THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF ARTS SCHOLARS Master: Alderman Ian Luder COMPANY CARVERY* LUNCH AT IRONMONGERS’ HALL Shaftesbury Place, Barbican, London EC2Y 8AA Monday March 9th 2015 at 12.30pm for 1.00pm As you may know, the Butchers’ Hall is now closed for re-development. However, it is still possible to enjoy their carvery lunches as they have joined forces with the Ironmongers’ Monday Club. A table for 20 Arts Scholars has been reserved for a three-course lunch with wine (half bottle) and pre-lunch drink. This will be an informal occasion (suit and tie) without speeches and will be an opportunity to meet other members of the Company and to introduce your guests who may be potential members. This is a popular event and tends to sell out quickly so I suggest you respond as soon as possible. Cancellations cannot be refunded after March 2nd. Tickets will cost £55 each inc VAT. Please note: Those attending will be asked to pre-order their lunch in advance *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** TO: The Clerk, The Company of Arts Scholars 28 Aldebert Terrace, London SW8 1BJ. I, ……………………………………. would like to attend the luncheon at the Ironmongers’ Hall on Monday March 9th I would like to bring the following guest: …………………………………………... The cost of the lunch is £55 per head. Kindly enclose a cheque for the appropriate amount made out to “Arts Scholars Events Ltd”. Payment may be made by cheque and sent to the Clerk at the above address or direct to the bank: Account No: 44821352. Sort Code: 09-01-28. Ref: IRON LUNCH. Please return this form to the Clerk.