Creative Writing Fellowship - The Hall Center for the Humanities

Updated July 2014
Funding Opportunities for Creative Writers: Poetry, Prose and Playwriting
If you are interested in finding external funding to support your creative writing endeavors, it is our hope that
this list will help you to quickly determine which of the agencies might fund your current work or award prizes
for work you’ve completed. You can find more information about their application processes by visiting their
websites, and then develop an application timeline you can use to keep yourself on-track for developing your
proposals in a timely manner. The opportunities listed are for individual writers.
To navigate, keep the document in layout view, scroll to the table of contents, then click on the page number of
the agency or program in which you’re interested. This will take you directly to that entry. If you then wish to
learn more, click on the agency’s website address (URL), which you will find near the bottom of the entry. If
clicking doesn’t work, copy the URL, paste it into the address line of your web browser, and type return.
Always check for new and more detailed application information on any opportunity in which you’re interested.
Humanities and area studies centers sometimes have themes that change periodically and agency programs,
application requirements, deadlines, and focus areas are subject to change. Verify deadlines and other critical
information by visiting the sponsoring institution’s website or contacting the agency via e-mail or telephone
prior to beginning an application. This is especially true for agencies that had not posted new deadlines when we
created this list (we’ve noted such cases on the list).
Most agencies have deadlines only once each year and take from three to eight months to announce results.
Therefore, it is advisable to think long-term when planning your grant development strategies. Preparing a
viable proposal takes effort and organization, so please do give yourself the time you will need to develop an
application that will be competitive. For fellowships, that means starting the process at least six weeks before
the agency’s deadline, preferably longer.
Although this list is extensive, it is not exhaustive. If you know of sources that we have not included that you
believe will appeal to numerous humanities and social sciences faculty members, please let us know. We’re
always seeking to add new funding sources to our lists.
We look forward to working with you to develop external applications to support your creative work. Please do
not hesitate to contact us to discuss the funding possibilities that seem to meet your needs. We will be happy to
help you develop a personal grant development plan and application timeline.
Humanities Grant Development Office
Kathy Porsch, Grant Development Officer • 785/864-7834
John Biersack, Research Development Specialist or
Scott Knowles, Grant Development Specialist • 785/864-7887
SELECTED FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR CREATIVE WRITING .................................................................... 1
A ROOM OF HER OWN GIFT OF FREEDOM AWARD (AROHO) ............................................................................................. 1
ACADEMY OF AMERICAN POETS........................................................................................................................................... 1
.................. 1
AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY (AAS) .......................................................................................................................... 1
AMY LOWELL POETRY TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIP ............................................................................................................. 1
ANISFIELD-WOLF BOOK AWARDS ........................................................................................................................................ 1
.......................................................................................................................... 2
BELLWETHER PRIZE FOR FICTION ......................................................................................................................................... 2
CREATIVE CAPITAL/WARHOL FOUNDATION ARTS WRITERS GRANT ................................................................................... 2
DJERASSI RESIDENT ARTISTS PROGRAM .............................................................................................................................. 2
DOROTHY SARGENT ROSENBERG POETRY PRIZES ................................................................................................................ 3
EDWARD F. ALBEE FOUNDATION ......................................................................................................................................... 3
FINE ARTS WORK CENTER WRITING FELLOWSHIP ............................................................................................................... 3
................................................................................................................................ 3
GEORGE A. AND ELIZA GARDNER HOWARD FOUNDATION ................................................................................................... 3
HARVARD UNIVERSITY’S RADCLIFFE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY ............................................................................ 3
JAMES MERRILL HOUSE WRITER-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM ................................................................................................. 4
KATE TUFTS DISCOVERY AWARD ........................................................................................................................................ 4
KINGSLEY TUFTS POETRY AWARD ....................................................................................................................................... 4
MACDOWELL COLONY, INC. ................................................................................................................................................ 4
MICHIGAN AUTHOR AWARD ................................................................................................................................................ 4
MILLAY COLONY FOR THE ARTS, INC. .................................................................................................................................. 4
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS (NEA) CREATIVE WRITING FELLOWSHIP .............................................................. 5
............................. 5
