North Delhi Municipal Corporation has two Wings viz. Deliberative Wing & Executive Wing. Corporation is an authority and all the powers vested in it. Corporation is also having the following authorities for efficient performance of their duties viz. Standing Committee, Wards Committee and Commissioner. CORPORATION consist the following members: 104 Councillors elected from the Wards falling under the jurisdiction of North Delhi Municipal Corporation. 10 Members nominated by the Administrator. All the members of Lok Sabha whose constituency falling wholly or partly in the area of the North Delhi Municipal Corporation. All the members of Rajya Sabha registered as elector in the area of North Delhi Municipal Corporation. 1/5th of the members of Legislative Assembly representing the constituency falling wholly or partly in the area of North Delhi Municipal Corporation will be nominated by the Speaker by rotation every year.(Speaker shall ensure that every MLA should represent the Corporation) Corporation will start its functions only after making and subscribing at a meeting of the Corporation after an oath or affirmation. Corporation has two types of Committees Statutory as well as Special & Ad hoc Committees. STATUTORY COMMITTEES: STANDING COMMITTEE: Standing Committee shall consists of six members elected by the House by the councilors from among themselves. One member each elected by the members of each Wards Committee from among themselves. WARDS COMMITTEE: Wards Committee deemed to be constituted from the date on which the Corporation is constituted. All the councilors elected from the Wards comprised in that zone and The Person if any registered as Elector in jurisdiction of Zonal Wards Committee, nominated by the Administrator RURAL AREAS COMMITTEE: Rural Areas Committee shall consists of all the councilors elected from the wards situated within the rural area. EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Education Committee shall consist of 7 members of whom such number not exceeding three as may be determined by the Corporation shall be nominated by the Corporation who has specialization in Education & rest elected by the Corporation from among themselves. SPECIAL & AD HOC COMMITTEES: Corporation may consist as many as Special & Ad hoc Committees. At present 12 Special & 11 Ad hoc Committees are functioning in North Delhi Municipal Corporation. COMMISSIONER: S Central Govt. shall appoint Commissioner by notification. a suitable person as Commissioner exercises all the powers & performs all the duties imposed upon him by DMC Act. MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OFFICE:- The Municipal Secretariat is working as a bridge between Deliberative Wing & Executive Wing. The Municipal Secretary is Secretary of the Corporation and also of the Standing Committee, Rural Areas Committee, Education Committee, Wards Committees and as well as Special & Ad hoc Committees. Besides attending all Secretarial work, he assists the Mayor and Chairmen of Statutory, Special & Ad hoc Committees in maintaining decorum of the meeting. In short, he is a ready reckoner to the Mayor and Chairmen during the conduct of meeting. OBJECTIVE: Municipal Secretariat is Corporation’s allocated branch which is governed by the rules & regulations prescribed under the DMC Act, 1957. Secretariat receives the proposal of various departments of North Delhi Municipal Corporation through C&C and directly from Municipal Chief Auditor and Members. After fixing the date of meeting by Mayor/Chairmen, Secretariat prepares the agenda of the items/proposal received & circulate the same among the Deliberative/Executive Wings 72 hours before the date of meeting. The Secretariat puts up the proposals/Agenda before House/the concerned Committees for appropriate decisions. Secretariat notes down the proceedings of the meeting, prepare the minutes of the meeting and convey the decisions taken by the Deliberative Wing to the respective department through Commissioner/Municipal Chief Auditor for implementation. POWERS, FUNCTIONS & DUTIES OF MUNICIPAL SECRETARY’S OFFICE: Municipal Secretary is truly a friend, philosopher and guide to the members, who constitute the deliberative body. He alone has a duty before, during and after the meetings. The Municipal Secretary office performs such duties as provided under the DMC Act with regard to the Corporation, Statutory, Special & Ad hoc Committees. The Secretary office makes all the arrangements for conducting the meeting of the Corporation and various Committees. Municipal Secretary performs such duties as he is required by the Act, Rules, Regulations or Bye-Laws made thereunder to perform and such other duties in and with regard to the meetings of the Corporation, the Committees referred to above, the Ad hoc Committees and the Ward Committees that may be constituted under Section 40, and of the SubCommittees appointed under Section 65 as may be required of him by the Corporation, the respective Committees of the sub-Committees, as the case may be; Municipal Secretary records and keeps the minutes of proceedings of the meetings of the Corporation and the Committees referred to in Sub clause (a); Municipal Secretary has the custody of all papers and documents connected with the proceedings of the Corporation and other Committees and Sub-Committees referred to in Clause (a). AUTHORITY: The Municipal Secretariat is under the control and supervision of the Standing Committee. In the absence of the Municipal Secretary, Deputy Municipal Secretary or an Asstt. Municipal Secretary discharge duties of the Municipal Secretary. The Municipal Secretary object to the order of the Standing Committee prescribes the duties and exercise supervision over the acts of the officers and employees who are immediately subordinate to him.