The Solar wind today is 447 km/sec and the proton count is the highest I have ever seen at 16.3 protons per cubic centimeter. There are there sunspot clusters on the Sun with currently no threat for solar flares. Why the high proton count then? They must be arriving from somewhere other than the Sun. Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon are beaming through the evening twilight, forming a bright triangle visible through city lights and even thin clouds. A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Feb. 26th at ~2100 UT. The impact was weak and does not appear set to cause a strong geomagnetic storm. Fruit and seeds hidden in an Ice Age squirrel's burrow in Siberian permafrost have been resurrected into a flower by Russian scientists. Using a pioneering experiment, the Sylene stenophylla has become the oldest plant ever to be regrown and it is fertile, producing white flowers and viable seeds. The seeds date back 30,000 to 32,000 years and raise hopes that iconic Ice Age mammals like the woolly mammoth could also eventually be resurrected. The researchers, who published their findings in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the US, said the results prove that permafrost serves a natural depository for ancient life forms. "We consider it essential to continue permafrost studies in search of an ancient genetic pool, that of preexisting life, which hypothetically has long since vanished from the earth's surface," the scientists said in the article. Woolly mammoth tusks dug up from Siberian permafrost in 1999 Canadian researchers had earlier regenerated some significantly younger plants from seeds found in burrows. Svetlana Yashina of the Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy Of Sciences, who led the regeneration effort, said the revived plant looked very similar to its modern version, which still grows in the same area in northeastern Siberia. The Russian research team recovered the fruit after investigating dozens of fossil burrows hidden in ice deposits on the right bank of the lower Kolyma River in northeastern Siberia. They were firmly cemented together and often totally filled with ice, making any water infiltration impossible - creating a natural freezing chamber fully isolated from the surface. The burrows were located 125ft (38m) below the present surface in layers containing bones of large mammals, such as mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, bison, horse and deer. "The squirrels dug the frozen ground to build their burrows, which are about the size of a soccer ball, putting in hay first and then animal fur for a perfect storage chamber," said Stanislav Gubin, one of the authors of the study, who spent years rummaging through the area for squirrel burrows. "It's a natural cryobank." "If we are lucky, we can find some frozen squirrel tissue," said Mr Gubin. "And this path could lead us all the way to mammoth." The myth of the eight-hour sleep Comments (321) By Stephanie Hegarty BBC World Service Continue reading the main story In today's Magazine Nike launches the era of Paralympic chic What can rap lyrics teach us about business? Political donations: Lessons from the past Could vegetarians eat a 'test tube' burger? We often worry about lying awake in the middle of the night - but it could be good for you. A growing body of evidence from both science and history suggests that the eight-hour sleep may be unnatural. In the early 1990s, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr conducted an experiment in which a group of people were plunged into darkness for 14 hours every day for a month. It took some time for their sleep to regulate but by the fourth week the subjects had settled into a very distinct sleeping pattern. They slept first for four hours, then woke for one or two hours before falling into a second four-hour sleep. Though sleep scientists were impressed by the study, among the general public the idea that we must sleep for eight consecutive hours persists. In 2001, historian Roger Ekirch of Virginia Tech published a seminal paper, drawn from 16 years of research, revealing a wealth of historical evidence that humans used to sleep in two distinct chunks. His book At Day's Close: Night in Times Past, published four years later, unearths more than 500 references to a segmented sleeping pattern - in diaries, court records, medical books and literature, from Homer's Odyssey to an anthropological account of modern tribes in Nigeria. Roger Ekirch says this 1595 engraving by Jan Saenredam is evidence of activity at night Much like the experience of Wehr's subjects, these references describe a first sleep which began about two hours after dusk, followed by waking period of one or two hours and then a second sleep. "It's not just the number of references - it is the way they refer to it, as if it was common knowledge," Ekirch says. During this waking period people were quite active. They often got up, went to the toilet or smoked tobacco and some even visited neighbours. Most people stayed in bed, read, wrote and often prayed. Countless prayer manuals from the late 15th Century offered special prayers for the hours in between sleeps. And these hours weren't entirely solitary - people often chatted to bed-fellows or had sex. A doctor's manual from 16th Century France even advised couples that the best time to conceive was not at the end of a long day's labour but "after the first sleep", when "they have more enjoyment" and "do it better". Ekirch found that references to the first and second sleep started to disappear during the late 17th Century. This started among the urban upper classes in northern Europe and over the course of the next 200 years filtered down to the rest of Western society. By the 1920s the idea of a first and second sleep had receded entirely from our