NEW ISSUES POETRY AND PROSE ......................................................................................................................................... 5
................................................................................................................................................... 5
PHILIP ROTH RESIDENCE IN CREATIVE WRITING (BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY) ........................................................................ 5
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LEWIS CENTER FOR THE ARTS HODDER FELLOWSHIP ................................................................... 5
DOBIE PAISANO FELLOWSHIPS ............................................................................................................................................. 5
The Ralph A. Johnston Memorial Fellowship.................................................................................................................. 6
The Jesse H. Jones Writing Fellowship ........................................................................................................................... 6
RATTLE POETRY PRIZE ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
RUTH LILLY POETRY FELLOWSHIPS (THE POETRY FOUNDATION) ........................................................................................ 6
SAWTOOTH POETRY PRIZE FROM AHSAHTA PRESS .............................................................................................................. 6
SOROS JUSTICE FELLOWSHIPS PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................. 6
STANFORD CREATIVE WRITING PROGRAM WALLACE STEGNER FELLOWSHIP ..................................................................... 7
THE HODSON TRUST-JOHN CARTER BROWN FELLOWSHIP ................................................................................................... 7
THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Bellagio Center Literary Arts Residencies ...................................................................................................................... 7
UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA POETRY CENTER .......................................................................................................................... 7
FUNDING FOR TRANSLATION OF CREATIVE WORKS ........................................................................................... 7
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS ............................................................................................................................... 7
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LATINO ARTS & CULTURES (NALAC) .................................................................................... 8
FOUNDATION CENTER, FOUNDATION GRANTS TO INDIVIDUALS ONLINE ............................................................................. 8
......................................................................................................................................................... 8
(NWU) .................................................................................................................................. 8
PIVOT (FORMERLY COMMUNITY OF SCIENCE) FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES DATABASE ......................................................... 8
POETS AND WRITERS MAGAZINE GRANTS AND AWARDS DATABASE .................................................................................. 8
.......................................... 8
....................................................................................................................................................... 8
The following opportunities are open to individuals who pursue creative writing. The list is alphabetized
but not categorized. Although application deadlines generally fall on or close to the same date each year,
it is critical to check with the sponsor for current application deadlines and materials.
A Room of Her Own Gift of Freedom Award (AROHO)
AROHO provides a biennial $50,000 award to a female writer who demonstrates solid creative goals and
has a specific project to accomplish during the two-year term of the grant. Eligible are works of Poetry,
Playwriting, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction. Grant winners agree to a “moral” contract requiring them
to commit to a specific goal resulting in a finished work. They receive mentorship and support throughout
the grant period, and as a result give back to AROHO Foundation by going on to mentor successive Gift
of Freedom recipients.
Deadline: November 1 (last known deadline)
Academy of American Poets
The Academy of American Poets provides the most important collection of awards for poetry in the
United States. Guidelines and entry forms are provided, where applicable.
Deadline: Various
Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences Don and Gee Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting
The Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting program is an international competition open to screenwriters
who have not earned more than $5,000 writing for film or television. Entry scripts must be the original
work of one author or of no more than two collaborative authors. Entries must have been written
originally in English. Adaptations and translated scripts are not eligible. Up to five $35,000 fellowships
are awarded each year.
Deadline: May 1 (last known deadline)
American Antiquarian Society (AAS)
AAS provides visiting fellowships for creative and performing artists, writers, filmmakers, and journalists
who are engaged in historical research with the goal of producing imaginative, non-formulaic works
dealing with pre-twentieth-century American history. Successful applicants are those whose work is
aimed at the general public rather than at academic or educational audiences. The fellowships include up
to four weeks at the Society located in Worcester, Massachusetts, with a stipend of $1,350 and free rent
for those fellows choosing to reside on campus and a stipend of $1,850 for those choosing to reside off
campus. Applications must arrive by the deadline.
Deadline: October 5
Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship
This award provides a $54,000 for twelve months of travel abroad by an American poet at any level. At
the end of the year, the poet must submit at least three poems to the committee administering the award,
and if these poets are considered of sufficient merit, they may extend the scholarship for a second year.
Applications must arrive in hard copy by the deadline. The poet must be a US citizen to be eligible.
