Parental Request For The Administration of Medicines In School

East Street, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 6LF
Telephone: (01538) 483200
Headteacher: Mr K Allbutt
Administration of Medicines in School
Parents possess prime responsibility for ensuring their child’s health and for deciding
whether they are fit to attend school or not. Parents should also provide all necessary
information about their child’s medical needs to Leek County First School, whenever
there is a change in the child’s health needs.
Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014 places a duty on Governing Bodies
within the school setting to make arrangements for supporting pupils at school with
medical conditions (Supporting pupils at School with medical conditions, Department of
Education, April 2014).
 Support teaching staff in the management and administration of medications in
respect of children within our care
 Set out clear guidance about how this is to be achieved in a safe and
professional manner, whilst maintaining the respect and dignity of children
Children may need medication in the following circumstances:
During a short term illness or condition, such as the requirement to take a
course of antibiotics
For treatment of a long term medical condition which may require regular
medicines to keep a child well.
Daily medication for a condition such as asthma, diabetes etc, where children
may have the need for daily administration of medicines (also, additional
assistance may be required during an asthma attack or insufficient sugar levels
in connection with diabetes, etc)
This list is not exhaustive.
Roles and Responsibilities
Governing Body /
Health and Safety
Linked Governor
Role of Parents
Implementation and adherence of the policy
Making all staff members aware of the policy and confirming
their understanding of the policy
Adhere to the requirements of the Statutory Guidance as
laid down by the Department of Education.
Ensure sufficient members of staff are appropriately
trained to manage medicines as part of their duties
Ensure that identified staff are trained appropriately and
have read and understood the current medication policy and
any related guidance documents.
Ensure all staff are aware of children in school with medical
needs and that the folder containing information specific
children is updated periodically located in the School Office
Inform parents of the need to give written permission for
the administration of all medicines including non-prescription
medicines prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber
Ensure the safe storage of medicines stored in the fridge if
To ensure all records of administration of medication to
pupils are retained in line with document retention schedules
Ensuring that the policy is adhered to
Awareness and monitoring of the person who is responsible
for the development Individual Care Plans
To complete school parental consent form to give written
permission for the administration of medicines prescribed by
a practitioner
To assist the school with the completion of individual care
plans in a timely manner – recommended annually
To check expiry dates on medicines and inhalers and to
provide additional medication when required
To support the school in assisting individuals with long-term
or complex medical needs
Ensure no children carry medicines in their bags or self
administer without identified staff support.
Seeks advice on the administration of medication when on
trips and outing from the Headteacher or identified staff.
Take care plans and medication for identified pupils on trips
and outings and to include this as part of their risk
Ensure the relevant documentation is updated, signed and
dated as the administrator
School Office
School Nurse
Ensure parents are completing either the Short Term
Medicine Consent form (Appendix 1) and Long Term Medicine
Consent Form (Appendix 2)
Notify relevant staff of the need to administer medicine to
the child
Ensure the “Notice Board” within the Staff Room is clearly
updated with the child’s name, medicine, time of
administration and how much dosage.
Inform the School when a child has been identified as having
a medical condition
Liaise with clinicians when required and ensure that the
channels of communication are clear and concise
Involvement in discussions (where appropriate) as they are
often best placed to provide information about how their
condition affects them
Staff Training
As the development of the Individual Care Plan takes place, staff are identified as to
what training is required to support the child. The Headteacher liaises with the
relevant healthcare professional to identify the requirements of the training. Training
needs to be sufficient along with the staff demonstrating competency in supporting
children with their medical conditions / administering of medicine.
Healthcare professionals can provide confirmation of the proficiency of staff, for
example, insulin injections.
Record keeping
Records offer protection to staff and children and provide evidence that agreed
procedures have been adhered to.
Pupils refusing medicines
If a child refuses to take medicine, staff must not force them to do so, but should
note this in the records on the Medication Record sheet, held in the Staff kitchen
If a refusal to take medicines results in an emergency, the school’s emergency
procedures should be followed.
Emergency Procedures
Where a child has an individual healthcare plan, this should clearly define what
constitutes an emergency and explain what to do, including ensuring that all relevant
staff are aware of emergency symptoms and procedures. It is worth noting that other
pupils within the school should know who to inform in case of an emergency.
If a child needs to be taken to the hospital, staff should stay with the child until the
parent arrives, or accompany a child taken to hospital by an ambulance.
Unprescribed Medicines
The school staff will not under any circumstances administer any unprescribed
medicine. Parents are informed that they are able to come to the School Office and
administer unprescribed medicine themselves.
*Unacceptable Practice
It is imperative that school staff should use their discretion and judge each case on its
merits with reference to a child’s individual healthcare plan, it is not generally
acceptable to:
prevent children from easily accessing their inhalers and medication and
administering their medication when and where necessary;
assume that every child with the same condition requires the same treatment;
ignore the views of the child or their parents; or ignore medical evidence or
opinion (although this may be challenged);
send children with medical conditions home frequently or prevent them from
staying for normal school activities, including lunch, unless this is specified in
their individual healthcare plans;
if the child becomes ill, send them to the school office or medical room
unaccompanied or with someone unsuitable;
penalise children for their attendance record if their absences are related to
their medical condition, eg hospital appointments;
prevent pupils from drinking, eating or taking toilet or other breaks whenever
they need to in order to manage their medical condition effectively;
require parents, or otherwise make them feel obliged, to attend school to
administer medication or provide medical support to their child, including with
toileting issues. No parent should have to give up working because the school is
failing to support their child’s medical needs; or
prevent children from participating, or create unnecessary barriers to children
participating in any aspect of school life, including school trips, eg by requiring
parents to accompany the child.
(*The above is taken from “Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions – April
Should parents have any cause for complaint, the Complaints Policy should be adhered
Appendix 1
Parental Request For The Administration of
Medicines In School
Date of Birth
Contact Number
GP Name
GP Contact Number
Details of any
allergies or other
special instructions
The Doctor has prescribed the following medication for my child, it is in the container in
which it was dispensed, clearly labelled with the contents, dosage and child’s name in full:
Date Prescribed
Name of Medication
Time To Be Dispensed
I realise that this is not a service the school is obliged to undertake
I accept full responsibility for informing the school if my child has been given a dose of
medication before coming to school
I accept responsibility for ensuring that the medicine has not expired and there will be enough
supplied to the school for my child’s needs
I will collect all unused medicine from the school at the end of the day
I will inform the school office immediately should there be any amendment to the following:
Address or Contact Details
Doctor or Doctor’s Contact Details
Parent / Carer Name ………………………………… Date …………………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Appendix 2
Parental Request For The Administration of ‘as required’ Long
Term Medicines In School
Date of Birth
Contact Number
GP Name/Address
GP Contact Number
Details of any
allergies or other
The Doctor has prescribed the following medication for my child, it is in the container in
which it was dispensed, clearly labelled with the contents, dosage and child’s name in full:
Name of Medication
Minimum Time
Between Dose
Time To Be
Medication to be given if the
following symptoms occur
I realise that this is not a service the school is obliged to undertake
I accept full responsibility for informing the school if my child has been given a dose of
medication before coming to school
I accept responsibility for ensuring that the medicine has not expired and there will be enough
supplied to the school for my child’s needs
I will collect all unused medicine from the school at the end of the term
I will inform the school office immediately should there be any amendment to the following:
Address or Contact Details
Doctor or Doctor’s Contact Details
Parent / Carer Name …………………………………………… Date ………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………………………………………………………