Program 3 – Future Brisbane Future Brisbane Program Goal The Future Brisbane program is committed to encouraging the city's continued growth, prosperity and facilitating quality development. Our goal is to ensure Brisbane, Australia's New World City, is well designed and efficiently serviced, with a distinctive subtropical character. Brisbane's expanding economy is at the centre of one of the fastest growing urban regions in Australia. A major challenge facing the city is to continue to participate in, and respond to, the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031, and balance the need for employment growth, while protecting our heritage buildings, parks and natural environment, and enhancing lifestyle opportunities. Through integrated strategies, Council will continue to engage with the community to proactively plan and manage for our city's future. Program activities include: • providing leadership on the future shape of our city and urban planning • providing the land use and development framework for the city • preparing for extreme weather events and natural hazards through review of relevant plans and standards • implementing the Brisbane City Plan 2014 • implementing and delivering initiatives and projects, including urban improvement projects identified through planning and economic development processes • co-ordinating Council's input and involvement with activities of the Council of Mayors (SEQ) • efficiently and effectively operating a best practice development assessment system, facilitating development applications, operational works applications, plan sealing, and plumbing applications • implementing a range of planning and development assessment reforms to improve development assessment processes • ensuring that road, utility services, drainage and open space assets, donated to Council as part of the development process, meet Council standards • carrying out compliance and enforcement of planning, building and plumbing legislation • planning for the development and servicing of infill and greenfield development sites • reviewing the Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) to co-ordinate the provision and funding of infrastructure in development areas across the city • continuing Neighbourhood Plans in Brisbane to ensure locally specific planning provisions involve the community in planning the city's future and assist in achieving South East Queensland regional planning targets • delivering urban renewal in inner Brisbane to encourage social and economic vibrancy to meet regional growth targets and maximise regeneration opportunities • continuing to provide independent strategic advice on key planning, design and social policy issues through the Urban Futures Brisbane Board • planning and co-ordinating Brisbane Improvement Projects and Suburban Centre Improvement Projects (SCIP’s) to deliver site-specific urban design and economic community benefits • identifying and conserving the city's heritage places and character housing areas • providing a strong subtropical design identity for Brisbane • undertaking partnerships with industry and the government sector to deliver on regional, citywide and local planning initiatives. Program Outcomes and Financial Summary Program Outcomes 3.1 - Planning for a Growing City Anticipated Proposed Anticipated Proposed Anticipated Proposed 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 Expense 12,774 8,847 Revenue 6,000 3,534 Capital 2,545 773 3.2 - Enhancing Brisbane's Liveability 7,445 7,817 3,472 779 8,156 10,865 3.3 - Approving Quality Development 49,536 50,608 47,458 45,749 154 - 69,755 67,272 56,930 50,062 10,855 11,638 - 71 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane Recurrent Operations Contracts 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 953 885 902 Outcome 3.1 Planning for a Growing City Outcome description Council is committed to facilitating economic growth and maintaining prosperity in Brisbane through sustainable development. Council's planning approach will recognise the knowledge, sophistication and maturity of our community and will accommodate people's strong desire to have a say and be involved in planning for the future of Brisbane and the region. Where we are now The South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031 and South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program 2031 were released by the Queensland Government to guide long term planning for sustainable growth and development in SEQ. Council works closely with the Queensland Government and the Council of Mayors (SEQ) to implement the policies and programs set out in these plans. The Brisbane City Plan 2014 is a fresh statement of Council's intentions for the future development of Brisbane. It provides guidance for residents, applicants, builders, developers, solicitors and others and defines the preferred pattern of growth for the city including residential, commercial, industrial and green space areas. At the local level, neighbourhood planning will be undertaken in partnership with communities to plan for the future of their local area. Council commenced its first Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution in June 2011, and its first Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) in January 2012. These documents form the backbone of Council's infrastructure contributions framework, and consolidate 19 Planning Scheme Policies for Infrastructure Charges into two simpler, more transparent documents. Where we want to be The South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031 will be successfully implemented through strong leadership and commitment by the Queensland and local governments and ownership by the community. The Queensland Government and Council will deliver a broad range of infrastructure to serve both existing and new growth areas. The councils forming the Greater Brisbane Area will continue to work co-operatively to co-ordinate planning and infrastructure provision across boundaries, through the Council of Mayors (SEQ). The Brisbane City Plan 2014 provides a foundation for the sustainable economic development of the city. Infrastructure planning and co-ordination are integral components of the Brisbane City Plan 2014, ensuring that: • Brisbane has a formal, long term infrastructure provision and charging regime, matched to forecast growth that complies with Queensland Government requirements • Council infrastructure is well planned and is provided in an efficient, co-ordinated manner • new development contributes towards infrastructure delivery. Infrastructure planning will be undertaken in tandem with the City Plan reviews including the Neighbourhood Planning process. Infrastructure co-ordination will occur through the facilitation of key projects, and new growth will be co-ordinated with infrastructure requirements. Strategy 3.1.1 City and Regional Planning The Brisbane City Plan 2014 is subject to ongoing review to reflect the requirements of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031, increased understanding of the environment and circumstances impacting upon the city, and community expectations. Service Strategic Land Use Planning The program will aim to deliver improved integration between community expectations and the outcomes sought by the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031, as well as integrating planning and delivery across Council's programs. This will be achieved through implementation of the Brisbane City Plan 2014 to guide the sustainable - 72 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane growth of the city. Maintaining a project management culture with a strong focus on cost control and project delivery, particularly for civic improvement projects, remains a key objective. Activities and deliverables include: • implementing and monitoring the Brisbane City Plan 2014 strategic framework, planning scheme and online content including: • initiating Brisbane City Plan 2014 amendments arising through planning activities underway across Council and responding to external factors (including supporting the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans) • communicating initiatives aimed at enhancing the future of the city and engaging with a range of audiences and interest groups • delivering the Brisbane City Plan 2014 while pursuing and facilitating opportunities for the ongoing economic development of the city • implementing the Brisbane City Plan 2014 and maintaining it through a process of ongoing review • branch management • corporate reporting and communication • advocating Council’s position with respect to policy affecting the planning of Brisbane • regularly upgrading and improving the Brisbane City Plan 2014 online content and mapping information • providing input to planning matters affecting the SEQ region including facilitating and participating in regular government forums of SEQ planners, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning and the Council of Mayors (SEQ) and the Federal Government to exchange information and seek greater co-ordination of and co-operation in planning and infrastructure • co-ordinating Council's planning strategies and associated activities including: • undertaking strategic policy and land use investigations for key areas of metropolitan and city significance • co-ordinating strategic land use input to high level development applications • facilitating the implementation of land use plans for the Rochedale Urban Community and other key growth areas through investment in catalyst infrastructure, assessment of development applications and operational works and partnerships with major landholders such as infrastructure agreements • partnerships with key internal and external partners to deliver on growth initiatives • advocating that the Queensland and Federal governments meet their commitments to the development of infrastructure in Brisbane • undertaking research, database development and maintenance including: • implementing the use of the urban growth models to support strategic and neighbourhood level infrastructure planning • maintaining population, employment and related information as the single database for Council to inform infrastructure cost analysis and charges revenue forecasting • developing planning amendments to reflect changing circumstances on the local, regional and national scale • providing advice and support for the incoming new planning legislation. Operating Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 3,002 - 1,713 - Expense Revenue Projects Rochedale Infrastructure Design and Delivery Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 624 730 - 651 736 - 655 761 - 724 764 - Strategy 3.1.2 Co-ordinate Infrastructure Planning Co-ordinate the planning of key infrastructure, including waterways and drainage, parks, transport, community facilities, to underpin the growth needs of Brisbane and to support the aims of Queensland Government planning legislation. - 73 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane Service Priority Infrastructure Plans and Infrastructure Charges Policy The key activities under this service include: • ensuring that the long term planning, co-ordination, financing and construction of infrastructure for transport, waterways, parks and community facilities supports development needs now and into the future • working with Queensland Urban Utilities to ensure that water and sewerage infrastructure is planned, financed and constructed to support present and future development • facilitating partnerships with the private sector and government to deliver infrastructure in a cost effective manner • participating in partnerships with Australia TradeCoast, Port of Brisbane Corporation and Brisbane Airport Corporation