Deadline: October 15
Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards
The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards recognizes books that have made important contributions to our
understanding of racism and our appreciation of the rich diversity of human cultures. Only books written
in English and published in the preceding calendar year are eligible. Works of poetry are eligible for the
fiction prize. Plays and screenplays are not eligible, nor are works in progress, manuscripts or selfpublished works, and no grants are made for completing or publishing manuscripts.
Deadline: December 31
Arch and Bruce Brown Foundation
The Arch and Bruce Brown Foundation awards grants annually to writers in three rotating disciplines:
Theatre, Full-length Fiction, and Short Stories. All works submitted must present the gay and lesbian
lifestyle in a positive manner and be based on, or inspired by, a historic person, culture, event, or work of
art. Grants are for $3,000. The Foundation also offers grants (usually of $3,000) to production companies
to offset the expenses of producing gay-positive theatrical works based on history.
Deadline: June 30 (last known)
Bellwether Prize for Fiction
The Bellwether Prize promotes fiction that addresses issues of social justice and the impact of culture and
politics on human relationships. It is awarded to a previously unpublished novel representing excellence
in this genre. The prize $25,000 and a publishing contract with Algonquin Books is awarded biennially.
Deadline: January 15
Creative Capital/Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant
This is a three-year pilot program designed to support individual writers whose work addresses
contemporary visual art through project-based grants in the following categories: article, blog, book, new
and alternative media, and short-form writing (texts of 1,000 words or less). The Foundation funds
writing that identifies and explores pressing issues in the contemporary visual arts and texts that
“illuminate the value contemporary art holds for all viewers through its ability to complicate and enrich
our understanding of our world and ourselves and through its ability to offer a space of freedom from and
critical engagement with prevailing norms.” Grant amounts range from $3,000 to $50,000. A letter of
inquiry is required and invitations to submit applications are sent in mid-July.
Deadline: May 21 (last known)
Djerassi Resident Artists Program
Residencies are awarded competitively, at no cost, to national and international artists in the disciplines of
choreography, literature, music composition, visual arts, and media arts/new genres. We seek applications
from emerging and mid-career artists, for whom appointments as resident artists may make a significant
difference to their careers, as well as from established artists with national and/or international
reputations. Those selected are offered living and studio space for four to five week sessions during the
season that runs from mid-March through mid-November. There is a $45 application fee.
Deadline: March 15
Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, New York Public Library
The Center funds an international fellowship program open to people whose work will benefit from
access to the research collections in the New York Public Library’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Building,
including novelists, poets, and playwrights engaged with the humanities. Fellows receive a stipend of
$70,000, an office, a computer, and full access to the Library’s physical and electronic resources. Fellows
are in-residence at the Center for the duration of the fellowship term (September-May).
Deadline: September 26
Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prizes
Several prizes varying from $1,000 up to as much as $25,000 are offered for the finest lyric poems
celebrating the spirit of life. The competition is open to any writer under the age of 40 on November 6,
2014. Only previously unpublished poems are eligible for the competition.
Deadline: October 4
Edward F. Albee Foundation
William Flanagan Memorial Creative Persons Center. The Edward F. Albee Foundation maintains the
William Flanagan Memorial Creative Persons Center in Montauk, on Long Island, NY, as a residence for
writers, painters, and sculptors. Residencies are for 4 or 6-week periods of time, and residents receive a
room, but are responsible for their food, travel, and other expenses. No stipend is available. Applications
must be sent via regular USPS mail only and must be postmarked by the deadline.
Deadline: March 3 (last known deadline)
Fine Arts Work Center Writing Fellowship
The Center offers a seven-month residency for writers of fiction and poetry in the early stages of their
careers. Fellows must be resident in Provincetown during the seven-month fellowship. They are provided
living accommodations and a monthly stipend of $750. A professing fee of $45 is required to apply.
Deadline: December 1 (last known)
Furthermore Publishing Grants
Applications from 501(c)(3) organizations are being accepted for grants to assist in publishing nonfiction
books. Grants from individuals cannot be accepted. Book proposals to which a university press or trade
publisher is already committed and for which there is a feasible distribution plan are usually preferred. In
geographical scope, organizations located in New York City, New York State, and its Hudson Valley are
preferred but not required. Grants range from $500 to $15,000.
Deadline: March 1 and September 1
George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation
The foundation offers $30,000 fellowships on a six-year rotation of fields in the Liberal and Fine Arts.
