DATA USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN This Data Use Agreement is made and entered into on ______________ by and between ____________________________, hereafter “Data Owner” MCC Oncology Medical Informatics & Services (OMIS), hereafter “Holder” and ________________ , hereafter “Recipient.” 1. This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions pursuant to which Holder will provide data which may include certain protected health information, hereafter “PHI” to the Recipient. 2. Terms used, but not otherwise defined, in the Agreement shall have the meaning given the terms in HIPAA Regulations at 45 CFR Part 160-164. Data Source - A data source refers to any specified source of data: data within a management application (e.g., OnCore), a database, a file, or other data collection. 3. Permitted Uses and Disclosures 3.1 OMIS will provide the Recipient with access to or a copy of the specific data as defined in Attachment 1 to be used only for the purpose(s) delineated in the request. OMIS will grant access to or a copy of the data only after: 1. Recipient has completed Attachment 1 which provides the Data Owner and OMIS a detailed description of the specific data being requested, the purpose(s) and intended use(s) of the data, and a list of any additional individuals for whom access is requested; 2. The Data Owner has approved the Recipient’s data request; 3. Intended recipients have completed all training required by the Health Information Privacy and Security Office; 4. Recipient has obtained any necessary Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals; 5. Recipient agrees to comply with all applicable policies, procedures, contractual requirements, and direction of the Health Information Privacy and Security Officer related to the access of University information and specifically related to the data that is the subject of this agreement. 4. Recipient Responsibilities 4.1 Recipient will not use or disclose the data or any other information to which it is granted access for any purpose other than permitted by this Agreement pertaining to the purpose(s) described in the approved written data request or as required by law; MCC Data Use Agreement Page 1 4.2 Recipient will ensure that all computers used to access any identified and/or PHI data are registered and supported by the AHC Information Systems (AHC IS) Office and that all appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of the PHI other than as provided for by this Agreement will be implemented; 4.3 Recipient will report to OMIS any unapproved use or disclosure of the PHI not provided for by this Agreement within 2 days of becoming aware of such use or disclosure; and 4.4 Recipient understands and agrees that any violation of the terms of this agreement or inappropriate use or disclosure of the data that is the subject of this agreement may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 5. Term and Termination 5.1 This Agreement shall be effective until the date indicated in section 10 of Attachment 1. 5.2 Upon the Holder’s knowledge of a material breach of this Agreement by the Recipient, this will be reported to the University Health Information Privacy and Security Officer. 6. General Provisions 6.1 This Agreement shall not be re-assigned to another party by the Recipient without the prior written consent of the Holder and Data Owner. MCC Data Use Agreement Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this agreement as follows: Oncology Medical Informatics & Services Masonic Cancer Center University of Minnesota Date: _____________________ By: ______________________________________ Sandeep Kataria Manager, Oncology Medical Informatics & Services Date: _____________________ By: ______________________________________ Data Owner Date: _____________________ By: ______________________________________ Recipient MCC Data Use Agreement Page 3 Attachment 1 Request for Data Masonic Cancer Center (MCC), University of Minnesota Complete this form with as much detail as possible and send to Oncology Medical Informatics & Services at or fax to 612-625-1620 Recipient (Requestor): _____________________________ Request Date: ___________ first and last name Recipient Email Address (x500 for UMN): ___________________________________________ Campus Address: ____________________________________ Telephone: _____________ Division/Department: _________________________________ Research Supervisor: _________________________________ first and last name Projects from non-faculty or faculty investigators external to the MCC must have a study supervisor/collaborator from the MCC. Data Use: 1. Research Project/Study Title:___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Planned use of data (mark all that apply) ☐ abstract submission ☐ journal article/manuscript ☐ grant renewal ☐ talk or presentation ☐ outcomes/quality ☐ external collaboration ☐ grant submission ☐ regulatory ☐ other __________ 3. Additional individuals for whom data access is being requested (list name, email address/x500, and research supervisor for each): _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Expected co-authors (Please list ALL authors expected to be on writing committee, and specific order if requested by the Data Owner): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Authorship. Prior to data analysis, identify the list of anticipated authors. In the case of external requests, an MCC faculty member is expected to be included. However, it is recognized that no one set rules will account for every circumstance. Manuscripts including analyses by statisticians are expected to include the statistician as an author, when appropriate. MCC Data Use Agreement Page 4 5. Hypothesis: 6. Study population and inclusion/exclusion critieria (e.g., date range, patient characteristics): 7. Data sources and data elements of interest (mark all that apply) ☐ BMT ☐ Cancer Registry ☐ Disease Registry ☐ LIMS ☐ OnCore ☐ TASCS ☐ OBL (integrated data) ☐ Other ________________ a. List the specific data elements that are needed in the data set. Please provide attachment (if needed; a printed copy of the OMIS report/data request form can be submitted). ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Will additional data be collected? If so, describe:___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Timetable for completing this project:_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Date after which Data Owner rescinds permission for publication or use of data without a new Data Use Agreement: _______________________________ 11. Funding source (if applicable): ________________________________________________ OMIS is not a free resource. While the OMIS Director may approve the use of programmatic funds, this must be approved prior to study initiation. Note that requests for Transplant Biology and Therapy (TBT) program data and BMT-specific data may require additional documentation. MCC Data Use Agreement Page 5