Title: IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPACT OF A POST-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS TELEPHONE HELPLINE Name: Dr. Abhinav Gupta*, Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta Dr. Ram manohar Lohia Hospital*, Delhi State AIDS Control Society, New Delhi, India Despite a 2007 national and regional training programme, there was poor implementation of a postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) programme to prevent occupational transmission of HIV in health care workers (HCWs) in Delhi. A new initiative was therefore launched by the Delhi State AIDS Control Society in 2010 to improve uptake of PEP in HCWs. The present study was undertaken to assess the implementation and efficacy of the PEP programme in Delhi. The initiative included a PEP poster and a telephone helpline together with a workshop for senior doctors of 46 public hospitals nominated as PEP supervisors. Data concerning use of the PEP helpline and number of HCWs enrolling for PEP between January 2011 and May 2014 were analysed. Until September 2010, only 61% (28) of Delhi hospitals had PEP drugs and medical supervisors to manage the programme and reports concerning the programme were not sent. After roll-out of the PEP helpline, 4057 HCWs accessed the helpline, all public hospitals started implementing the programme and sent monthly reports. During the same period, 1450 HCWs suffered from occupational exposures, 15% were started on PEP drugs of who 98% completed the full course of prophylaxis. The PEP helpline is probably the first in a developing country and has been helpful for the effective implementation of the national PEP programme in Delhi . Biography Abhinav Gupta (Presenting Author) has just passed his MBBS from SSR Medical College, Mauritius. Presently he is pursuing one year rotatory clinical internship at Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi. He is a yound dyanamic person with tremendous resarch intetests in Primary Health Care. Eventually he also undertook additional trainings in Neonatal & Pediatric Medicine at USA including 5 weeks clinical rotation in Pediatric Cardiology under Dr Salvatore Presti, Associate Professor at NYU Langone Medical centre, New York and one week clinical observership in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit under Associate Professor S. Kapoor at Mercy Medical Centre, Baltimore USA. He also undertook 2 months internship at Delhi State AIDS Control Society, Government of NCT of Delhi and was part of research team that undertook Research Projects on Post Expsoure prophyalxis for prevention of occupational transmission of HIV. Dr Anil Kumar Gupta ( co-author) is a renowned Paediatrician & Neonatologist/ Health administrator from New Delhi with 29 years Clinical, Teaching & Research experience. He has seven years (2007-2014) experience of managing National AIDS Control Programme in Delhi as Additional Project Director cum Technical Lead, Delhi State AIDS Control. He believes that quickening pace for essential HIV-prevention services & new evidence based interventions like PrEP /TasP /Option B + PMTCT regimen may help end HIV epidemic. He has undertaken clinical and operational Research in Hospital Acquired Infections in neonates, Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission, Care of HIV exposed infant, Infant feeding, Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) & Early initiation of Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in HIV positive infants, Opportunistic infections, efficient ART delivery models, & Social Protection of Children Affected by AIDS (ChABA). He has published about 35 research papers in Peer Reviewed International Journals in Pediatrics/Neonatology/ HIV/AIDS [PMTCT/EID /ART /HIV-TB /PEP]. Reviewer of AIDS Care(Routledge, UK),Jr. of Tropical Pediatrics(Oxford U.P, UK) & SAHARA-J (South Africa). Member Editorial Board AIDS(Edelweiss, Inc. USA). He has been a strong advocate/facilitator for rollout of Option B+ PMTCT approach in India as member National Technical Expert Group, NACO, Government of India. National Trainer Option B+ PMTCT regimen, Management of HIV-Exposed Infant, Clinical Management of Children with SAM, & ART. Mentored MPH students of Boston University(IH 744 Project). He is an Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual Health Specialist trained at Lund University/ Sweden. He was instrumental for Implementation of State Government funded Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme for Children Affected By AIDS on Principle of Household Economic Strengthening of People Living with HIV. He was also instrumental in roll out of first Post Exposure Prophylaxis telephone helpline of India to prevent occupational transmission of Blood Borne Viruses in Health Care Workers, which is first in any developing country and third globally. He is recipient of State Award from Chief Minister of Delhi Government (2009-10) Presenting author details Full name: Dr. Abhinav Gupta Contact number:+919891070040 Twitter account:Nil Linked In account: https://mu.linkedin.com/pub/abhinav-gupta/12/876/930 Session name/ number: Category: (Oral presentation/ Poster presentation)