The focus is on Creative Writing (Fiction), Creative Writing (Poetry), and Philosophy for the Fall 2014
competition (fellowship 2015-16). The fellowship is targeted at early mid-career individuals. Applicants
should have completed their formal studies within the past five to fifteen years and have successfully
completed at least one major project beyond degree requirements sufficient for the awarding of tenure at a
research institution. Assistant and full professors are not normally eligible for a Howard Fellowship.
Applicants must be professionally based in the US by affiliation or residence.
Deadline: November 1
Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
NOTE: If so directed, Radcliffe will pay the stipend to the fellow's home institution. This is important for
purposes of receiving Supplemental Salary Funding to make up salary any salary/fringe shortfall.
Radcliffe Institute Fellowships support scholars, scientists, artists, and writers of exceptional promise and
demonstrated accomplishment that wish to pursue work in academic and professional fields and in the
creative arts. The Radcliffe Institute sustains a continuing commitment to the study of women, gender,
and society; however, projects need not focus on gender. Stipends are up to $75,000 for one year with
additional funding for project expenses. Some support for relocation expenses is provided.
Deadline: October 1
James Merrill House Writer-in-Residence Program
The James Merrill House offers a four and a half month residency between mid-January and the end of
May, and three or four shorter residencies of two to six weeks during the months between Labor Day and
mid-January. The residential fellowship provides living and working space to a writer who is willing to
engage with the Stonington, CT community through workshops, public readings, and discussion groups
while in residence. Writers-in-residence will receive a living stipend of up to $5,000.
Deadline: January 15
Kate Tufts Discovery Award
The Kate Tufts Discovery Award is presented annually for a first book by a poet of promise. Work must
be original poetry written originally in English by a poet who is a citizen or legal resident of the United
States. The work may be submitted by its author or, with the poet's consent, by a publisher, agent, or other
representative. The work submitted must be a book published between September 1, 2013 and June 30,
2014. Applications must be postmarked by the deadline. Amount: $10,000.
Deadline: July 1
Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award
The Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award is presented annually for a work by an emerging poet, one who is past
the very beginning but has not yet reached the acknowledged pinnacle of his or her career. The work
submitted must be a book published between September 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. Work must be
original poetry written originally in English by a poet who is a citizen or legal resident of the United
States. Applications must be postmarked by the deadline. Amount: $100,000.
Deadline: July 1
MacDowell Colony, Inc.
Residential Fellowships. MacDowell encourages artists from all backgrounds to apply, including creative
writers. Both artists with professional standing in their fields and emerging artists are eligible. The
maximum residence at the Colony in Peterborough, NH, is two months, and the average is four weeks.
Artists in residence receive room, board, and the exclusive use of a studio. The agency also offers grants
to artists in financial need, so that they may take advantage of a residency at the Colony. Fellowships are
available for summer, fall, and winter periods. A processing fee of $30 is required.
Deadline: Winter: September 15; Summer: January 15; Fall: April 15
Michigan Author Award
Note—The Michigan Library Association appears not to have offered this award since 2009.
This award recognizes an outstanding published body of fiction, poetry, or play scripts. To qualify,
nominees must be current Michigan residents, recently relocated long-time Michigan residents, or authors
whose works are identified with Michigan. A panel of judges representing a broad spectrum of expertise
in writing, publishing and book collecting determines the recipient based on overall literary merit. The
Michigan Author Award winner receives $1,000.
Deadline: February 28 (last known deadline)
Millay Colony for the Arts, Inc.
Millay Colony offers one-month residencies to six writers, visual artists, and composers each month
between the months of April and November. There is no stipend; rooms, studios, and meals are provided.
Deadline: October 1
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Creative Writing Fellowship
The NEA offers $25,000 fellowships in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction) or poetry to published
creative writers of exceptional talent. Fellowships are intended to enable recipients to set aside time for
writing, research, and travel. The NEA Literature Fellowships program operates on a two-year cycle with
fellowships in prose and poetry available in alternating years. The next application cycle is for Poetry.
Deadline: March 12
National Endowment for the Humanities Scholarly Editions and Translations Grants
Scholarly Editions Grants support the preparation by a team of at least two editors and staff of texts and
documents that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions. Projects involving
significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials are typical in this grant program, but other
types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible. Awards are made for one to three years and
normally range from $50,000 to $100,000 per year.