social consciousness. Continue reading the main story When segmented sleep was the norm "He knew this, even in the horror with which he started from his first sleep, and threw up the window to dispel it by the presence of some object, beyond the room, which had not been, as it were, the witness of his dream." Charles Dickens, Barnaby Rudge (1840) "Don Quixote followed nature, and being satisfied with his first sleep, did not solicit more. As for Sancho, he never wanted a second, for the first lasted him from night to morning." Miguel Cervantes, Don Quixote (1615) "And at the wakening of your first sleepe You shall have a hott drinke made, And at the wakening of your next sleepe Your sorrowes will have a slake." Early English ballad, Old Robin of Portingale The Tiv tribe in Nigeria employ the terms "first sleep" and "second sleep" to refer to specific periods of the night Source: Roger Ekirch Roger Ekirch's website He attributes the initial shift to improvements in street lighting, domestic lighting and a surge in coffee houses - which were sometimes open all night. As the night became a place for legitimate activity and as that activity increased, the length of time people could dedicate to rest dwindled. In his new book, Evening's Empire, historian Craig Koslofsky puts forward an account of how this happened. "Associations with night before the 17th Century were not good," he says. The night was a place populated by people of disrepute - criminals, prostitutes and drunks. "Even the wealthy, who could afford candlelight, had better things to spend their money on. There was no prestige or social value associated with staying up all night." That changed in the wake of the Reformation and the counter-Reformation. Protestants and Catholics became accustomed to holding secret services at night, during periods of persecution. If earlier the night had belonged to reprobates, now respectable people became accustomed to exploiting the hours of darkness. This trend migrated to the social sphere too, but only for those who could afford to live by candlelight. With the advent of street lighting, however, socialising at night began to filter down through the classes. In 1667, Paris became the first city in the world to light its streets, using wax candles in glass lamps. It was followed by Lille in the same year and Amsterdam two years later, where a much more efficient oilpowered lamp was developed. London didn't join their ranks until 1684 but by the end of the century, more than 50 of Europe's major towns and cities were lit at night. Night became fashionable and spending hours lying in bed was considered a waste of time. A small city like Leipzig in central Germany employed 100 men to tend to 700 lamps "People were becoming increasingly time-conscious and sensitive to efficiency, certainly before the 19th Century," says Roger Ekirch. "But the industrial revolution intensified that attitude by leaps and bounds." Strong evidence of this shifting attitude is contained in a medical journal from 1829 which urged parents to force their children out of a pattern of first and second sleep. "If no disease or accident there intervene, they will need no further repose than that obtained in their first sleep, which custom will have caused to terminate by itself just at the usual hour. "And then, if they turn upon their ear to take a second nap, they will be taught to look upon it as an intemperance not at all redounding to their credit." Today, most people seem to have adapted quite well to the eight-hour sleep, but Ekirch believes many sleeping problems may have roots in the human body's natural preference for segmented sleep as well as the ubiquity of artificial light. This could be the root of a condition called sleep maintenance insomnia, where people wake during the night and have trouble getting back to sleep, he suggests. The condition first appears in literature at the end of the 19th Century, at the same time as accounts of segmented sleep disappear. "For most of evolution we slept a certain way," says sleep psychologist Gregg Jacobs. "Waking up during the night is part of normal human physiology." The idea that we must sleep in a consolidated block could be damaging, he says, if it makes people who wake up at night anxious, as this anxiety can itself prohibit sleeps and is likely to seep into waking life too. Continue reading the main story Stages of sleep Every 60-100 minutes we go through a cycle of four stages of sleep Stage 1 is a drowsy, relaxed state between being awake and sleeping - breathing slows, muscles relax, heart rate drops Stage 2 is slightly deeper sleep - you may feel awake and this means that, on many nights, you may be asleep and not know it Stage 3 and Stage 4, or Deep Sleep - it is very hard to wake up from Deep Sleep because this is when there is the lowest amount of activity in your body After Deep Sleep, we go back to Stage 2 for a few minutes, and then enter Dream Sleep - also called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep - which, as its name suggests, is when you dream In a full sleep cycle, a person goes through all the stages of sleep from one to four, then back down through stages three and two, before entering dream sleep Source: Gregg Jacobs Gregg Jacobs' site - CBT for Insomnia Russell Foster, a professor of circadian [body clock] neuroscience at Oxford, shares this point of view. "Many people wake up at night and panic," he says. "I tell them that what they are experiencing is a throwback to the bi-modal sleep pattern." But the majority of doctors still fail to acknowledge that a consolidated eight-hour sleep may be unnatural. "Over 30% of the medical problems that doctors are faced with stem directly or indirectly from sleep. But sleep has been ignored in medical training and there are very few centres where sleep is