Course Outline - Northwest Community College

Course Outline
Business Ethics – ETHC 150
Business Administration Program
Regional by Hybrid Instruction
Winter 2016
3.0 credit hours (45 hours in total)
Course Content:
Business professionals, unfamiliar with ethical inquiries, often find themselves struggling with
ethical issues in such areas as finance, human resource management, marketing, and many other
areas in business.
In this course, explore ethical theories from a multi-stakeholder approach and apply ethical
reasoning to issues facing organizations. We will analyze select readings and case studies to
explore key ethical principles and the various ways in which business professionals and ethical
theorists address issues that commonly arise in the business world.
Course Format:
3 instructional hours per week hybrid delivery (online live/recorded lecture)
Course content using Online Learning Management System – Desire to Learn (D2L)
Course Prerequisites:
Business Administration admission requirements.
English 12, First Nations Peoples 12, English 050, 055; or equivalent
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Form Revised June 2013
Course Co-requisites:
Not applicable
Transfer Credits:
Refer to the BCCAT Website:
Recommended Follow-Up Courses:
Not applicable
Learning Outcomes:
Define and describe ethics and morality from an organizational perspective
Identify ethical issues from different organizational environments
analyze ethical issues from different stakeholder perspectives
Apply ethical principles from legal and regulatory perspective to business ethical
Demonstrate ethical problem solving principles with common business ethical dilemmas.
Construct appropriate ethical and strategic business decisions.
The course will incorporate First Nation Case Studies and examples where available and/or
Required Materials/Texts:
To Be Determined
Recommended Readings/Resources:
Evaluation Profile:
Quizzes----------------------------------------------------- 20%
Online Discussions (participation) -------------------- 20%
Research Project or Case Studies ---------------------- 30%
Final Exam ------------------------------------------------ 30%
Total ---------------------------------------------- 100%
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Grading Profile:
96 - 100%
GPA 4.33
66 - 70%
GPA 2.33
91 - 95%
GPA 4.00
61 - 65%
GPA 2.00
86 - 90%
GPA 3.67
56 - 60%
GPA 1.67
81 - 85%
GPA 3.33
50 - 55%
GPA 1.00
76 - 80%
GPA 3.00
0 - 49%
GPA 0.00
71 - 75%
GPA 2.67
This course will be graded by providing evidence of learning through online discussions,
quizzes, a research project OR a series of case studies. A comprehensive final exam will be
completed at the end of the course (worth 40% of the final grade).
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Course Schedule:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Finals Week
Comprehensive Final Exam – Date/Time T.B.A.
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Form Revised June 2013
Operational Details:
College Policies:
Northwest Community College has policies on Academic Appeals
(including appeal of final grades), Student Conduct, Cheating and
Plagiarism, Academic Probation and other educational issues. Copies
of these and other policies are available on the College website and in
the Library.
Although attendance is not mandatory, it is highly recommended.
Missed Exams:
Quizzes and periodic tests must be written when scheduled for the class.
This policy may be modified should the student submit written
documentation acceptable to the department supporting a valid reason
for missing the quiz or test (family or personal emergency, etc.) If an
approved alternate quiz or test is not available or cannot be scheduled,
the weighting of the final exam may be adjusted to compensate at the
discretion of the instructor. The student will not successfully complete
the course without passing the final exam and completing at least 50%
of scheduled quizzes and tests.
Late Assignments:
Late assignments will not be marked without the student having made
prior arrangements with the instructor.
Plagiarism is the presentation of another person's words, ideas,
interpretations, insights, or order of points as your own. All work
submitted must be your own words and content, and not written by a
tutor or friend. Whenever you use sources for an essay, or
assignment, you must avoid plagiarism by documenting them. The
College has policies published on the website that establishes
procedures for plagiarised assignments.
Incomplete Grades:
Incomplete grades may be applied with the mutual understanding
between the student and instructor that missed assignments and other
work be completed in a timely manner. Prior arrangements must be
made with the instructor. A completion contract is suggested.
Computer Course Requirements/Policies:
Any student found either making copies of our network files, or using an unauthorized copy of
our programs will be required to withdraw from this course. A second offence in any course
may result in an automatic expulsion from the program.
***Note (statement required only for courses using computers)***
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Form Revised June 2013