Deadline: December 59
New Issues Poetry and Prose
New Issues Poetry & Prose offers two contests annually, each of which come with $2,000 and publication
of a book of poems. The Green Rose Prize is awarded to an author who has previously published at least
one full-length book of poems. The New Issues Poetry Prize, an award for a first book of poems, is
chosen by a guest judge. A $25.00 reading fee is required for the Green Rose Prize, and a $20.00 reading
fee is required for the New Issues Poetry Prize.
Deadline: September 30 (Green Rose Prize); November 30 (New Issues Poetry Prize)
PEN American Center
A membership association of prominent literary writers and editors, the PEN American Web site offers
many useful resources for grants, awards and other creative writing competitions.
Deadline: February 1
Philip Roth Residence in Creative Writing (Bucknell University)
This creative writing residency offers an emerging writer four months of unfettered writing time. The
award is intended to allow the writer to complete a first or second book. It includes lodging on campus, an
office in the Stadler Center for Poetry, and a stipend of $4,000. The Residence is awarded to writers of
prose (fiction or creative nonfiction) and poets on an alternating basis.
Deadline: February 1 (last known deadline)
Princeton University Lewis Center for the Arts Hodder Fellowship
The $77,000 Hodder Fellowship was created for artists in the early stages of their careers. Given the
strength of the applicant pool, most successful Fellows have published a first book or have similar
achievements in their own fields. The award provides Fellows with the “studious leisure” to undertake
significant work. Fellows spend an academic year at Princeton pursuing independent projects.
Deadline: September 15
Dobie Paisano Fellowships
Sponsored by the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas Institute of Letters, these fellowships
provide residency at J. Frank Dobie’s ranch house on 250 acres of land located twenty minutes west of
Austin. These fellowships are for creative or non-fiction writers who are native Texans, who have lived in
Texas for three years or more, or whose work deals extensively with Texas life and culture.
The Ralph A. Johnston Memorial Fellowship.
Successful applicants have usually published at least one critically well-received book or an
impressive list of published essays, articles, poems, stories, etc. Though residency lengths vary, they
occur in the fall (September 1-December 31), and writers receive a living stipend of $6,250 per
month. There is a $20.00 application fee.
Deadline: January 15 (last known)
The Jesse H. Jones Writing Fellowship
This fellowship is aimed at writers at the start of careers who have already had some publishing
success. Though residency lengths vary, they occur in the spring (February 1-July 31), and writers
receive a living stipend of $3,000 per month. There is a $20.00 application fee.
Deadline: January 15 (last known)
Rattle Poetry Prize
The annual Rattle Poetry Prize offers a 1st prize of $5,000 for a single poem and prizes of $100 to ten
finalists. All winning poems are published in the winter issue of RATTLE, and additional entries are
frequently offered publication as well. Applications consist of a manuscript, an $18 entry fee, and a oneyear subscription to Rattle.
Deadline: July 22 for e-mailed entries; postmarked by July 15 for mailed submissions
Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowships (The Poetry Foundation)
Five Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowships will be awarded to young poets through a national competition
sponsored by the Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry. The fellowships are intended to encourage the
further study and writing of poetry. Applicants must be us citizens between the ages of 21 and 31 by the
submission deadline. Amount: $15,000.
Deadline: March 31 (last known deadline)
Sawtooth Poetry Prize from Ahsahta Press
The Sawtooth Poetry Prize honors a book of original poetry in English by one author; translations are not
eligible for this award. The winning poet receives a $1,500 honorarium upon publication plus 25 copies of
the published book, which will be featured on the Ahsahta website.
Deadline: March 10
Soros Justice Fellowships Program
The Soros Justice Media Fellowships support writers, print and broadcast journalists, bloggers,
filmmakers, and other individuals with distinct voices proposing to complete media projects for local,
regional and national markets that engage the public and provoke policy responses to one or more of the
Open Society Institute’s U.S. criminal justice priorities. The fellowship program intends to mitigate the
time, space, and market constraints that often discourage individuals from pursuing important but
marginalized, controversial, or unpopular issues in a comprehensive manner. Media fellowships are one
year in duration, and fellows are expected to make their projects the primary focus of their work during
the term of the fellowship. Fellowship stipends range from $58,700–$110,250, with supplemental funds
for project-related expenses, health insurance, and professional development.
