- National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council

Off-Road Vehicle/Off-Highway Vehicle
(keywords searched: ORV, OHV, off-highway vehicle, off-road vehicle, ATV, all-terrain
vehicle, four-wheel-drive vehicle, off-road activity, off-road recreation,
snowmobile, snow coach)
1184. Abele, G., J. K. Brown, and M. C. Brewer. 1984. Long-term effects of off-road
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1244. Adams, J. A., A. S. Endo, L. H. Stolzy, P. G. Rowlands, and H. B. Johnson. 1982.
Controlled experiments on soil compaction produced by off-road vehicles in the
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1117. Ahlstrand, G. M., and C. H. Racine. 1993. Response of an Alaska, USA, shrubtussock community to selected all-terrain vehicle use. Arctic and Alpine research
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1137. Albrecht, J., and T. B. Knopp. 1985. Off Road Vehicles - Environmental Impact Management Response: A Bibliography. Miscellaneous Publication No. 35.
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1245. Anders, F. J., and S. P. Leatherman. 1987. Disturbance of beach sediment by offroad vehicles. Environmental Geology and Water Sciences 93: 183-189.
1412. Andrews, R. N. L., and P. Nowak. 1980. Off-road vehicle use: a management
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535. Balcom, John. 1987. 909 S-T: Logging Road Construction. Talk. Forestry Media
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1185. Baldwin, M. F., and D. H. Stoddard Jr. 1973. The off-road vehicle and
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1246. Barker, P. C. J., and T. J. Wardlaw. 1995. Susceptibility of selected Tasmanian
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1247. Barros, F. 2001. Ghost crabs as a tool for rapid assessment of human impacts on
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1054. Barton, Daniel C., and Aaron L. Holmes. 2007. Off-highway vehicle trail impacts
on breeding songbirds in northeastern California. Journal of Wildlife Management
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2. Bautista, L. M., J. T. Garcia, R. G. Calmaestra, C. Palacin, C. A. Martin, M. B.
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1119. Baxter, G. 2002. All terrain vehicles as a cause of fire ignition in Alberta forests.
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1249. Bellamy, D., J. Radforth, and N. W. Radforth. 1971. Terrain, traffic and tundra.
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1175. Berry, K., S. Busack, S. Byrne, E. Davidson, M. Fox, J. Keefe, and R.
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1413. Berry, K. H. 1980. The effects of four-wheel vehicles on biological resources. Pp.
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1253. Bissill, L. P. 1970. The social and political impact of snowmobiles. Proceedings of
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1254. Blom, C. W. P. M. 1976. Effects of trampling and soil compaction on the
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4. Borkowski, John J., P. J. White, Robert A. Garrott, Troy Davis, Amanda R. Hardy,
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1414. Bowker, J. M., D. B. K. English, and H. K. Cordell. 1999. Projections of outdoor
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1170. Brattstrom, Bayard H., Michael C. Bondello, Robert H. Webb, and Howard G.
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1258. Brodhead, J. M., and P. J. Godfrey. 1977. Off road vehicle impact in Cape Cod
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1450. Brooks, J. J., and P. A. Champ. 2006. Understanding the wicked nature of
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1174. Brooks, Matthew L., and Bridget Lair. 2005. Ecological effects of vehicular routes
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1259. Brown, A. C., and A. McLachlan. 2002. Sandy shore ecosystems and the threats
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1260. Brown, G. W., and N. Schoknecht. 2001. Off-road vehicles and vegetation
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1262. Brown, K. J. 1994. River-bed sedimentation caused by off-road vehicles at river
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1191. Buckley, Ralf. 2003. Environmental impacts of motorized off-highway vehicles.
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1416. Bury, R. B. 1980. What we known and do not know about off-road vehicle impacts
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1069. Bury, R. Bruce, and Roger A. Luckenbach. 1983. Vehicular recreation in arid land
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Impacts and management in arid regions. Springer-Verlag, New York.
1342. Bury, R. B., and R. A. Luckenbach. 2002. Comparison of desert tortoise
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Mojave Desert. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(2): 457-463.
62. Bury, R. Bruce, Roger A. Luckenbach, and Stephen D. Busack. 1977. Effects of offroad vehicles on vertebrates in the California desert. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
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1266. Bury, R. B., and R. W. Marlow. 1973. The desert tortoise: will it survive?
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1265. Bury, R. L. 1978. Impacts of snowmobiles on wildlife. Transactions of the North
American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 43: 149-156.
