Application Information
Goal: The Equity Leaders Fellowship will develop a cohort of leaders from communities of color to take leadership positions on community committees, boards of directors and other state and local civic engagement opportunities. Drawing on the expertise of New Hampshire’s leaders of color, the Fellows will develop concrete leadership skills and a deep understanding of an equity framework. The overall goal of this initiative is to build capacity for collective impact around priority issues for communities of color.
Model: The Fellowship will be comprised of cohorts of up to 15 Fellows who will participate in 8 learning sessions over the course of six months. Learning sessions include theoretical knowledge building as well as interactive exercises. The program also includes a mentorship component, homework including reading and/or reflective writing between sessions, and a Board/committee exposure experience. Candidates will be expected to commit to attending a minimum of 80% of learning sessions, as well as participate in mentoring connections, and Board exposure experiences. This will be a substantial commitment of time, and could be as much as 12-15 hours per month.
Who Should Apply: The Equity Leaders Fellowship seeks applications from people of color (racial/ethnic minority, immigrants and refugees) with a wide range of backgrounds, professional skills, interests and ages. Candidates should be interested in participating in leadership opportunities on community committees, boards of directors, and other state and local civic engagement opportunities. Eligible participants will have 2 years’ experience serving in a community or civic leadership capacity.
Cost: There is no fee for participation. There may be times when you will be asked to bring a brown bag dinner.
Program schedule: The program schedule is on the next page.
Availability: Other leadership programs ask employers to let people have time off from work to participate.
We have included an Employee Support Form for you to make the request of your employer. If getting time off from work is a barrier, please continue with the application process as we may have the opportunity to better meet your needs in a future cohort.
Recognition: $250 recognition will be awarded upon graduation to each participant who has successfully completed the program.
Application Deadline: Please submit your application and a copy of your resume via email to equityleadersfellowshipnh@gmail.com
by April 10, 2015.
Admission Process: Please complete the enclosed application, following the word limits where indicated, and submit electronically by email. Applications will be reviewed by the Equity Leaders Fellowship
Leadership Team. In-person or telephone interviews will be conducted with potential candidates and references will be contacted. Decisions will be made by the end of April. Accepted Fellowship participants will receive a letter apprising them of their acceptance into the program.
Session 1
Program Schedule
(Program location TBD in Manchester)
May 9
May 29
Saturday, 9:30 am -
3:30 pm
Friday, 4-8 pm
Leadership & the NH Context
Race & Self-Awareness Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
June 12
July 17
Session 5 August 14
Session 6 September 18
Friday, 4-8 pm
Friday, 4-8 pm
Friday, 4-8 pm
Friday, 4-8 pm
Inequality & Power
Board Dynamics
Change & Critical Thinking
Session 7
Session 8
October 2
October 31
Friday, 4-8 pm
Saturday, 9:30 am -
3:30 pm
Collective Impact
Reflection & Learning
Fellowship Application
First Name:
Preferred Email:
Home Address:
Last Name:
Preferred Phone:
City: State: Zip:
Tell us a little about yourself. Please describe how being a person of color has influenced your desire to become a community leader? (Limit 500 words)
Describe your community and/or civic leadership experiences. What community organizations do/did you belong to? (Limit 500 words)
Why are you interested in participating in this program and what do you hope to learn? (300 words)
What do you think you will be able to contribute as an Equity Leaders Fellow? (Limit 300 words)
Board Interest: I’m interested in a Board or Committee which relates to:
(feel free to check more than one topic)
☐ Advocacy and policy ☐ Arts ☐ Behavior/Mental Health/substances misuse
☐ Children, Youth and Families ☐ Criminal/Juvenile Justice ☐ Education ☐ Elders/aging Issues
☐ Environment ☐ Health
I have a specific Board or Committee in mind (Please identify):
Would your employer give you paid time off on meeting days or allow you to miss days off work to be at the
ELF session? ☐ No ☐ Yes
If yes, please have your employer complete the ELF Employer Support Form
☐ Getting time off from work will be a barrier to participation.
We can perhaps accommodate different schedules in our next cohort. Please indicate what would work well for you.
Weekdays: ☐ Morning ☐ Afternoon ☐ Evening
Weekends: ☐ Morning ☐ Afternoon ☐ Evening
Current Employer:
Please share how you heard about the Equity Leaders Fellowship Program.
References: Please provide names and contact information for two individuals who can support your application to the Equity Leaders Fellowship and in what capacity you know these people.
Email & Phone
Email & Phone
My signature below confirms my interest in participating in the Equity Leaders Fellowship and confirms my ability to commit as much as 12-15 hours per month.
(You may type your name instead of signing if submitting electronically from a personal email account)
Please return this form and a copy of your resume via email to equityleadersfellowshipnh@gmail.com by April 10, 2015.
Questions can be directed to Kile Adumene, Equity Leaders Fellowship Program Coordinator
Kile Adumene, Program Coordinator
Equity Leaders Fellowship equityleadersfellowshipnh@gmail.com c/o Southern NH AHEC
128 State Route 27
Raymond, NH 03077