International Scientific-Practical Conference «Industrial Minerals

9-13 November 2015, Kazan, Russia
First Circular
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
On behalf of the Organizing and Programming Committees, please, accept our invitation to take part in the
International Scientific-Practical Conference “Industrial Minerals: Problems of Forecast, Exploration, and
Assessment and Innovation Technologies of Deposits Development” which will be held on November, 913, 2015 at the FSUE “The Central Scientific Research Institute of Geology of Industrial Minerals (FSUE
TsNIIgeolnerud) under the aegis of the Federal Agency of Mineral Resources and the Government of the
Republic of Tatarstan. The Conference is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of FSUE “TsNIIgeolnerud”.
The forthcoming conference is aimed at the discussion of the wide range of issues connected with the
forecast, exploration assessment and development of industrial deposits, the exploration of industrial minerals world market, and trends in the development of the domestic mineral raw-material supply as well as
the innovation technologies of the assessment mineral raw, extracting, and manufacturing processing of
high-liquidity products.
The membership of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and the provision of the International
Scientific-Practical Conference “Industrial Minerals: Problems of Prognosis, Exploration, and Assessment
and Innovation Technologies of Deposits Development”
Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich -
Interim President of the Republic of Tatarstan, co-chairman of
the Organizing Committee (by agreement)
Pak Valery Anatolyevich-
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Head
of the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources, co-chairman of
the Organizing Committee (by agreement)
Khalikov Ildar Shafkatovich -
Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, vice-chairman
Aksenov Evgeny Mikhailovich -
Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The Central
Scientific Research Institute of Geology of Industrial Minerals”,
Organizing Committee members:
Aminov Ilshat Yunusovich -
Director General of the JSC “Teleradio company “Novyi Vek”
(by agreement)
Kalinkin Denis Gennadyevich -
Head of the Executive Committee of Kazan Municipal Organization (by agreement)
Kiselev Evgeny Arkadyevich -
Deputy Head of The Federal Subsoil Resources Management
Agency (by agreement)
Lavrentiev Alexey Petrovich -
President of “The Association of the enterprises and businessmen of the Republic of Tatarstan” (by agreement)
Lenchuk Dmitry Vasilyevich -
Chief of Administration of The Federal Subsoil Resources
Management Agency (by agreement)
Mutygullin Ravil Khaidarovich -
Deputy Head of the Department of Subsoil Resources Management in the Volga Region Federal District (by agreement)
Orlov Victor Petrovich -
President of the Russian Geological Society (by agreement)
Sabirov Rinat Kasimovich -
Assistant of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan (by
Sadykov Ravil Kasimovich -
Scientific Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The Central Scientific Research Institute of Geology of
Industrial Minerals” (by agreement)
Salakhov Myakzum Khalimullovich -
President of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
Safin Lenar Rinatovich -
Minister of Transport and Roads of Republic of the Republic of
Sidorov Artem Georgievich -
Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of
Faizullin Irek Envarovich -
Minister of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Communal
Services of the Republic of Tatarstan
Faskhutdinov Marat Gaysovich -
Chief of Department for Subsoil Development, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Apparatus of
Minister’s Cabinet of the Republic of Tatarstan
Fattakhov Engel Navalovich -
Deputy Prime Minister– The Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Yarullin Rafinat Samatovich -
Director General of the JSC “Tatneftekhiminvest Holding” (by
The Membership of the Programming Committee for the preparation and provision of the International
Scientific-Practical Conference “Industrial Minerals: Problems of Forecast, Exploration, and Assessment
and Innovation Technologies of Deposits Development”
Aksenov Evgeny Mikhailovich -
Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The Central
Research Institute for Geology of Industrial Minerals”, cochairman of Programming Commetee (by agreement)
Kiselev Eugeny Arkadyevich -
Deputy Head of The Federal Subsoil Resources Management
Agency, co-chairman of Programming Commetee (by agreement)
Akchurin Timur Maratovich -
Deputy Minister for Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan for subsurface resources management, cochairman of Programming Commetee (by agreement)
The Programming Committee members:
Aksenov Sergey Alekseevich -
Chief of the Administration of solid minerals geology of The
Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency (by agreement)
Vasilyev Nikolay Glebovich -
First Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise
“The Central Research Institute for Geology of Industrial Minerals” (by agreement)
Lygina Taliya Zinurovna -
Scientific Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The Central Scientific Research Institute of Geology of
Industrial Minerals” (by agreement)
Mashkovtsev Grigory Anatolyevich-
Director General of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The
All-Russian Research Institute for the Mineral Raw Materials
named after N.M. Fedorovsky” (by agreement)
Miletenko Nikolay Vasilyevich -
Deputy Director of The Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (by
Muslimov Renat Khaliullovich -
Advisor of the President of the Respublic of Tatarstan on oil
and oil and gas fields development (by agreement)
Nizamov Rashid Kurbangaleevich -
Rector of Kazan State University of Architecture and Construction (by agreement)
Nurgaliev Danis Karlovich -
Vice-Rector for Scientific Activities of Kazan (Volga Region)
Federal University – director of Institution of Geology and oil
and gas technologies (by agreement)
Khamidullin Vladimir Valeryevich -
Chief of the Department for the Subsoil Use in the Volga Region Federal District (by agreement)
Chanturiya Valentin Alekseevich -
Director of the Institute of Complex Mineral Development at
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (by agreement)
Shelomentsev Andrey Gennadievich -
Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (by agreement)
Shiptsov Vladimir Vladimirovich -
Director of the Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (by agreement)
Yarullin Rafinat Samatovich -
Director General of the Open Joint-Stock Company “Tatneftekhiminvest Holding” (by agreement).
