Documentation of CBS Respondent data

CBS Respondent data: format and description of the record
Universe: Survey respondents (CEO/GMs and Board Chairs). Respondents from worker coops
(FirmCoopType=”WORKER”) are excluded.
File Format: One record per respondent, excluding data that could permit identication of individual
CQ Variables: Certain fairly open-ended survey questions, identified below, are denoted as Coded
Qualitative (or CQ) questions. Following the interview the interviewer returned to those responses and
coded them on a 1-5 scale. The criteria for this coding are described below for each of the CQ variables.
CQ variables are identified in variable names and descriptions below. Soon thereafter the same
responses were both evaluated and recoded by an “independent” coder who is not in the pool of
interviewers. Following the independent review, the original CQ responses were again recoded by
another member of the interviewer pool. This “secondary” coder did not have access to either the
original interviewer’s or the independent coder’s evaluation or scoring.
Survey Sections: The survey instruments are thematically organized into 10 sections of questions.
At the beginning of each section the interviewer records the date and time. Those values are retained in
this dataset. The variables derived from the questions asked in those sections are organized on the
record just following the section timing variable. The last of the variables derived from section 10 of the
questionnaires is “IfDidNotExist”.
Variables: For the most part, the CEO/GM and Board Chair were asked the same questions.
Exceptions are noted in the variable descriptions. (The Board Chair has no questions in section 4 of the
questionnaire and the CEO/GM has no questions in section 10.) Variables from a survey question that
the respondent was not asked have NULL values in the database source. Nearly all the variables on the
record following those derived from the questions in section 10 of the questionnaire are related to the
independent and secondary coding of the CQ variable responses.
The variables InterviewerEval and IndependentEval are subjective evaluations of the quality of the
interview by the original interviewer and the independent coder, respectively. Interviewers’ and
recoders’ IDs are also included.
Categorical Variable Values: Click on the “Values” internal hyperlinks below.
Missing Values: There is a certain incidence of the database NULL (nonexistent) value in all
variables. In numeric and categorical variables the following negative integer codes have a consistent
-8=Don’t Know
Survey ID
Description: Unique arbitrary ID of the survey
Format: integer
 Description: Unique arbitrary ID of respondent
 Format: integer
 Description: Is the interviewer conducting the interview or listening to a recording?
 Format: alpha
 Description: Date/time at which Section 1 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
Description: What was the highest level of education respondent completed?
Format: integer
 Description: How many years has respondent been employed since last degree? (CEO/GM only)
 Format: integer
 Description: How many years has respondent worked at current company? (CEO/GM only)
 Format: integer
 Description: How many years has respondent worked at this company as CEO/GM? (CEO/GM
 Format: integer
 Description: Has respondent worked in another member-owned business before this one?
(CEO/GM only)
 Format: alpha (Y/N)
Description: If YES to [PrevCoop], how many years has respondent worked in member-owned
businesses? (CEO/GM only)
Format: integer
Description: Does respondent have memberships in any other member-owned businesses? (BC
Format: alpha (Y/N)
 Description: Does respondent have memberships in any other member-owned businesses? (BC
 Format: alpha
 Description: What was respondent's first exposure to member-owned businesses?
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: If OTHER to [FirstExposure], explain.
 Format: alpha
Description: Respondent’s current age
Format: integer
 Description: Date/time at which Section 2 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: Respondent's description of management team. (CEO/GM only)
 Format: alpha
 Description: How many people report directly to respondent? (CEO/GM only)
 Format: integer
 Description: How does being a cooperative help respondent's firm compete in the marketplace?
 Format: alpha
 Description: Date/time at which Section 3 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: In some cooperative businesses, differences across members result in several
interest groups of members. List and describe groups in your firm.
 Format: alpha
 Description: Other comments about groups in the firm. Followup to [HetGroups].
 Format: alpha
 Description: CQ score relating to identifiable separate interest groups within the firm.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Date/time at which Section 4 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: How many hours per month does respondent spend talking to members who are
not on the board? (CEO/GM only).
 Format: integer
 Description: What percentage of members voted in the last election? (CEO/GM only)
 Format: real
 Description: What percentage of members attended the last annual meeting? (CEO/GM only)
 Format: real
 Description: What does your firm do to encourage member participation in governance?
(CEO/GM only)
 Format: alpha
 Description: CQ score relating to what the firm does to encourage member participation in
governance. (CEO/GM only)
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Date/time at which Section 5 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: CQ score relating to nomination and selection of board members.
 Format: integer
 Values
Description: How are your board members nominated and selected? Do candidates selfnominate or are they suggested by others? Who suggests them and in what context? How likely
is it that someone not familiar or selected by the board could win an election?
Format: alpha
 Description: CQ score relating to CEO/GM's role in nominating board candidate.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: What role does the CEO/GM play in nominating board candidates? How strongly
does CEO/GM influence the decsions of the nominating committee or the selection of
 Format: alpha
 Description: Date/time at which Section 6 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: Who sets the agenda for board meetings?
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: If OTHER to [Agenda], explain.
 Format: alpha
 Description: How many hours does respondent spend preparing for each board meeting?
