Project Location District Building No DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF 2000 LIVING UNITS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS AL-KHOMS AL-MARQAB A. Type of test Soil Compaction Standard: ASTM D-1557 Name of test Standard test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (2700 kN- m/m3)) Apparatus: Molds Sieve Rammer pan weighing scale steel ruler drying oven Procedure: In this Method we can determine the maximum dry density and the moisture content used in field density test. Procedure Approximate mass uses of procedure A 25kg 20% less wt retained on sieve #4 B 25kg 20% less wt. retained on sieve #3/8 C 45kg More than 20% wt retained on 3/8 and Less than 30% wt retained on ¾. Procedure A B C Mat’l passing no.4 3/8 ¾ No of Mold 4 4 6 Rammer 4.54kg 4.54kg 4.54kg Layer 5 5 5 Blows 25 25 56 1. Prepare the equipment and tools to be used , record the mass and volume of the compaction mold with base plate but without collar. 2. Attached the collar to the mold. 3. Pour moist soil in to the mold in 5 equal layer, no of blows depends which procedure is required for the materials sample. Removed the collar of the mold then clean and weight the samples and molds. Record data you get. 4. Extrude the soil sample from the mold, slice the sample and take at least 500 grams of soil for moisture content determination. 5. Repeat the procedure until the weight of the materials reach the maximum dry density. 6. Gather the data we’ve got, graph data so that we can calculate the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content B. Type of test Site compaction Standard: ASTM D-1556 Name of test Standard test Methods for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method Apparatus: Sand cone sand cone plate pan weighing scale Chisel hammer plastic oven 1. Determine first the density of a dry sand (calibrated sand) 2. Select a location that is representative of the area to be tested and determine the density of soil. 3. Put the sand cone plate, dig the test hole through the center hole in the base plate, being careful to avoid disturbing the soil that will bound the hole. 4. Invert the sand cone apparatus and seat the sand cone funnel into the flanged hole. Open the valve and allow the sand to fill the hole. When the sand stops flowing, closed the valve. 5. Determine the mass of the apparatus with the remaining sand, record, and the calculate the mass of sand in used. 6. Determine and record the mass of the moist material that was removed from the test hole. 7. From the materials taken from hole get sample for the moisture content. 8. Calculate the wet unit weight by dividing materials taken from hole from the volume of hole. 9. Calculate the dry unit weight by dividing the wet unit weight over moisture content. 10. Then we can get the percent compaction by dividing the actual dry density over maximum dry density from test method ASTM D-1557 In this method we used , to determined if the materials place on site achieve the percent compaction required. C. Type of test Soil Bearing Capacity Standard ASTM D1194 Name of test Standard Test Methods for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static and Spread Footings Scope This test method covers the estimation of the bearing capacity of soil in place by mean of field loading tests. This test method can be used as part of a procedure for soil investigation for foundation design. It gives information on the soil only to a depth equal to about two diameter of the bearing plate. Apparatus: 1. Loading Platforms or Bins of sufficient size and strength to supply the estimated total load required or equivalent means of supplying the total load reaction anticipated. 2. Hydraulic Mechanical Jack Assembly of sufficient capacity to provide and maintain maximum estimated load but not less than 50 tons (440 kn.) in any case with pressure gauge for measuring the force exerted by the jack. 3. Bearing Plates – Three circular steel bearing plates, not less than 1 in. (25mm) in thickness and varying in diameter from 12 to 30 in.(305 to 762mm). 4. Settlement Recording Device, such as dial gauges, capable of measuring settlement of test plates to an accuracy of at least 0.01 in. (0.25 mm). Procedure 1. Selection of Test Areas – Base the selection of representative test areas for bearing tests on the result of explanatory borings and on the design requirement of the structure. 2. Test Pit – At least three test locations are required, and the distance between test locations shall not be less than five times the diameter of the largest plate used in the tests. – Carefully level and clean the areas to be loaded by the test plates or footing so that the load are transmitted over the entire contact areas on undisturbed soil. 3. Loading Platforms – Support the loading platforms or bins by cribbing or other suitable means, at a point as far removed from the test area as practicable, and preferably not less than 8 ft (2.4 m).. 5. Dead Load – Weigh and record as dead weight all equipment used, such as steel plates, loading column and jack, etc., that are to be placed on the test area prior to the application of the load increments. 4. Reference Beam – Independently support the beam supporting dial gauges or other settlementrecording devices as far as practicable, but not less than 8 ft (2.4 m) from the center of the loaded area. 5. Load Increments – Apply the load to the soil in cumulative equal increment of not more than 95 KPa, or of not more than one tenth of the estimated bearing capacity of the area tested. – Accurately measure each load, and apply in such a manner that all of the loads reaches the soil as a static load, without impact, fluctuation, or eccentricity. 6. Time Interval – After the application of each load increment, maintain the cumulative load for a selected time interval not less than 15 mins. 7. Measurement of Settlement – Keep a continuous record of all settlements. – Make settlement measurement as soon as possible before and after the application of each load increment, and at such time intervals, while the load is being held constant, as will provide not less than six settlement measurements between load application. 8. Termination of Test – Continue each test until a peak load is reach or until the ratio of load increment to settlement increment reaches a minimum, steady magnitude. – After the completion of observation for the last load increment, release the applied load in three approximately equal decrements. – Continue recording rebound deflection until the deformation ceases or for a period not smaller than the time interval of loading. 9. Report In addition to continuous listing of all times, load and settlement data for each test, report the associated conditions and observations pertaining to the test, including the following: Date List of personnel Weather condition Air temperature at time of load increments Irregularity in routine procedure