to deliver complementary infrastructure in a co-ordinated manner • providing an efficient system for collecting, tracking, accounting for and monitoring of infrastructure charges and preparation and implementation of infrastructure agreements • providing expert advice on the calculation and levying of infrastructure contributions • monitoring and forecasting residential and non-residential development to support effective infrastructure planning • maintaining an infrastructure charging framework that addresses the Queensland Government's requirements for infrastructure planning and charging. This service will also improve the implementation of infrastructure agreements and develop mechanisms to expedite payments for less complex agreements. Council will be continuing its Infrastructure Charges Reduction Program for eligible community organisations to provide financial relief for organisations delivering new or expanded community service, sporting or recreational facilities. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 3,761 - 4,044 - Projects BCC Managed Water Supply and Sewerage ICP PSP Hotels Development Infrastructure Subsidy Infrastructure Charges Reduction for Eligible Community Organisations Infrastructure Revenue Information System (IRIS) Enhancements Material Change of Use Investigations Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue - 74 - 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 3,534 1,500 542 149 317 - 1,500 567 113 329 - 562 112 328 - 561 112 328 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane Outcome 3.2 Enhancing Brisbane's Liveability Outcome description Council continues to implement the successful Neighbourhood Planning and Urban Renewal activity program which involves planning and delivering development and land use plans at a neighbourhood level, in collaboration with the community and other stakeholders, to enhance lifestyles, the environment and economy. Where we are now Neighbourhood Planning enables communities to participate in urban planning activities to protect and enhance valued local environments, ensure infrastructure alignment and maximise development and economic opportunities. Through an extensive, tailored and quality community engagement program, involving up to 100,000 stakeholders annually, residents, property owners and business operators can: • better understand planning provisions that guide growth across Brisbane • participate in shaping the future of their neighbourhoods. Furthermore, there is a focus on ensuring that strategic objectives are successfully implemented on a local scale and that plans become a reality through: • quality strategic and technical advice for special projects and major development applications • liaison related to new development • facilitating public and private investment by catalyst projects • stimulating interest in local communities through projects such as heritage trails • collaboratively facilitating commercial and residential revitalisation, particularly in the inner city through Urban Renewal Brisbane activity and with independent Urban Futures Brisbane Board assistance to deliver quality built and natural environment outcomes. Where we want to be The Neighbourhood Planning and Urban Renewal activity program will deliver and implement strategies and plans to ensure a viable mix of employment and commercial opportunities, protection or enhancement of local character and the natural environment, facilitation of innovative design and integrated land use infrastructure outcomes in accordance with local needs and strategic objectives. In 2014-15 this activity program will: • continue to progress or finalise neighbourhood plans for Albion, Taringa, Lower Oxley Creek North, Hemmant / Lytton, Spring Hill and the City Centre • continue to deliver heritage trails • demonstrate transparent decision making • continue to undertake technical planning work to identify opportunities and issues and ensure development viability, community benefits, market/industry support, positive environmental outcomes and refining plans and practices accordingly • promote development and economic growth potential • continue to foster collaborative relationships to deliver community and plan intents. Strategy 3.2.1 Local Identity Strengthen the identity and character of local areas. Service Plans for Suburbs and Other Development Areas Neighbourhood Planning includes extensive community engagement to enhance planning including the coordination of infrastructure planning and provision. The Neighbourhood Planning process delivers: • a draft strategy that develops planning concepts with the greater community, based on technical studies and community engagement • an infrastructure plan that ensures transport, parks, waterways and other trunk infrastructure meet future demands • a performance-based statutory plan which is a legal document that establishes land use and design criteria against which development will be assessed. Completed Neighbourhood Plans include development intents, character housing precincts, levels of assessment for new development, employment opportunities, public access and open space improvements. These plans comply with the requirements of the Queensland Government planning legislation. - 75 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 2,596 - 3,067 - Projects Neighbourhood Planning Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 2,295 - 2,068 - 2,108 - 2,125 - Strategy 3.2.2 Urban Futures Brisbane Board The Urban Futures Brisbane Board will continue to offer independent, real world advice to help inform Council's decisions about the city's future planning direction. Service Urban Futures Brisbane Urban Futures Brisbane Board will provide independent advice to Council on planning, design and social inclusion. The Board will contribute to fostering partnerships between Council, government, industry and the community, and will advocate Council's plans and policies across a range of relevant networks and key forums. In addition, the Urban Futures Brisbane Board will provide guidance and stewardship to several Council projects. The following services will be provided to the Urban Futures Brisbane Board: • high quality support to the Urban Futures Brisbane Board and its Portfolios, namely the Independent Design Advisory Panel (IDAP), the Inclusive Brisbane Board (IBB), Urban Renewal Brisbane and the Lord Mayor's Oxley Creek Catchment Taskforce (LMOCCTF), their meetings and background research • guidance, advancement and implementation of Urban Futures Brisbane Board initiatives and projects • implementation of innovations, systems improvements and strategies for improving the operations of the Urban Futures Brisbane Board Secretariat. