Worker Transition Pillar - Nov 21, 2013

Nov 21 Houston Worker Transition Team Meeting Summary
District of Houston Council Chambers
November 21, 2013, 9:00 – 11:00
Worker Transition Team Co-leads: Janice Riggan (MSDSI) & Cheryl Ann Stahel (WorkBC)
Dawn Potvin, Councillor, District of Houston
Michalle Jolly, Councillor, District of Houston
Sarah Fraser, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Dale Richardson, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Carrie Dusterhoft, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Rick Braam, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Esther Jones, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Elizabeth Sharp, Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation
Janice Riggan, Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation
Maureen Czirfusz, Manager/Economic Development, DoH
Cheryl Ann Stahel, WorkBC
Lori Saretsky, West Fraser Transition Coordinator
Tom Stringfellow, West Fraser Union Rep
Sue Jones, Houston Link to Learning
On the phone
Linda Kaivanto, Ministry of Advance Education
Regina Saimoto, Northwest Community College
Carole Morrison, Service Canada
The District of Houston Council and staff have been working with the Provincial Ministry of Jobs, Tourism
and Skills Training (JTST) Community Adjustment Team since the October 24th announcement by West
Fraser to close its Houston Forest Products sawmill in May 2014, to gather accurate information and plan
for Houston’s future. The permanent closure impacts 225 direct employees as well as contractors, subcontractors and community businesses.
Attendees introduced themselves in a round-table format, identifying the agency and/or business they
Overview of Community Transition Approach (JTST)
Sarah Fraser spoke to the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training Community Adjustment Team’s
response to the District of Houston’s request for assistance from the Province. Sarah explained the
Ministry’s utilization of three pillars of community support found successful in prior response to significant
loss of employment in other communities – three committees of community stakeholders at the table to
combine efforts and resources to support workers, family members, contractors, suppliers and the
broader community as the impacts from the closure materialize over the coming months. Strategies to
build the action plans, identify gaps, needs and opportunities are community driven and customized to the
needs of the community. Community needs will change in focus and degree over the coming months.
The notice of closure provides opportunity to prepare for the closure as well as post-closure needs.
Cross-ministry telephone conferences keep all ministries up to date on what is happening in the
community as well as tapping into solutions for the Houston area.
Objectives for this Meeting:
Introductory meeting on the Worker Transition pillar of the transition response in Houston, review draft
terms of reference, discuss membership and brainstorm possible opportunities to begin to identify needs,
gaps and sustainable solutions.
Nov 21 Houston Worker Transition Team Meeting Summary
Transition Vision: To increase the capacity of the community of Houston and surrounding region to
manage their transition process, and to work collaboratively to plan for and advance economic
development and diversification opportunities, assist workers towards re-training or re-employment, and
ensure critical community services are maintained through a coordinated, adaptive, and timely response.
Goal: To support and position displaced sawmill employees, others who may be impacted and
community workers with information on services and options for retraining and re-employment, by
ensuring appropriate resources are coordinated and provided in a timely manner.
Explanation was provided on the three phase pillar – short-term, med-term long-term – for customized
action plans to fit the needs of the Houston area.
Review Draft Terms of Reference
Terms of reference were reviewed and approved.
Round table:
 Workers are eligible now to access WorkBC services
 Many employees have expressed an interest in upgrading now – most funding not available until
unemployed – severed from employer.—check with WorkBC to determine eligibility and timing
 Some concerns expressed about the hours that WorkBC is open. CherylAnn explained that
those hours are being extended effective December 4th with additional hours and staff in Houston
 Worker Transition office at the mill (Lori) is currently gathering skills analysis information. Lori
has met with a significant number of Houston Forest Products employees individually to provide
severance information and to discuss options with them. WF will also be providing financial
advisory services to employees in February. It was noted that West Fraser requires affected
employees to remain in their employ until the closure date in order to receive the financial
severance package.
 Interest expressed in having a community transition office where anyone impacted could access
one-stop information services – NWCC indicated that they may be able to host this office.
 Some concerns expressed about courses being offered at times that don’t work well for
employees - NWCC stated their flexibility to schedule training in non-traditional periods to align
with shift schedules
Worker Transition Opportunities:
Information Distribution Strategy: Centralized Transition Office – Northwest Community College
advised they have space to accommodate a ‘one stop shop’ concept.
Action Items:
WorkBC and Service Canada will prepare a quick reference document highlighting key considerations,
using correct protocols, timelines and processes for affected employees to prevent loss of access to
transition options. (i.e. authorization to attend training required through WorkBC Employment centres to
protect Employment Insurance Part I claims for benefits.) Deadline – for December 07, 2013 Houston
Town Hall Meeting
Community Services Guide: final edits requested to allow for 300 copies to be printed for the
December 7th Town Hall meeting. The document will be posted on-line as well.
Jointly hosted information sessions: WorkBC Employment Centre, Service Canada to be held on-site
at the mill December 11, 12 and 13 to accommodate shifts.
Sub-committee: Marion Ells – Link to Learning, Carole Morrison – Service Canada, Cheryl Ann
Stahel, - WorkBC Employment Centre; Michaela Jolly, - DoH Councillor
Next Meeting: December 13, 2013 13:00 – 15:00
@ Council Chamber of the District of Houston