Minnesota Public Drainage Manual (MPDM) Update Project Focus Groups Stakeholder Questionnaire This questionnaire is intended to gather “user” and other stakeholder perspectives about the use and functionality of the Minnesota Public Drainage Manual and the Understanding Minnesota Public Drainage Law – 2002 Overview for Decision-makers document. This information will help guide the work of the project team. This form can be submitted at a Focus Group meeting you attend, or can be sent as a Word document to mpdmupdate@houstoneng.com. Please feel free to use more sheets, as necessary. All completed questionnaires must be submitted by EOD, January 9, 2015. 1. My role(s) with regard to public drainage: (Please check one, or more, as applicable.) Auditor Drainage Engineer Drainage Inspector Lawyer Viewer County Commissioner Watershed District Manager County or Watershed District Staff State Agency Staff Other Stakeholder 2. On average, I use the Minnesota Public Drainage Manual (MPDM) and/or the Understanding Minnesota Public Drainage Law – 2002 Overview for Decision-makers (UMPDL): (Please check one.) MPDM UMPDL Weekly Monthly One or a few times per year Haven’t used to date 3. Why/How do you use the MPDM and/or the UMPDL? (Please check all that apply.) MPDM UMPDL To better understand Minnesota Drainage Law. To better understand my connection to the drainage system. To better manage my land. To help ensure compliance with Drainage Law requirements for drainage system proceedings and administration. To help ensure compliance with Drainage Law requirements for engineer’s reports, viewing, or inspection. To better understand roles and responsibilities. 1 As a source of forms and templates for drainage system proceedings and reports. Please indicate any other ways you use the MPDM and/or UMPDL. 5. What do you like about the MPDM and/or the UMPDL? (Please check all that apply.) MPDM UMPDL Valuable reference document to better understand Minnesota Drainage Law. Valuable reference for administration of Drainage Law and drainage systems. Helps ensure consistent implementation of Drainage Law in my jurisdiction and statewide. It is written for practitioners. It is comprehensive in regard to Minnesota Drainage Law. Please share any other strengths of the MPDM and/or UMPDL. 6. What would you suggest to improve the (MPDM) and/or the UMPDL? (Please check all that apply.) MPDM Add more visuals / graphics. Make the MPDM/UMPDL more easily accessible online, with links in the table of contents to specific chapters and sections. Add more electronic forms and templates for various drainage system proceedings, reports and other documents. 2 UMPDL Please share any other improvements you might suggest. 7. Please list your one most important recommendation for improving the MPDM and UMPDL. (Note: This MPDM Update Project is about current law, it cannot change Drainage Law.) List recommendation here. Thank you for filling out the MPDM Focus Group Stakeholder Questionnaire. Please submit it in person or by email by EOD, January 9, 2014. Optional: Please provide your contact information. You will only be contacted if it is necessary to clarify your responses. Name: Phone: Email Address: Mailing Address: 3