File - The Art and Technique of Film

The Art and Technique of Film
Our first crack at a personal essay
(20 points)
Please write a two-page essay about a background, identity, interest, hobby or talent that is
particularly meaningful to you. *
While we’ve generated an initial list of writer’s tools, I am only expecting you to try a few out in this
first essay:
Make a distinction between plot and purpose
Creating a strong, memorable, vivid and telling opening line.
Begin with a story that puts your reader immediately into an action. Your first line should be
original and engaging.
Show your personal values, character traits and cultural traditions through details and
description rather than overtly tell them to your reader. Use anecdotes to do this.
Create an ending that leaves the author thinking. It should connect back to your beginning in
some way (through repetition of an image, word play, an action, etc.)
Please read the rubric carefully for more detail.
 Final draft of essay
 First complete draft of essay with clear and thorough editing for content, organization and
 Initial brainstorm
 This assignment sheet, with the rubric on the last page. Your name should only go on this
last page.
Please have everything stapled, in order and ready to turn in by: Wednesday 10/30
* prompt taken from the Common App
Plot vs.
on of
Show vs.
“A” honors essay
B Honors essay
A ACP essay
C Honors essay
B ACP essay
D Honors essay
C ACP essay
Author has a clear
and meaningful
distinction between
plot and purpose.
Author deftly uses
plot as a means to
support his/her
A title that is
interesting, clever
and clearly relates to
your essay
The opening line(s)
is/are imaginative,
and interesting and
original. The
opening hooks the
reader and makes
him/her want to
read on.
The opening
paragraph is a story
that hooks the reader
and entices him/her
to read on. It
strategically sets up
both the plot and
purpose of the piece.
The essay moves
clearly and
purposefully from
one paragraph to the
next. The parts
definitely contribute
to the whole.
Author has a
distinction between
plot and purpose.
Author uses plot as a
means to support
his/her purpose.
Author works to
distinguish between
plot and purpose but
this distinction isn’t
totally clear or
convincing. Focus
tends to be more on
plot than purpose.
A title that relates to
your essay
Author’s distinction
between plot and
purpose isn’t clear and
recognizable. Author
focuses mainly on plot.
The opening line (s)
is/are interesting and
hook(s) the reader.
The opening line(s)
begin(s) the essay
clearly, but lacks
imagination or
originality. A better
hook is needed.
The opening line is
confusing, jarring or
distracting. The
opening line doesn’t
hook the reader or
encourage him or her
to continue reading.
The opening
paragraph is a story
that hooks the reader
and makes him/her
want to read on.
The opening paragraph
starts the piece but
doesn’t fully capture
the audience’s attention
or set up the distinction
between plot and
The essay moves
clearly from one
paragraph to the next.
Most parts contribute
to the whole.
The author uses vivid
details, descriptions
and anecdotes to
effectively show the
essay’s purpose. As a
result, the purpose is
shown rather than
directly told.
The ending of the
essay leaves the
author thinking. It is
vivid and
memorable. We end
with a new and
understanding of the
The author uses
details, descriptions or
anecdotes to show the
essay’s purpose. The
author may directly
tell the purpose,
though minimally.
The essay doesn’t
necessarily move
clearly from one
paragraph to the next.
The parts exist but
don’t always work
together to form a
The author does some
showing, but mostly
tells the reader his/her
The opening
paragraph needs to
create a hook that will
engage the reader. It
also needs to set up
the distinction
between plot and
The essay discussion
lacks organization and
needs a clearer
progression of ideas.
The parts don’t
necessarily relate to
one another and/or to
the whole.
The author mainly
tells the reader
his/her purpose OR
the purpose is unclear
OR the purpose is
different from the
author’s intention.
A title that is
interesting and relates
to your essay
The ending of the
essay leaves the
author thinking. It is
somewhat vivid and
/or memorable. We
end with a new
understanding of the
The ending of the essay
leaves the reader with a
relatively new
understanding of the
author. Ideas here
could be repeated or
too overtly stated.
A weak title or no title
at all
The ending of the
essay does not really
leave the reader with a
new understanding of
the author. The ideas
could be repeated,
confusing, awkward
and/or too overtly
Below ACP