 Format: integer
 Description: How many hours of other staff time is devoted to preparing for each board
meeting? (CEO/GM only)
 Format: integer
 Description: CQ score on how prepared board members are for meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: How prepared are board members for meetings?
 Format: alpha
 Description: CQ score on board's involvement in selecting the CEO/GM's top management
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Is the board involved in the selection of the CEO/GM's top management team?
Does it play a part in interviewing? Does it give opinions on who should be hired or have any
other influence?
 Format: alpha
 Description: CQ score relating to the board's role in creating and monitoring the firm's budget.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: How would respondent describe the board's role in creating and monitoring the
firm's budget? Does participate in developing a budget? Does it actively monitor the budget?
What could the board do to remedy what it sees as a problem with the budget?
 Format: alpha
 Description: CQ score on limiting and controlling the CEO/GM's discretionary spending.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: How is the CEO/GM's discretionary spending limited and controlled? Is there a
dollar limit?
 Format: alpha
 Description: Date/time at which Section 7 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: CQ score relating to respondent's communication about firm business with board
members outside board meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Does respondent communicate about firm business with one or more board
members outside board meetings? If YES, how often?
 Format: alpha
 Description: CQ score relating to board members communicating with management other than
CEO/GM outside board meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Do members of the board communicate about firm business with management
other than the CEO/GM outside board meetings? If YES, how often?
 Format: alpha
 Description: If YES to [MgmtOut], what is the purpose of the contacts?
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: If OTHER to [MgmtOutWhy], explain.
 Format: alpha
 Description: Date/time at which Section 8 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: CQ score relating to board's role in setting strategy .
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: What is the board's role in setting strategy? When was the last time the board
came to management with an initiative? Has the board ever opposed a CEO/GM initiative?
 Format: alpha
 Description: Date/time at which Section 9 of the survey was begun.
 Format: Date/time
 Description: Summarize how the board evaluates CEO/GM performance.
 Format: alpha
 Description: Has the firm hired a new CEO/GM in the past 5 years? (BC only)
 Format: alpha (Y/N)
 Description: Date/time at which Section 10 of the survey was begun. (BC only)
 Format: Date/time
 Description: How is the board compensated? Per Diem. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: How is the board compensated? Salary. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: How is the board compensated? Other. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: How is the board compensated? Don't Know. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: How is the board compensated? Refused. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: How is the board compensated? Performance incentive. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: How is the board compensated? Product discount. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: How is the board compensated? Volunteer. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: For a typical board member what is the total annual compensation? (BC only)
 Format: integer
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Opportunity to learn. (BC
 Format: boolean
Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Challenge as Director. (BC
Format: boolean
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Quality of management. (BC
 Format: boolean
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Potential growth of firm. (BC
 Format: boolean
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Opportunity to work with
board. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Dissatisfaction with this
cooperative. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Other. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Don't Know. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: Why did you accept nomination to be on this board? Refused. (BC only)
 Format: boolean
 Description: If [AcceptNom7] is chosen (i.e., OTHER), explain. (BC only)
 Format: alpha
 Description: Has respondent served on other boards? Includes both business and community
boards. (BC only)
 Format: alpha (Y/N)
 Description: How often does respondent use the services of this cooperative? (BC only)
 Format: integer
 Description: CQ score relating to consequences to Board Chair if this organization did not exist.
(BC only)
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: If this organization did not exist, what would be the personal consequences to
respondent? (BC only)
 Format: alpha
 Description: Unique arbitrary ID number of secondary CQ scorer.
 Format: integer
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to identifiable separate interest groups in the firm.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to what the firm does to encourage member
participation in governance. (CEO/GM only)
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to nomination and selection of board members.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to CEO/GM's role in nominating board candidates.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score on how prepared board members are for meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score on board's involvement in selecting the CEO/GM's top
management team.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to the board's role in creating and monitoring the
firm's budget.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score on limiting and controlling the CEO/GM's discretionary
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to respondent's communication about firm business
with board members outside board meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to board members communicating with management
other than CEO/GM outside board meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to board's role in setting strategy.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Secondary CQ score relating to consequences to Board Chair if this organization did
not exist. (BC only)
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Unique arbitrary ID number of independent CQ scorer.
 Format: integer
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to identifiable separate interest groups within the
 Format: integer
 Values
Description: Independent CQ score relating to what the firm does to encourage member
participation in governance. (CEO/GM only)
Format: integer
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to nomination and selection of board members.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to CEO/GM's role in nominating board candidates.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score on how prepared board members are for meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score on board's involvement in selecting the CEO/GM's top
management team.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to the board's role in creating and monitoring the
firm's budget.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score on limiting and controlling the CEO/GM's discretionary
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to respondent's communication about firm business
with board members outside board meetings.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to board members communicating with
management other than CEO/GM outside board meetings.
 Format: integer
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to board's role in setting strategy.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent CQ score relating to consequences to Board Chair if this organization
did not exist. (BC only)
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Independent scorer's evaluation of primary interviewer's presentation.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Unique arbitrary ID of the respondent’s firm. Matches FirmID in FirmPublic
 Format: integer
 Description: Respondent’s position in firm
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Unique arbitrary ID of the interviewer
 Format: integer
 Description: Interviewer’s evaluation of the quality of the interview.