1076. Busack, Stephen D., and R. Bruce Bury. 1974. Some effects of off-road vehicles
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Conservation 6(3): 179-183.
27. California Department of State Parks. 2002. Taking the high road: the future of
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1451. Chavez, D., and N. Knap. 2004. Management problems of and strategies for offhighway vehicle management: National Forests in California. Unpublished
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8. Chavez, Deborah J. 2001. Managing outdoor recreation in California: visitor contact
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1118. Chin, A., D. M. Rohrer, D. A. Marion, and J. A. Clingenpeel. 2004. Effects of allterrain vehicles on stream dynamics. Pp. 292-296 in: J. M. Guldin (editor),
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1200. Cole, David N. 1986. Resource impacts caused by recreation. INT4901
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1454. Cordell, H. K., C. J. Betz, G. Green, and M. Owens. 2005. Off-highway vehicle
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1455. Council on Environmental Quality. 1979. Off-road vehicles on public land. CEQ
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11. Creel, S., J. E. Fox, A. Hardy, H. Sands, B. Garrott, and R. O. Peterson. 2002.
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1418. Davenport, J., and T. A. Switalksi. 2006. Environmental impacts of transport
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1272. Davidson, E., and M. Fox. 1974. Effects of off-road motorcycle activity on Mojave
Desert vegetation and soil. Madrono 22: 381-412.
1419. Defenders of Wildlife. 2002. Out of control: the impacts of off-road vehicles and
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12. Delaney, D. K., and T. G. Grubb. 2003. Effects of off-highway vehicle noise on the
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13. Delaney, D. K., T. G. Grubb, P. Beier, L. L. Pater, and M. H. Reiser. 1999. Effects
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1343. Doak, D. F., P. Kareiva, and B. Klepetka. 1994. Modeling population viability for
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14. Dorrance, M. J., P. J. Savage, and D. E. Huff. 1975. Effects of snowmobiles on
white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 39(3): 563-569.
1420. Dregne, H. E. 1983. Soil and soil formation in arid regions. Pp. 15-30 in: R. H.
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1275. Duevers, L. 2002. Out of control: the impacts of off-road vehicles and roads on
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1277. Eckert Jr., R. E., M. K. Wood, W. H. Blackburn, and F. F. Petersen. 1979.
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soils. Journal of Range Management 32: 394-397.
1278. Eckstein, R. G., T. F. O'Brien, and O. J. Rongstad. 1979. Snowmobile effects on
movements of white-tailed deer: a case study. Environmental Conservation 6:
1421. Executive Order no. 11644 February 8, 1972. 43 - Public Lands. 1972. Use of offroad vehicles on the public lands, Federal Register.
1422. Executive Order no. 11989 (Amendment to EO 11644), May 24, 1977. 1977. Use
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1172. Fang, Shoufan, Stephen Wente, George Z. Gertner, Guangxing Wang, and Alan
Anderson. 2002. Uncertainty analysis of predicted disturbance from off-road
vehicular traffic in complex landscapes at Fort Hood. Environmental
Management 30(2): 199-208.
1168. Fernandez-Juricic, Esteban, Raul Vaca, and Natalia Schroeder. 2004. Spatial and
temporal responses of forest birds to human approaches in a protected area and
implications for two management strategies. Biological Conservation 117(4): 407416.
1456. Fisher, A. L., D. J. Blahna, and R. Bahr. 2001. Off highway vehicle uses and
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1280. Forbes, B. C. 1992. Tundra disturbance studies, I: long-term effects of vehicles
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1281. Foreman, D. 1979. ORVs threaten a wild canyon. The Wilderness Society 43: 1418.
1165. Frederick, Glenn P. 1991. Effects of forest roads on grizzly bears, elk, and gray
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472. Garber, Steven D., and Joanna Burger. 1995. A 20-yr study documenting the
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1052. Gelbard, J. L., and S. Harrison. 2003. Roadless habitats as refuges for native
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19. Graves, T., and V. Reams. 2001. Record of the snowmobile effects on wildlife:
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1189. Griggs, Gary B., and Barbara L. Walsh. 1981. The impact, control, and mitigation
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1467. Issa, Brian. 2003. Development of Guidance and Evaluation Criteria for OffHighway Vehicle (OHV) Management Planning. M.S. Thesis. University of
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1090. Kolbe, Jay A., John R. Squires, Daniel H. Pletscher, and Leonard F. Ruggiero.
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1068. Kristan III, William B., and William I. Boarman. 2007. Effects of anthropogenic
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