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 565 158 460 176 Projects Urban Futures Brisbane Board Vibrant Laneways Virtual Brisbane Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 216 1,229 443 39 - 218 1,003 441 125 - 230 1,247 447 39 - 232 1,000 445 48 - Strategy 3.2.3 Brisbane Improvement Projects Undertake city improvement projects and facilitate quality urban design through policy development, capital works projects, partnerships and advice to other Council programs. Service Brisbane Improvement Projects Incorporating SCIPs Brisbane's reputation as Australia's New World City is being enhanced through the delivery of excellent examples of subtropical urban design. This service promotes, facilitates and delivers civic improvements across the city at a range of scales and across a wide variety of project types. This includes providing a strategic design vision to improve our civic environment and help provide new and increased levels of amenity in areas experiencing higher - 76 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane densities, transport infrastructure development and urban renewal. The aim is to continuously improve the urban environment and stimulate economic activity through key projects and consistent advice. SCIPs undertake streetscape improvements to enhance amenity, identity, safety and accessibility. It delivers projects to stimulate economic activity and attract investment in key locations in consultation with a range of stakeholders. In addition, this service develops urban design strategy and policy, and provides urban design advice and input to other Council projects. Operating Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 900 814 941 603 Expense Revenue Projects Brisbane Improvement Projects Incorporating SCIPs Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 9,197 4,783 - - 826 - 855 - Service Public Artworks Public art is an expression of our city's culture and creativity, playing an integral role in describing and interpreting aspects of our city, people and places. This service assists Council, business, community groups and individuals to install permanent and temporary public art projects across the city. It also provides ongoing management of Council's extensive and growing public art portfolio and this year Council will focus on expanding its collection of landmark artworks. Operating Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 294 - 294 - Expense Revenue Projects City Artworks Project Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 400 100 - 400 100 - 400 100 - 400 100 - Outcome 3.3 Approving Quality Development Outcome description The Brisbane City Plan 2014 is Council's plan for the future development of Brisbane. It guides how land in Brisbane can be used and developed and is a significant tool to guide and foster economic development. Building and development in Brisbane is approved in accordance with the Brisbane City Plan 2014 and will seek to retain and enhance Brisbane's subtropical lifestyle, maintaining its unique heritage, character, safety and prosperity. Where we are now This outcome incorporates, through complementary and collaborative processes, both development assessment and regulatory functions, as well as focusing on and protecting the city's valuable character and heritage. Council provides a best practice, efficient, effective and user friendly development facilitation framework based on the Queensland Government planning legislation, Brisbane City Plan 2014 and other regulatory policies. - 77 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane Council's assessment functions include advocacy for and facilitation of quality and exemplary development, assessment of development applications and operational works applications, plan sealing and managing appeals against Council decisions. Council's regulatory functions include signage, plumbing regulation and development compliance checks. Promotion of sustainable subtropical design continues to influence public perception about the need for development that is suited to our climate and location. Council has responded to community expectations that Brisbane's unique built form is valued and maintained by identifying Brisbane's heritage and character through survey, mapping and referrals, and by protection through appropriate codes. Where we want to be Council will continue to implement service and process improvements that maintain Brisbane's status as an exemplary development assessment manager. In regulating development, the emphasis is on achieving quality outcomes in a timely manner. Council will promote the use of our Express Services which provide high quality outcomes for applicants for low risk, non-complex applications, while allowing Council to allocate appropriate resources to more complex development projects. Providing certainty for plan sealing decision times will also feature through SealSMART. Council will also continue PlumbSMART to improve timeliness and process on plumbing applications. Turnaround times on development