Video Link watch?v=qOTgeeTB_kA watch?v=tzecE6XDFgg watch?v=b4wveY2-lCo watch?v=VnAhAX98HY4 watch?v=zmvJ54kRpjg m/tv-shows/headrush/videos/head-rushcold-balloon.htm m/tv-shows/how-theuniverseworks/videos/nitrogenand-moon-dust.htm watch?v=QuW4_bRHbUk watch?v=BXCfBl4rmh0 watch?v=YvSkXd_VVYk watch?v=HY7mTCMvpEM watch?v=Tpil-2zOC2w watch?v=V9fuY8_ffFg Topic Hydrogen H balloon explosions, why is it red instead of clear, physical properties of H (ask students if they can identify the manipulated variable in the experiment) Helium Properties of, abundance in Universe, usefulness Oxygen Oxygen ‘on the playground’ (also covers combination with H and He) Oxygen It’s killing us, how it got in the atmosphere Nitrogen Properties of, Density, Liquid nitrogen makes flexible material shatter, Strong bond between N and N Nitrogen Effect on a balloon dipped in N, deflate and reinflate Time 5:34 Source Periodic Table of Videos 3:53 Sci Show 2:19 Animation by a Grad Student Sci Show 3:38 4:03 Periodic Table of Videos 1:38 Mythbuste r’s Nitrogen N Volcanoes and N ocean on Triton, Neptune’s moon 2:22 How The Universe Works Carbon Scientist discusses Carbon in living things, our lives, the environment, recently discovered new forms of carbon, shows molecular structure, conductivity test Chlorine Scientist discuss properties of Cl, discuss its desire for an electron, uses as chemical weapon, density causes it to sink, corrosiveness, acidity Sodium Physical properties of Sodium, light density, melting point, shiny, reacts quickly with air and water, atomic structure Sodium 1947 Release of war waste sodium causes giant explosions in lake, discusses waste disposal before best practices discovered Calcium Placement on periodic table, physical properties of, uses of, historical relevance Calcium Found in bones, shells, rocks, effect of global warming on C containing organisms, Properties of, uses of, compounds 10:03 Periodic Table of Videos 8:41 Periodic Table of Videos 4:42 Periodic Table of Videos 1:45 Stock footage from 1947 5:46 Elements Table 8:56 Periodic Table of Videos http://www.periodicvideos. com/videos/015.htm Phosphorus Properties of, white versus red, burns brightly, dangerous Sulfur Barking dog experiment where Sulfur is created, shows blue light once used for photography. Intense blue flame, burning sulfur in oxygen Sulfur Hexfloride lowers voice versus Helium; difference due to sound waves traveling through different density of air Silicon Shows Silicon crystals, uses in electronics, etc 3:49 Silicon: Sand to Silicon process using sand to create intel microchip 2:42 Gold Properties of, Inside Bullion Vault 6:49 History of the Periodic Table- Medeleev, stop video at 3:20 before he says “Medeleev you kick (butt) “ Element Song 3:51 Periodic Table of Videos Sci Show 1:26 Unknown New Element Discovered Nov 2, 2012 Element 113 3:30 he-genius-of-mendeleev-speriodic-table-lou-serico watch?v=Uy0m7jnyv6U Ted Ed Talk: The genius of Medeleev’s periodic table 4:25 Periodic Table of Videos TED Ed Meet the Elements- Song 3:16 watch?v=TcvZL6fxlU&list=UUtESv1e7ntJaLJYK IO1FoYw Chemistry Dubstep 2:39 watch?v=mGMR72X8V-U watch?v=52UAEQfMTtU watch?v=a2aWO5cL410 watch?v=d9SWNLZvA8gpa Wn7bFg4 Sand-to-Silicon_22nmVersion.pdf – use pdf to help explain watch?v=CTtf5s2HFkA watch?v=-wu0LixSBpk wVideo.php?video_id=4776 1&title=Elements_Song watch?v=VqKF1RSnuvo 6:30 Periodic Table of Videos Periodic Table of Videos 0:39 Mythbuste rs 3:38 Periodic Table of Videos Intel promotion al video They Might Be Giants sing a catchy tune Like STOMP uses chemistry noises to make club music