Appendix S6. Results of model selection based on AICc. We selected the best model with the function dredge (library MuMin Barton 2013) using the Maximum Likelihood test and Akaike information criterion for model selection corrected for small sample size (AICc). Models are ranked according to Akaike’s information criterion (AICc). All models include the block as random factor. All tables show the AICc, the delta AICc (∆AICc) and the weight of each model. Table S6A. Results of the linear mixed models testing for the effect of grasshopper traits (Body Size and Incisive Strength) and survival on the observed LNRR (eqn 4 in the main text). Model Body Size + Incisive Strength + Grasshopper Survival Incisive Strength + Grasshopper Survival Body Size + Grasshopper Survival Incisive Strength Body Size + Incisive Strength Grasshopper Survival Body Size Null Model AICc 46.8 47.6 52.9 53.4 54 54.2 55 55.3 Delta AICc 0 0.82 6.12 6.64 7.18 7.42 8.2 8.46 Weight 0.547 0.363 0.026 0.02 0.015 0.013 0.009 0.008 Table S6B. Results of the linear mixed models quantifying grasshopper species feeding niche (standardized herbivory) according to two plant traits : the leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and the leaf carbon nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) (eqn 5 in the main text). (1) C. biguttulus Model LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N LDMC + C:N LDMC + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + C:N LDMC + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² LDMC C:N C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² C:N + C:N² + C:N3 (2) C. dorsatus AICc ∆AICc Weight Model 209.37 0 0.5600 LDMC + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 211.09 1.72 0.2371 LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² 213.90 4.52 0.0584 LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 214.27 4.90 0.0484 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 214.85 5.48 0.0362 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² 215.59 6.21 0.0251 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N 216.76 7.39 0.0139 LDMC + C:N 217.52 8.14 0.0095 LDMC + C:N + C:N² 218.35 8.98 0.0063 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 220.26 10.89 0.0024 LDMC + LDMC² 221.69 12.32 0.0012 C:N + C:N² + C:N3 222.78 13.41 0.0007 LDMC + LDMC² + C:N 223.59 14.22 0.0005 LDMC 224.44 15.06 0.0003 C:N 226.48 17.10 0.0001 C:N + C:N² AICc ∆AICc Weight 183.52 0 0.46012 185.34 1.81 0.18580 185.75 2.22 0.15134 186.92 3.40 0.08423 188.34 4.82 0.04132 189.57 6.04 0.02242 190.38 6.86 0.01493 190.44 6.92 0.01448 191.13 7.61 0.01025 192.63 9.11 0.00485 193.16 9.64 0.00372 193.46 9.93 0.00320 193.62 10.10 0.00295 198.20 14.68 0.00030 200.87 17.34 0.00008 (3) C. italicus Model LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² LDMC + LDMC² + C:N LDMC + C:N LDMC + C:N + C:N² LDMC LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 LDMC + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 C:N C:N + C:N² C:N + C:N² + C:N3 (5) P. giornae Model LDMC + LDMC² + C:N LDMC + LDMC² LDMC + C:N LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N LDMC LDMC + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² LDMC + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 C:N C:N + C:N² C:N + C:N² + C:N3 AICc ∆AICc 189.25 0 193.40 4.15 193.44 4.19 198.19 8.94 200.28 11.04 200.73 11.49 201.93 12.68 202.23 12.99 202.54 13.30 203.51 14.27 203.56 14.32 204.17 14.92 224.30 35.06 226.99 37.74 229.46 40.22 Weight 0.785120568 0.098350467 0.096600826 0.008987074 0.003148063 0.002514911 0.001384567 0.001187306 0.001016980 0.000626809 0.000610692 0.000451711 0.000000019 0.000000005 0.000000001 AICc ∆AICc 171.45 0 171.48 0.03 173.33 1.88 174.12 2.67 174.75 3.30 174.93 3.47 175.66 4.21 176.33 4.88 178.28 6.83 178.29 6.84 178.30 6.85 183.10 11.65 205.18 33.73 208.00 36.55 209.22 37.77 Weight 0.301293166 0.297371965 0.117617021 0.079398840 0.057776595 0.053063206 0.036762701 0.026263595 0.009907913 0.009842736 0.009811781 0.000890461 0.000000014 0.000000003 0.000000002 (4) E. elegantulus Model LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 LDMC LDMC + C:N LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² LDMC + LDMC²+ C:N LDMC + C:N + CN² LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 C:N C:N + C:N² + C:N3 C:N + C:N² (6) P. parallelus Model LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + C:N +C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² + C:N3 LDMC + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + C:N + C:N² LDMC + C:N LDMC LDMC + LDMC² + C:N LDMC + LDMC² C:N + C:N² LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + LDMC + LDMC² + LDMC3 + C:N C:N + C:N² + C:N3 C:N AICc ∆AICc 204.80 0 206.65 1.85 207.03 2.24 207.99 3.19 208.80 4.00 209.35 4.56 209.42 4.62 209.47 4.67 210.19 5.40 212.31 7.51 212.82 8.02 214.79 10.00 234.12 29.33 234.25 29.45 237.00 32.20 Weight 0.40400926 0.16023441 0.13200474 0.08187861 0.05460294 0.04140236 0.04006038 0.03914363 0.02718153 0.00944077 0.00731362 0.00272737 0.00000017 0.00000016 0.00000004 AICc ∆AICc 205.84 0 207.09 1.26 211.15 5.31 214.26 8.42 214.49 8.66 216.88 11.05 217.38 11.54 218.95 13.12 220.56 14.73 221.78 15.95 223.64 17.80 223.77 17.93 224.17 18.34 225.04 19.20 226.18 20.34 Weight 0.60912 0.32500 0.04276 0.00902 0.00803 0.00243 0.00190 0.00086 0.00039 0.00021 0.00008 0.00008 0.00006 0.00004 0.00002 Table S6C. Results of the linear mixed models linking whether grasshopper differences in trait values reflected their differences in feeding niche (eqn 6 in the main text). Model Difference of Incisive Strength Difference of Body Size + Difference of Incisive Strength Difference of C:N ratio + Difference of Incisive Strength Difference of C:N ratio + Difference of Body Size + Difference of Incisive Strength Null model Difference of Body Size Difference of C:N ratio Difference of C:N ratio + Difference of Body Size AICc 121 125 125 129 133 135 136 139 ∆AICc 0 3.64 3.69 8.04 11.65 14.01 14.83 17.69 Weight 0.745 0.121 0.118 0.013 0.002 0.001 0 0