ELA 10B – Macbeth Reflective Projects

ELA 10B – Macbeth Reflective Projects
Your task is to complete a combination of the following activities/projects so that you
hand in 100 marks worth of work. The only rule is that you cannot hand in 4 – 25 mark
All written work must be typed with standard formatting to be marked.
I expect all work to be well proofread before submitted.
You need to take responsibility to get these done on your own, as you will be given only
minimal in-class time to work.
25 Marks Each
 Doctor’s Perspective – Write a journal entry or letter from the doctor’s
perspective reflecting on his visit to the Macbeth house. 10 – 15 sentences
 Malcolm’s Perspective – Write a journal entry or letter from Malcolm’s
perspective after he becomes king reflecting on the events of the play (remember this
would be his real life and not him reflecting on a play!) 10 – 15 sentences
 Obituary – Write an obituary for either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. Please read
actual obituaries to model yours after. 10 – 15 sentences
 Eulogy – Write a eulogy (a statement of praise for someone’s life after they are dead
– often read at funerals and memorials) for Banquo. Include details about his life
that you learned in the play. 10 – 15 sentences
 Acceptance Speech – Write a short acceptance speech for Malcolm as he takes the
throne. Have him reassure the country, recall the tragedies that have taken place, ask
for the thanes to come back, etc. 10 – 15 sentences
 Themes – Create an illustration that represents a theme in Macbeth. Theme
illustrations can be an image of one or more characters in the play, an actual scene
from the play, or your own interpretation of the theme, etc. Include a short
description (as a caption) of the illustration and how it depicts the theme (3-4
sentences per caption). Themes include:
o Ambition
o Appearances are not what they seem
o Disorder
o Trust and betrayal
o Fear
o Greed and power
o Excuses
o Visions and prophecy
o Desperation
o Good vs. evil
o Guilt
o The supernatural
Theme must be done on white paper and mounted on poster board.
50 Marks Each
 Literary Devices – Create a poster showing quotes that represent at least 7
different literary devices from the play. Be sure your poster includes not only the
quotes but also a description of what each literary device is and how it is used.
Literary devices can include: metaphor, simile, alliteration, assonance, irony,
imagery, personification, allusion, hyperbole, symbol, and foreshadowing.
 Play Review – Write a short play review for Macbeth. Include a short summary, a
short discussion of the play’s qualities and flaws, and your overall rating. 20 – 25
 Rap/Poem/Song – Write a rap, poem, or song of at least 20 lines about the play –
this can be about a character, from a character’s perspective, about the plot, about a
theme, anything to do with the play. 20 -25 lines
 The Witches’ Next Adventure – Write a short story to tell about the witches’ next
‘adventure.’ Who will they trick next? How? What character flaw will they find to use
against their target? What will happen to the victim? 1 – 1 ½ pages
 The Soundtrack –
o Create a soundtrack for a performance of Macbeth. Choose different music to
go with different scenes. You may choose classical or modern music,
depending on what kind of interpretation you’re going for. You must create a
soundtrack for at least one complete act, but I would prefer a few songs for
each act. Burn the songs onto a CD, put the songs on a flash drive, or give me
a list of the songs with the title and performer. You must also give me a list of
tracks indicating which scene they go with and write a few sentences
explaining why you chose each song.
o Create a soundtrack that tells the story of Macbeth. In other words, choose
songs that sort of narrate the events. For example, when Macbeth begins to
slip into madness you should find a song that talks about going crazy, or at
the time of Lady Macbeth’s death a song about suicide or losing a loved one
would be appropriate. But remember, Macbeth is a very dark play so your
songs should fit that mood. Burn the songs onto a CD, put the songs on a
flash drive, or give me a list of the songs with the title and performer. You
must also give me a list of tracks indicating which scene they go with and
write a few sentences explaining why you chose each song.
100 Marks Each
 Re-write an Act – Write a two-page minimum act re-write based on a section from
Macbeth but set in the present time and written in modern English (which can
include modern slang and contractions). Be true to the plot, but make sure the
characters and setting fit the modern day period. Include and underline at least 5
vocabulary words that are modern day versions of Shakespearian language and
highlight at least two examples of literary devices. Can be multiple scenes put
together and/or you can use or reference lines from other parts of the
play if they fit your version.
 Board Game – Create a board game for Macbeth. Involve as many characters,
places, events, and images as you can and make sure it follows the plot of the play.
You must also write a set of rules and create game pieces.