Lesson seed_French_Intermediate Mid_Liberty,Freedom_part1_

College, Career and World-Ready Instructional Shifts: Maryland World Language Lesson/Assessment Seeds
Proficiency Level(s)
Unit Theme/Topic
Essential Question(s)
Intermediate Mid
What is Liberty/Freedom Part1
Unit Goals
Learners will be able to:
 Define in their own words the concept of Liberty/Freedom
 Write a personal poem, which reflects what Liberty/Freedom means to them
What is Liberty/Freedom? What does it mean?
Intermediate Mid
Interpersonal Communication
I can start, maintain, and end a conversation on a variety of familiar topics
-I can think, discuss, create, and share a definition about a specific and familiar concept
Presentational Speaking
I can make a presentation on something I have learned and researched
-I can present about a specific topic/concept
Language Functions:
I can…
Presentational Writing
I can compose communications for public distributions
-I can compose a poem for a publication and for presentation
Interpretive Listening
I can understand the main idea of what I listen to for a personal enjoyment
-I can understand peers personal descriptions of the concept Liberty/Freedom
-I can understand peers written messages of the concept Liberty/Freedom
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea of what I read for personal enjoyment
MSDE 2014
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning ©2013
College, Career and World-Ready Instructional Shifts: Maryland World Language Lesson/Assessment Seeds
-I can understand a poem on a specific topic and identify its main idea
-I can understand poems written by my peers
Key Learning Activities/Formative Assessments
Key Learning Activity/
How does this activity support the
Formative Assessment
unit goals or performance tasks?
Sustaining conversation
Analyze the word LIBERTY/FREEDOM and engage in a
conversation with fellow group members on its possible meanings.
This is a warm-up (activator), which
allows students to activate prior
Think and answer the following questions:
Is Liberty/Freedom important?
knowledge and begin thinking of
Is everyone free?
unit’s concept
What are some past and present examples of Liberty/Freedom?
Read and analyze the poem “Liberté” par Paul Eluard and identify
its message and purpose.
Engage in a conversation with partners about the poem and
compare notes and understanding
Watch a video to see an example of a personal visualization and
interpretation of the poem
Mode(s) of
Understanding authentic sources
Reading and reacting to authentic
Sustaining conversation
Interpretive Reading
Exploring different perspectives
Exploring different perspectives
Interpretive Reading
Exploring different perspectives and
freedom of interpretation
Demonstrating personal
understanding of the concept
Demonstrating personal
Choose 2 favorite/ most powerful stanzas from the poem “Liberté”
and illustrate them according to personal understanding.
Present personal illustrations of the poem and explain your choices
Review the main elements of a poem and begin writing personal
poem on the topic of liberty/freedom
Present poem to peers and be able to engage in a class discussion
MSDE 2014
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning ©2013
College, Career and World-Ready Instructional Shifts: Maryland World Language Lesson/Assessment Seeds
by answering questions
MSDE 2014
Adapted from ACTFL Keys to Planning for Learning ©2013
understanding of the concept