Title: Career Orientation Grade: 6, 7th and 8th Subject: Career Awareness, Career Discovery & Career Management Opening: As students enter the room, teacher will instruct students on how to locate their assigned seats using the posted seating chart. As students take their seats, they will be instructed as follows: 1. Using the materials in the tray, make a name badge and put it on. 2. Introduce yourself the classmates at your table. 3. Take the worksheet entitled, “30 second Elevator Speech” out of the tray and complete it. 4. Teacher led introduction of herself after roll has been taken. Work Period: Student Introductions-Present 30 second Elevatory speech 1. Have all students select a partner at his or her table and them complete introductions. 2. Teacher will observe student communication/social skills, as students complete 30 second introductions. 3. After introductions, students will be asked to trace an image of their hand on the back of the worksheet. 4. Teacher will lead students in a self discovery activity and then have students share their findings with the class. Note: Students will turn in their completed 30 second elevator speech at the end of class. SYLLABUS 1. Have students get a syllabus from the tray and write their name on it. 2.Teacher led review of the entire syllabus using a PPT presentation. Students will interact accordingly. 3. Homework-Review the contents of the syllabus and get it signed by a parent or guardian. Students should also bring in the required materials for class (Notebook, tabs, paper and pencil) Clock Partner Activity 1. Teacher will have students draw a clock on a piece of notebook paper and label it. 2. Students will be instructed on how to fill in the clock sheet to select future work partners. 3. Students will complete the clock sheet activity one slot at a time. 4. Once all clocks are completed, students will turn the items in to the appropriate box. Homework (if not finished in class): All about Me worksheet 1. Students will fill in and color the All About Me worksheet. 2. As students complete their worksheet, teacher will distribute a ticket to each student. 3. As students finish their worksheet, they will be instructed to circle 5 items that they would feel comfortable sharing with the class. 4. Next, students are walk around the room and find their partner using the ticket they were given. 5. Students will then discuss the five items that were circled. 6. Students will then introduce their partners using the completed All About Me worksheet. 7. Students will turn in their completed worksheet as their ticket out the door. Closing: Aloud, students will share what they learned in class today about communication, social skills and listening skills and tell me why these skills are important in the workforce as well. Students will turn in ALL completed worksheet as their ticket out the door. Comments: Teacher will observe, assist and offer constructive feedback as students complete group and individual assignments provided extended time and resources as needed. Alternative activity: Option 1- Scavenger Hunt Option 2-Mingle game (listening activity) Co Teaching Strategy: Strategies Student Directed Activity (ex: reading/worksheet) Differentiations Read Aloud Assessments Teacher Observation Assessment Uses Progress Monitoring to assess communication skill level.