Deadline: October 22
Stanford Creative Writing Program Wallace Stegner Fellowship
Stanford offers ten two-year fellowships each year, five in fiction and five in poetry. The fellows in each
genre convene weekly in a 3-hour workshop with faculty. Fellows are regarded as working artists, intent
upon practicing and perfecting their craft. There are no curricular requirements other than workshop
attendance and writing. Fellowships include a living stipend of $26,000. In addition, fellows' tuition and
health insurance are covered. The Stegner Fellowship is not intended to be pursued concurrently with a
degree program. Fellows must live close enough to Stanford to attend workshops, readings, and events.
Deadline: December 1
The Hodson Trust-John Carter Brown Fellowship
The Hodson-Brown Fellowship supports work by academics, independent scholars, and writers working
on significant projects relating to the literature, history, culture, or art of the Americas before 1830.
Candidates with a U.S. history topic are strongly encouraged to concentrate on the period prior to 1801.
The fellowship is also open to filmmakers, novelists, creative and performing artists, and others working
on projects that draw on this period of history. The fellowship supports two months of research and two
months of writing with a $20,000 living stipend, free housing, and access to Brown University facilities.
Deadline: March 15
The Rockefeller Foundation
Bellagio Center Literary Arts Residencies
The Bellagio Center offers residencies for novelists, playwrights, and poets. These residencies are
intended to provide individual artists with time for disciplined work uninterrupted by the usual
professional and personal demands. Collaborative residencies for two to four artists working on the
same project are also welcomed. Residencies are typically four-weeks, however, shorter periods may
be available. The Foundation seeks applicants who are able to demonstrate a history of significant
achievement in their respective artistic disciplines.
Deadline: May 2 (last known deadline)
University of Arizona Poetry Center
The Poetry Center awards two residences each summer to one poet and prose writer to spend two to four
weeks in Tucson, Arizona developing his/her work. Writers at any stage of their careers may apply;
emerging writers are welcome. The residency includes a $150 stipend per week and a two to four week
stay in a studio apartment near the Center’s library of contemporary poetry. The residency is offered
between June 1 and August 31.
Deadline: December 16 (last known deadline)
National Endowment for the Arts
Through fellowships to published translators, the Arts Endowment supports projects for the translation of
specific works of prose, poetry, or drama from other languages into English. Application materials are
available online only. Grants are for $12,500 or $25,000, depending on the artistic excellence and merit of
the project.
Deadline: December 9
The following entries offer links to online databases and compilations of contests, competitions, and
funding opportunities for creative writers.
National Association of Latino Arts & Cultures (NALAC)
NALAC identifies funds, fellowships, and other resources for creative people in media, performing arts,
visual arts, writing/literary, and other arts.
Foundation Center, Foundation Grants to Individuals Online
This online database offers information about foundation and public charity programs that fund artists,
researchers, and other grant-seekers. There is a free service and more advanced service is available for
monthly, three-month, or yearly subscription rates.
Funds for Writers
This website provides information on grants, awards, fellowships, and contests for writers.
National Writers Union
NWU is the trade union for freelance writers of all genres who work for American publishers or
employers. The site offers information about how to apply for funding and obtain union documents.
PIVOT (formerly Community of Science) Funding Opportunities Database
This is the best overall source for funding information available online, and KU faculty and students have
free access from any KU computer. Click on the search box and then type in “creative writing” or a
related term in the search field. To refine your search further, choose additional qualifications in the
requirements, citizenship, activity location, funding type, and sponsor boxes. If you get no results,
eliminate some of the qualifications.
Poets and Writers Magazine Grants and Awards Database
This database contains an extensive list of grants and awards, deadlines, and state grants of potential
interest to writers and poets. Poets & Writers Magazine announces state and national prizes in poetry,
fiction, and creative nonfiction. Because of space limitations, it lists only prizes of $1,000 or more, prizes
of $500 or more that charge no entry fee, and prestigious non-monetary awards.
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Awards in Media Communications
A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D. Covers Advertising,
Communications, Filmmaking, Journalism, Marketing, Motion Pictures, Print, Radio, Television,
Visit the writing contests and competitions page for listings of awards.