language Produce a short talk on their uniform and think about the questions people might ask about it I can start to produce my own vocabulary list and word bank Produce a wordlist/personal bank of words to incorporate new vocabulary learned this term I extend my understanding of the present tense to third person Create new species of animals and then use the newly learned adjectives to help describe them in the third person. I can read and understand increasingly complex text. I know how to find out the meaning of words Produce an oral piece (as above) Using different techniques to learn their talk or complete their talk I can accurately copy familiar and new words and write 5- Christmas lesson 1 (lesson 6 in pack) Le petit Thomas part two, reading, understanding and listening tasks based on the text Questions to be answered in English – ie, what is the story about? Why is Thomas sad? Etc. I can recognise that questions can help formulate responses Give spoken presentations using longer and 4 laisse-moi entrez song chldren to listen and act out or sing along Dec 14th Discussion about Christmas in France and traditions etc. Children to learn Vive le vent song I can understand that other countries have different festivals and traditions to my own Christmas lesson new section of song, and join in with classmates. Then complete the colouring page for this module, adding the key vocabulary for the items they can see in the image. I can write short sentences in French. I can join in with a French song about Christmas. Children to join in with Vive le vent and to write Christmas cards in French 10 words from memory Christmas lesson 1 – writing wish list for Santa I can accurately copy familiar and new words and write 510 words from memory Christmas lesson 2 – writing wish list for Santa and Christmas carols. Answering questions on le petit Thomas written in French and using the question to help fully answer the questions. Christmas lesson 2 (Lesson 7 in pack) Christmas lesson (see pack) more complex sentences and answer questions on it Give talks on school uniforms With q+a Give spoken presentations using longer and more complex sentences and answer questions on it Talks on school uniforms with q+a