 Format: integer
 Values
 Description: Month and year of dataset creation
 Format: alpha
Appendix: Bookmarks to Values of Categorical Variables
PositionID values
3=Board Chair
Educ values
1=No degree
2=Undergraduate degree
3=Graduate degree
FirstExposure values
Agenda values
1=CEO only
2=CEO with chair approval
3=Chair with CEO approval
4=Chair only
ServiceUse values
MgmtOutWhy values
1=Access service
2=Exercise management oversight
Heterogeneity CQ values
Q: “Are there easily identifiable interest groups of members within your cooperative?”
1=Respondent doesn’t immediately recognize diversity of interest groups among
members. Disagreements between members are not due to unalterable characteristics.
3=Recognition of two or more types of members with commonly opposing viewpoints. Compromises are
usually reached with only minor difficulty, and company’s profitability not affected.
5=Heterogeneity is one of the greatest difficulties faced by the organization. Respondent can recall an
occasion where membership heterogeneity has threatened the survival of the firm.
Participation CQ values
Q: “What does your firm do to encourage member participation in governance?
1=Firm does not encourage members to provide feedback in a way that is beyond a typical client
3=Firm engages in common practices for information: sends a regular newsletter, has contact
information of CEO & Board public, but does not actively pursue feedback.
5=Firm dedicates a substantial amount of dollars/time to consciously encourage membership
involvement and maintaining lines of communication between firm and members.
Board Nomination CQ values
Q: “How are your board members nominated and selected?”
1=Member candidates come from the membership without discussion or suggestions from the board.
3=Many candidates are suggested from the board, and encouraged to run, but their likelihood to win is
not determined by the board’s support.
5=The board exercises significant influence on the nominating and selection process.
CEO Role in Board Nomination CQ values
Q: “What role does the CEO play in nominating board candidates?”
1=The CEO has no role on the nominating committee or during the board’s discussion of potential
3=The CEO supports the nominating committee but is not involved in decision-making.
5=The CEO plays an active role in suggesting and screening candidates.
Board Preparation for Meetings CQ values
Q: “How prepared are board members for meetings?”
1=One or two members come having read the material and with prepared questions.
3=Most members are prepared: one or two open their board packets right before meeting.
5=Everyone has read the materials and comes prepared with questions and concerns.
Board Involvement in Selecting Management Team CQ values
Q: “Is the board involved in the selection of the CEO’s top management team?”
1=Not at all. The board has no decision-making function with regard to the CEOs management team.
3=The board provides input, but the CEO makes the decision on hiring.
5=The board is involved directly in the decision-making on hiring the CEO’s management team.
Board’s Role in Budgeting CQ values
Q: “How would you describe the board’s role in creating and monitoring the firm’s budget?”
1=The board is not informed of budgetary changes or involved in preparation of the annual budget.
3=The board approves the annual budget and receives regular financial reports. The board is informed
of budgetary changes during the year, and may ask questions. The board is unlikely to oppose a CEO
recommendation for the annual budget, or changes during the year.
5=The board is involved in preparation of the budget (perhaps through committees), and actively
monitors the financials. The board has sometimes rejected a CEO recommendation for a change in the
Control CEO Discretionary Spending CQ values
Q: “Describe how CEO discretionary spending is limited and controlled.”
1=None: the CEO reports budgetary changes, but the board doesn’t limit or control the CEO’s spending.
3=There is “sort of a limit” on the CEO’s discretion to make budgetary changes. The CEO asks the Board
for approval of big items, but the board does not often say no.
5=The board has set strict monetary guidelines on the CEO’s discretion to make budgetary changes.
Respondent Communicates with Board Members outside Meetings CQ values
Q: “Do you communicate about firm business with one or more board members outside board
1=Respondent rarely discusses firm business with board members outside of board meetings or
committee meetings.
3=Respondent occasionally (3-4 times per month) discusses firm business with board members outside
of board or committee meetings.
5=Respondent frequently speaks with board members about firm business outside of board or
committee meetings.
Board Members Communicate with Management outside Meetings CQ values
Q: “Do members of the board communicate about firm business with management other than the CEO
outside of the board meetings?”
1=Board members are actively discouraged from discussing firm business with management other than
the CEO outside of board or committee meetings.
3=Board members occasionally (1-2 times per month) discuss firm business with management other
than the CEO outside of board or committee meetings.
5=Board members frequently discuss firm business with management other than the CEO outside of
board or committee meetings.
Board’s Role in Setting Strategy CQ values
Q: “What is the board of directors’ role in setting strategy?”
5=Decision maker
If Organization Did Not Exist CQ values
Q: “If this organization did not exist, what personally would be the consequences to you?”
1=It would have no effect whatsoever.
3=It might have some effect but wouldn’t severely alter life or livelihood.
5=It would severely affect personal life and/or business.
InterviewerEval and IndependentEval values
2=Not very good