Our Lady Queen of Peace Good News www.olqpmke.org October 9, 2014 Successful School Tip!! Confidence can make the difference in a child who tried new things and one who sits on the sidelines. Remember to praise your child for their good work. This also will raise their self-confidence. Up-Coming Events October 10th NO SCHOOL: Teachers’ Convention October 14th Mandatory Washington DC Meeting @ 6:00pm for Students in 7th & 8th Grade Mass Servers Saturday, October 11th 4:00 Shawn Mallon Nicholas Mallon Sunday, October 12th 8:30am Edwin Davila-Leon Leonardo Davila-Leon 10:30am Carolyn Abraham Adrian Ruiz Karen Ruiz Soles for Catholic Education Were you one of the 7,000 people who walked to support Catholic education last November? If not, mark your calendars and get your walking shoes ready! October 24th End of First Quarter All School Rosary @ 215pm Growth in faith and knowledge never ends. That is why we are thrilled to announce the 2nd annual “Soles for Education” Walk on October 25, 2014, at Mount Mary College. Again, the walk will help us raise awareness about the multitude of benefits rooted in a Catholic education; while we celebrate out Catholic school and build community. October 25th Walk for Catholic Schools Thank you to Sandy Abraham who again has agreed to be our coordinator for the walk. October 31st All School Rosary @ 9:00am We would like to send out a few reminders: October 17th All School Rosary @ 2:15pm November 4th All School Mass @ 8:15am November 5th First Quarter Report Cards Sent Home November 6th DISMISSAL @ NOON Parent/Teacher Conferences from 1:00pm-7:00pm Register for the walk online at www.catholicschoolswalk.org Menu Change On Monday, October 13th the menu will be changed to the following: Salisbury Steak Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Mixed Veggies Mixed Fruit Washington DC Meeting Gym Uniforms The re-scheduled mandatory Washington DC meeting will be on Tuesday, October 14th @ 6:00pm for the students in 7th/8th grade who will be going on the trip in March 2015. At this meeting we are hoping to get our final numbers of who is going so that we can give you the final cost of the trip. Also, please remember that the initial down payment of $400 is due. We will be sending home your account balance to all the students who have been fundraising. Your down payment can be deducted from this balance. Last week, gym uniforms were handed out. Students in grades 6th-8th MUST be in the correct gym uniform. This is the OLQP navy blue t-shirt and navy blue shorts or they may wear their own SOLID navy blue t-shirt and shorts/sweatpants. Students who are not in their gym uniform will be issued an out of uniform violation. If they receive 3 out of uniform violations they will receive a detention. Candy Bar Sale StandardsScore As many of you are already aware as you attempt to try and log into your child’s StandardsScore account you are not being allowed access. We have contacted StandardsScore and they have been having trouble on their end that they hope to have cleared up by this weekend. We will keep you posted on the progress and would like to thank you for your patience as they fix their issues. Candy is available in the school office for any family who is interested in selling. Please have your child stop in to pick up a box. Proceeds raised will be used to purchase another Smartboard for a classroom or if your child is a 7th or 8th grader going on the 2015 Washington DC trip, the money your family raises will be used to offset the cost of the trip. Any questions, please contact the school office at 414-672-6660. Morning Drop Off Arrival and Dismissal In the morning when you are dropping your children off at school, please walk them around to the back of the building. Unfortunately when both doorbells are being rung it cancels them out and we are unable to unlock either door. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. For the safety of our students, when dropping and picking your children up daily, we ask that you please park in the Marcus parking lot and walk your child onto the playground. If you are parked on the school playground after 7:30am or 2:30pm the barricade will be up and the cadets have been instructed not to move it to allow vehicles to exit. Thank you for your cooperation. School Field Trips/ Playground Duty Please remember that in order to chaperone a school field trip or volunteer in the school it is required by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee that you complete the “Safeguarding All God’s Family” training course and submit your completion form to the school office. In order to register for a course, you need to go to archmil.org and click on the “Safeguarding All God’s Family” link, then click on the upcoming sessions link. You then can scroll through the different upcoming sessions and choose the one that best fits in your schedule. After School Tutoring On Monday, September 15th we started partnering with Veritas High School for after school help with homework for students in grades 3rd-8th. They will be sending over students from their school on Mondays and Thursdays as well as the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 2:45pm-3:45pm. There is no cost for this additional homework help and we hope that students will take advantage of this opportunity. Middle School Service Project Tardy Passes The Middle School students of Our Lady Queen of Peace School will be organizing a fundraiser as a service project this fall. We will be collecting used clothing and textiles. As you are cleaning out your closets please set aside the following items that we can turn in for cash for our school: Please remind your child that if they arrive at school later than 7:45am, they MUST stop in the school office before going to class to receive a tardy pass as well as inform us if they will be having hot lunch. clothing of all types and sizes, infant to adult socks shoes of any kind belts purses and handbags bath towels, wash cloths and robes bed sheets and blankets kitchen towels and cloth napkins stuffed animals and soft toys (no hard toys) Even if the clothing is ripped, has holes, or is stained we can still take them as they can be turned into rags. Collection bags will be sent home with students on Monday, November 3. Filled bags can be returned to school from Tuesday, November 4 Thursday, November 13. Thank you for your help in making this a successful service project! School Absences Please remember that if your child is going to be absent, a parent/guardian must phone or e-mail the school office before 9:00am. In addition to a phone call, State Law requires a written, dated note for any absence. The note must have your child’s name, the date(s) your child was absent and the parent/guardians’ signature. Sport’s News Remember each Friday is Spirit Day and students participating in a sport can show their team pride and wear their jersey top to school with uniform pants/shorts/skirt. Soccer All games to be played at St. John’s on 84th & Cold Spring. Saturday, October 4th Keep up the hard work and GO SAINTS! Sport’s Schedules Volleyball 5th/6th Grade Girls Sunday, October 5th 11:00am vs. St. Alphonsus - Gold *Both games played at St. Greg’s gym on 60th & Oklahoma K4/K5 Field B 10:00am vs. St. Matthias – 2 1st Grade Field 1 11:00am vs. St. Greg’s 2nd Grade Field 2 12:00pm vs. MGC 3rd Grade Field 3 10:00am vs. St. Mary – 2 4th Grade Field 4 12:00pm vs. MGC 5th/6th Grade Field 5 Tournament – double check time with coach 7th/8th Grade Field 6 Tournament – double check time with coach