Minor Change (Previously Permitted Change) Proforma Academic Partnerships Partner Institution: Programme Title(s): (Please list all programmes which are affected by the proposed change) Title and Level of New Module(s)/Revised module(s): Title(s): Module Code(s): Title: Module Code: Identify if Core or Optional Module(s): Module(s) to be Replaced: Date of Implementation of Proposed Change(s): Rationale for Change(s): Summary of Change(s): What Impact does the Change have on the Overall Content of the Programme(s)? What impact does the change have on the student’s learning experience and the progression route? Comments from PCM about proposed changes: Comments from External Examiner about proposed changes: Comments from Academic Liaison Person/Progression Route Manager about proposed changes: If your programme has transferred documentation onto the “new” Programme Specification Template please attach; - The old and proposed Programme Specifications Old and proposed module records If your programme remains on the “old” Programme Specification Template please attach; - The old and proposed programme structure Old and proposed module records Signature of Programme Leader Signature: Print Name: Date: Signature of College QA Director or Designated Equivalent/ HE Co-ordinator Signature Print Name: Date: FOR COMPLETION BY PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY: Signature of Faculty Partnership Manager. Signature: Print Name: Date: - This change may have an impact on progression and approval will be sought from the Cognate Faculty. - This change does not have an impact on progression. (please delete accordingly) Signature of Faculty Academic Liaison Person (ALP), Associate Head of School (Teaching and Learning) or equivalent. Signature: Print Name: Date: Signature of Head of UK Partnerships. Signature: Print Name: Date: