ENGL 245 – American Literature Reading Schedule – Spring 2014

ENGL 245 – American Literature
Reading Schedule – Spring 2014
Readings are to be COMPLETED by class on the day they are listed for. If a quiz is given that
day, it will cover only that material and nothing that has gone before it. You can expect
quizzes to be given approximately twice a week, depending on the reading material.
Wed., April 2 – Intro. to class.
Thurs., April 3 – For today’s class, read All Quiet on the Western Front, pp. 1-33.
Fri., April 4 – All Quiet. pp. 35-62 (up to break in page)
Mon., April 7 – pp. 62-97 (end of Ch. 5)
Tues., April 8 – pp. 99-124 (to break in page)
Wed., April 9 – pp. 124-150 (to break in page)
Thurs., April 10 – pp. 150-173 (to break in page)
Fri., April 11 – pp. 173-198 (end of Ch. 8)
Mon., April 14 – pp. 199-29 (end of Ch. 9)
Tues., April 15 – pp. 231-255 (end of page)
Wed., April 16 – pp 256-279 (to break in page)
Thurs., April 17 – pp. 279-end of book.
Fri., April 18 – TEST, All Quiet on the Western Front (have your research topic ready for
today; you will indicate it on the test paper)
Mon., April 21 – For today’s class, read pp. 1-38 (end of Ch. V) in Arthur Guy Empey’s
Over the Top.
Tues., April 22 – Over the Top, pp. 39-62 (end of Ch. IX)
Wed., April 23 – pp. 63-86 (end of Ch. XII)
Thurs., April 24 – pp. 87-107 (end of Ch. XV)
Fri., April 25 – I will be showing a DVD on the famous Christmas Truce of 1914.
Mon., April 28 –Over the Top, pp. pp. 108-144 (end of Ch. XVIII)
Tues., April 29 – pp. 145-166 (end of Ch. XX)
Wed., April 30 – pp. 167-186 (end of Ch. XXII)
Thurs., May 1 – pp. 187-203 (end of Ch. XXIII)
(We might possibly be going to the library today to get some source
material for your research papers.)
Fri., May 2 – pp. 204-233 (to end of Ch. XXIV); this chapter is 29 pages, but because of its
significance, needs to be discussed in its entirety and not be broken up. The
Wed. night reading is very short (to accommodate this chapter and also the
library trip), so you might want to begin reading earlier than Thurs. p.m.
Mon., May 5 – pp. 234-261 (end of Ch. XXVI)
Tues., May 6 – pp. 262-end of book.
Wed., May 7 – TEST, Over the Top
Thurs., May 8 } We will probably be watching Irwin Shaw’s play Bury the Dead or
} possibly be doing some poetry and/or music of WWI
Fri., May 9
Mon., May 12 – For today, read the two short stories by Ernest Hemingway: “Soldier’s Home”
and “Big Two-Hearted River”. There are links to both of them on the class
website. Testing for these stories will be included on the final exam.
Tues., May 13 – Advising Day – no class.
Wed., May 14 – For today’s class, read pp. 13-49 in William March’s Company K.
Thurs., May 15 – pp. 50-75 in Co. K.
Fri., May 16 – pp.76-100
Mon., May 19 –pp. 101-139
Tues., May 20 – pp. 140-165
Wed., May 21 – pp. 166-184
1st draft of research papers due by 11:59:59 tonight!
Thurs., May 22 – pp. 185-211
Fri., May 23 – pp. 212-235
Mon., May 26 – Memorial Day; no classes
Tues., May 27 – Finish Company K by today
Wed., May 28 – TEST, Company K
Thurs., May 29 – Video: “Letters from World War I”
Fri., May 30 – For today’s class, read pp. 1-26 in John Nell’s The Lost Battalion (stop after the
paragraph ending with “want to be left behind”).
Mon., June 2 – pp. 26-56 in The Lost Battalion
Tues., June 3 – pp. 61-81 (pp. 57-60 are taken up with pictures, which you should look at);
stop after the paragraph ending with “could no longer go on”.
Wed., June 4 – pp. 81-101.
Thurs., June 5 – pp. 105 – end of book (not much reading here). We will probably start
watching the film on the Lost Battalion today. The test for both the book
and the film will be included on the final exam.
Fri., June 6 – film, The Lost Battalion
Mon., June 9 – finish film, The Lost Battalion; preview of final exam.
Tues., June 10 – Buffer day, if needed.
Wed., June 11 – FINAL EXAM, 9:30-11:30 (open book, open note)