Data types – Images & Sounds Jack Shepherd Images: Digital images are composed of binary: -1 bit: 2 colours (black and white) -2 bit: 4 colours -3 bit: 8 colours -4 bits: 16 colours -8 bits: 256 colours Metadata is data concerning data. Image metadata contains information about the resolution, bit depth and size of pixels. -Resolution: the amount of images tall x wide the image is, an image with higher resolution is of better quality than one of low resolution. -Bit-depth: the range of colours able to be replicated by each pixel, the higher the bit depth the more colours can be used and so the image will be more life-like. Images can be stored as vectors or bitmaps: -Vector: a vector is an image type that is basically a series of calculations that generates a path from A to B. (won’t pixelate). The file size of the vector file is also not affected by the size of the image itself. -Bitmap: a bitmap is a type of image that is comprised of pixels (will pixelate if zoomed). The size of the file is affected by the size of the image. Sound: Analogue sound data is sampled at intervals to create a digital file, the higher the sample rate, the better quality the sound file. Lower quality (lower sample rate) Higher quality (higher sample rate)