Running heading: Controls of invertebrate drift in a large regulated river 1 Supporting Information 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure S1. Graph showing the relationship between drift concentration and benthic density. Red circles represent drift measurements that occurred when discharge was greater than the mean discharge of our individual sampling bouts (317 m3·s-1). Note that Simulium drift concentration decreased as a function of discharge, hence black circles that depict measurements taken at lower discharges generally fall above the red circles. Drift densities for other taxa were all positively related to discharge, and hence the red circles generally fall above the black circles. 9 1 Running heading: Controls of invertebrate drift in a large regulated river 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Figure S2 Graphs showing drift concentrations as a function of discharge. Red circles represent measurements of drift concentrations that occurred when benthic densities were greater than the mean benthic density whereas black circles represent measurements of drift concentrations that occurred when benthic densities were less than the median benthic density. Mean benthic densities over our 1.5 year study were: 7363·m-2 for Chironomidae, 1506·m-2 for Gammarus, 575·m-2 for Simulium, and 26,100·m-2 for Potamopyrgus. Drift concentrations for all taxa were positively related to benthic density, hence the red circles (depicting relatively high benthic densities) fall above the black circles. 19 2