CPR 2015-16 Title II, A (Highly Qualified Teachers & Principals) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 6.1 Highly Qualified Teachers All core academic subject area teachers, including those in Title I buildings, meet the ESEA highly qualified teacher (HQT) requirements, at 100%. For those teachers who fail to meet the highly qualified requirements, the district/building has an individual teacher plan on file. Sec 1119(a)(1) ESEA prohibits placement of non-highly qualified teachers in Title I buildings. Exception: Class-size reduction teachers funded out of Title I, A and Title II, A must meet the HQT requirement prior to being placed in these assignments. If these teachers are on an individual teacher plan to achieve highly qualified requirements, this item will be noncompliant. Evidence District Level Highly qualified teacher paperwork or individual teacher plans on file at the district office/Human Resources department. For each type of teaching position below: • small districts (less than 1,500 students) must provide the names of 2 teachers; • medium districts (1,501 – 5,000 students) must provide the names of 4 teachers; and • large districts (5,001+ students) must provide the names of 8 teachers. Positions include: ⧠ A. Elementary Level General Ed Teacher ⧠ B. Elementary Level Special Ed Teacher ⧠ C. Middle School General Ed Teacher ⧠ D. Middle School Special Ed Teacher ⧠ E. High School General Ed Teacher ⧠ F. High School Special Ed Teacher ⧠ G. Digital on-line Teacher ⧠ H. Contracted Teacher ⧠ I. Parent Partnership Teacher Narrative CPR 2015-16 Title II, A (Highly Qualified Teachers & Principals) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 6.2 Highly Qualified Paraeducators All paraeducators currently working in a Title I program meet the ESEA requirements. Sec 1119(d). Evidence District Level For each type of position below (as applicable): • small districts must provide documentation for 1 Title Paraeducator; • medium districts must provide documentation for 2 Title I Paraeducators; and • large districts must provide documentation for 4 Title I Paraeducators. ⧠ A. Documentation on file at the district office/Human Resources Department that Title I paraeducators meet the ESEA requirements e.g., ETS ParaPro Assessment results, AA degree transcript. ⧠ B. N/A Narrative CPR 2015-16 Title II, A (Highly Qualified Teachers & Principals) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 6.3 Equitable Placement of HQT The district implements various strategies to ensure that poor and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by inexperienced, unqualified, outof-field teachers. Sec 1112(c)(1)(L). Evidence District and Building Level ⧠ A. A list of new teachers, their building assignments and content areas. ⧠ B. A list of all non-highly qualified teachers, their building assignments and content areas. Note: OSPI may request individual teacher plans for non-HQT. ⧠ C. A list of teachers assigned to courses outside of their endorsement ⧠ D. N/A, if the district has only one elementary, middle, and high school, or the district is one building for all grades. See the Washington State Equity Plan: http://www.k12.wa.us/TitleIIA/EquitableAcc ess/default.aspx Narrative CPR 2015-16 Title II, A (Highly Qualified Teachers & Principals) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ District Program Monitor Date Description 6.3 Equitable Placement of HQT The district implements various strategies to ensure that poor and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by inexperienced, unqualified, outof-field teachers. Sec 1112(c)(1)(L). Evidence District and Building Level ⧠ A. A list of new teachers, their building assignments and content areas. ⧠ B. A list of all non-highly qualified teachers, their building assignments and content areas. Note: OSPI may request individual teacher plans for non-HQT. ⧠ C. A list of teachers assigned to courses outside of their endorsement ⧠ D. N/A, if the district has only one elementary, middle, and high school, or the district is one building for all grades. See the Washington State Equity Plan: http://www.k12.wa.us/TitleIIA/EquitableAcc ess/default.aspx Narrative