decisions are significantly reduced for applications that are well made, meet planning requirements and provide sufficient supporting information. The ongoing simplification of regulation and processes will ensure that Council delivers timely and high quality development outcomes. Council will continue to be a strong advocate for sustainable subtropical building design to be practised by professionals and widely adopted. Council's assessment of major projects is informed through independent, professional peer review. City character protection is widely embraced and the Brisbane City Plan 2014 Heritage Register is comprehensive. Council strongly supports the retention of character houses and the conservation of heritage places. Heritage conservation will continue to be encouraged by a simplified development assessment process and through heritage grants and the availability of technical assistance from Council, including free architectural advice. Strategy 3.3.1 Development Regulation High quality decision making processes and the prompt approval of appropriate development solutions which respond to our climate result in smart development solutions. Service Guiding Brisbane’s Development This service will provide efficient and effective development assessment and regulation activities including: • provision of pre-lodgement and pre-investment planning advice • development facilitation • fast-tracked development assessment for low risk applications through RiskSMART • operational works approvals • plan sealing including fast-tracked plan sealing for low risk applications through SealSMART • timely processing of low risk plumbing applications through PlumbSMART • development assessment appeals • approvals to construct driveways and connect stormwater to trunk infrastructure • checking development compliance • approvals and inspections for plumbing and drainage work • ensuring that assets donated to Council including roads, drains, open space, and utilities comply with Council standards • approval to use and occupy footways • collection of unpaid developer contributions • planning and building compliance activities including: • investigating unlawful uses of land • ensuring conditions of development approvals are met • responding to complaints about development, student accommodation and overcrowding issues • approving the relaxation of siting requirements for houses, carports, retaining walls and fences • licencing of advertising signage. - 78 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane Council is committed to the continual improvement of its development assessment process. The major directions for development regulation in 2014-15 are: • implementing the Brisbane City Plan 2014 and its associated processes • continuing to implement a risk-based approach to the assessment of development applications • improving our electronic development assessment process • utilising new technologies to improve our interaction with customers • improving the plan sealing process • improving the Plumbing Service through the promotion of PlumbSMART • responding to regulatory changes brought about by Queensland Government reforms including a new Planning Act due to be implemented in this financial year. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 47,491 47,329 49,610 45,749 Strategy 3.3.2 Promote and Protect City Character Brisbane is made up of a diverse array of character and heritage assets which are important to the character of Brisbane. The Brisbane City Plan 2014 delivers Council’s commitment to protect heritage places and buildings in Brisbane through balancing the need to protect cultural heritage significance, while at the same time creating new places to live and do business. Service Preserving the City`s Heritage The Brisbane City Plan 2014 Heritage Register list includes assets identified for their heritage significance, including buildings, sites and natural features. These assets are identified by the City Architecture and Heritage team and are included in the Brisbane City Plan 2014. The Register is subject to ongoing review and refinement as Council undertakes planning processes across the city. Future development of assets included in the Brisbane City Plan 2014 Heritage Register list is subject to a planning application against the Heritage Overlay Code. The service continues to document and promote aspects of the city's heritage and traditional building character for the benefit of the city, its residents and visitors through such initiatives as input to neighbourhood planning projects, the delivery of a publicly accessible heritage database and establishment of local heritage walks. This service also provides technical input to Council and external projects from a heritage perspective, provides advice to heritage property owners and administers Heritage Incentive Scheme grants. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 523 - 593 - Projects Heritage Incentive Scheme Capital Expense Revenue - 79 - 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 405 - 367 - 385 - 391 - Program 3 – Future Brisbane Total Project Expenditure Combined with Rolling Projects Project Brisbane Improvement Projects Incorporating SCIPs City Artworks Project Heritage Incentive Scheme Hotels Development Infrastructure Subsidy Infrastructure Charges Reduction for Eligible Community Organisations Infrastructure Revenue Information System (IRIS) Enhancements Material Change of Use Investigations Neighbourhood Planning Rochedale Infrastructure Design and Delivery Urban Futures Brisbane Board Vibrant Laneways Virtual Brisbane TOTAL 2014-15 $000 9,197 2015-16 $000 4,783 2016-17 $000 826 2017-18 $000 855 500 405 1,500 542 500 367 1,500 567 500 385 562 500 391 561 149 113 112 112 317 2,295 1,354 216 1,672 39 329 2,068 1,387 218 1,444 125 328 2,108 1,416 230 1,694 39 328 2,125 1,488 232 1,445 48 18,186 13,401 8,200 8,085 - 80 -