Programme of Conference
November, 9th, 2015 – arrival in Kazan, check-in, acquainting excursion, Kazan sightseeing
November, 10th, 2015 – Registraton, Grand Opening Ceremony of the Conference, plenary session, the
meeting to mark the 70th anniversary of the FSUE “TsNIIgeolnerud”
November, 11th, 2015 – Work in sections, final plenary session, closing ceremony
November, 12th, 2015 – Bus tour to Sviyazhsk isle and Raif Monastery, walk excursion round Kazan
November, 13th, 2015 – Acquaintance of participants of the Conference with the FSUE “TsNIIgeolnerud”,
round table “Problems and relevant questions of the laboratory service of the Industry”. Check-out and
departure of the participants of the International Scientific-Practical Conference.
Conference working languages: Russian and English
Speakers may submit abstracts and presentation of reports in any of the languages above
The format and schedule of the conference: Conference will include a plenary session and three scientific
sections, which will be held simultaneously
Section #1. Forecast, exploration and assessment of industrial minerals
Section #2. Development of industrial minerals global market and the trends of the domestic mineral resources base development
Section #3. Innovative methods and techniques of examination and assessment and evaluation of the raw
materials quality; production, processing and manufacturing of high liquidity products
The duration of the reports - up to 20 minutes, including questions and discussion. Poster session will be
held as well.
Rules for the submission of applications for participation and the submission of abstracts: application for
participation (in any form) and abstracts are accepted until August 30, 2015.
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are accepted. Please, note the type of report when submitting
abstracts. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail with a .doc extension.
Abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
Guidelines for Authors: extended abstracts should be no more than 4 A4 pages, including text, figures
and tables. Margins (top, bottom, left and right): 25 mm. Title: uppercase (capital letters), left justified, Arial
font, 14 point, bold. Names of the authors: normal font, left justified, Arial, 12 pt. Organization: ordinary
type, left justified, Arial, 10 pt; superscript numbers should be used for the numbering of the organizations
in which the authors work; e-mail should be given in parentheses after the name of the organization contact the author. The main text of abstracts: 1 line spacing, Arial, 12 pt. Do not include the names of the
Important dates
May 1, 2015 - sending the first circular
June 1, 2015 - sending the second circular
October 1, 2015 - sending the third circular and final conference programme
The registration fee for the participants from the Russian Federation and the Commowealth of Independent States is 10.000 (ten thousand) Russian roubles. The fee covers all the costs of participation in the
Conference events.
Bank information of the FSUE “TsNIIgeolnerud” for registration fee payments
Full name of the Organization
Federal State Unitary Enterprise “The Central
Scientific Research Institute of Geology of Industrial Minerals”
FSUE “TsNIIgeolnerud”
Legal address
420097, Kazan, Zinina str., 4
Tel.: 8(843)236-47-93.. Fax: 8(843)236-47-04
Actual address
420097, Kazan, Zinina str., 4
Tel.: 8(843)236-47-93.. Fax: 8(843)236-47-04
Tax Registration Reason Code
Settlement Account
Branch № 8610 Sberbank of Russian, Kazan
Correspondent Account
Aksenov Evgeny Michailovich
Chief Accountant
Fakhrutdinova Elena Evgenyevna
Purpose of payment
Participation in the International ScientificPractical Conference
All main events of the Conference will take place in the hotel “Korston-Kazan”, Ershov str., 1A.
Participants of the Conference will provide their stay in hotels and transfers on their own. The attached
map shows the location of nearest hotels.
The Institute would be very grateful to accept sponsors support to provide the International ScientificPractical Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the FSUE “TsNIIgeolnerud”.
Organizers invite companies connected with the industrial minerals business to support the International
Conference and to lend the sponsors help. Sponsorship will give them an excellent opportunity to solve
effectively and efficiently their problems among the conference audience as well as to participate actively
in the development of the conference programme and to make the list of reporters.
Organizational issues:
Sadykov Ravil Kasimovich, candidate of geographical sciences, scientific deputy director
(843) 238-74-66, e-mail:
Programme issues:
Lygina Taliya Zinurovna, doctor of geological-mineralogy sciences, scientific deputy director
(843) 236-53-73, e-mail:
Antonov Vadim Alexeevich
(843) 236-44-13, e-mail:
Khasanova Marina Borisovna
(843) 236-54-80, e-mail:
Kornilova Anastasia Gennadievna (843) 236-53-73
Address: Zinina str., 4, Kazan, Russia, 420097
Phone 8 (843) 236-47-93, Fax 8(843) 236-47-04, E-mail
Detailed information about Conference is available at
Application Form
International Scientific and Practical Conference
“Industrial Minerals: Issues of Prediction, Prospecting, Evaluation, and Innovative Technology Development Fields”
First name_____________________________________________________________________
Last name_____________________________________________________________________
Academic degree, rank___________________________________________________________
Address, ZIP code ______________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________________________________________
Fax __________________________________________________________________________
Report title
Preferred form of report
Technical support
Poster stand
Hotel reservation
Participant's signature