studied," he says. Jacobs suggests that the waking period between sleeps, when people were forced into periods of rest and relaxation, could have played an important part in the human capacity to regulate stress naturally. In many historic accounts, Ekirch found that people used the time to meditate on their dreams. "Today we spend less time doing those things," says Dr Jacobs. "It's not a coincidence that, in modern life, the number of people who report anxiety, stress, depression, alcoholism and drug abuse has gone up." So the next time you wake up in the middle of the night, think of your pre-industrial ancestors and relax. Lying awake could be good for you Earth's Clouds Are Getting Lower, NASA Satellite Finds ScienceDaily (Feb. 22, 2012) — Earth's clouds got a little lower -- about one percent on average -- during the first decade of this century, finds a new NASA-funded university study based on NASA satellite data. The results have potential implications for future global climate. See Also: Earth & Climate Climate Global Warming Environmental Issues Geography Earth Science Severe Weather Reference Consensus of scientists regarding global warming Instrumental temperature record Temperature record Greenland ice sheet Scientists at the University of Auckland in New Zealand analyzed the first 10 years of global cloud-top height measurements (from March 2000 to February 2010) from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft. The study, published recently in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, revealed an overall trend of decreasing cloud height. Global average cloud height declined by around one percent over the decade, or by around 100 to 130 feet (30 to 40 meters). Most of the reduction was due to fewer clouds occurring at very high altitudes. Lead researcher Roger Davies said that while the record is too short to be definitive, it provides a hint that something quite important might be going on. Longer-term monitoring will be required to determine the significance of the observation for global temperatures. A consistent reduction in cloud height would allow Earth to cool to space more efficiently, reducing the surface temperature of the planet and potentially slowing the effects of global warming. This may represent a "negative feedback" mechanism -- a change caused by global warming that works to counteract it. "We don't know exactly what causes the cloud heights to lower," says Davies. "But it must be due to a change in the circulation patterns that give rise to cloud formation at high altitude." NASA's Terra spacecraft is scheduled to continue gathering data through the remainder of this decade. Scientists will continue to monitor the MISR data closely to see if this trend continues. For more information, visit: . MISR, built and managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., is one of five instruments on NASA's Terra spacecraft, launched in December 1999. The instrument uses nine cameras at different angles to produce a stereo image of clouds around the globe, allowing measurement of their altitude and movement. For more on MISR, visit: . For more on Terra, visit: . Another NASA mission that studies clouds is NASA's CloudSat, also built by JPL and launched in 2006. CloudSat is the first satellite that uses an advanced radar to "slice" through clouds to see their vertical structure, providing a completely new observational capability from space. CloudSat's primary goal is to furnish data needed to evaluate and improve the way clouds are represented in global models, thereby contributing to better predictions of clouds and thus to their poorly understood role in climate change and the cloud-climate feedback. Mona Leigh - BIO Mona Leigh is a musician, producer, vocalist, songwriter, author, photographer and videographer, actor, artist and poet. Company is Unified Concepts Media. Mona is also is an award winning paralegal who worked for one of the premiere Law firms in the world, Fenwick and West in the SF Bay Area. Mona graduated at the top of her class and was Graduate of the Year in Paralegal at College America in 1995 (4.0 GPA) and received awards from The California State Bar Association, the Santa Clara County Bar Association and The Support Network For Battered Women for Pro Bono legal services provided to those in need. Mona is also a trained radiologist and has worked in the medical field assessing information, trends in diagnoses and how that information relates to the world wide ‘illness’ that we all seem to be living with as the norm. Had a NDE in December of 2009: DRUIDRY: Mona is an ovate in the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids; member since 1994 and studies current druid philosophical activities and druids in history. Has spent time exploring the forests of Washington State with the Order’s Chosen Chief, Philip Carr-Gomm over Samhain 1997. (story of the grove vs the desires of the people to invade this grove and stand around on living, thriving flora and fauna). AUTHOR: Mona has authored two books related to quantum ‘activism’ including working with the energy of various ‘semi precious’ stones and gems in healing and manifesting reality. All comes down to focus. EVERYTHING comes down to focus when talking about quantum ‘creativity’. MUSIC: Over a lifetime of performance she has appeared and/or performed with such greats as the legendary John Lee Hooker, Grammy winner Arkansas Larry Davis (Texas Flood), Dr. John, Elvin Bishop, Buddy Miles (Jimi Hendrix Band Of Gypsies), Tim Bogert (Vanilla Fudge, Beck, Bogert and Appice) to name only a few...Mona started playing music at age 2 and a half years when her folks bought her a small piano for Christmas and she ‘sat down and started playing songs, including twinkle twinkle little star’…though she had never played music before. VIDEOGRAPHY: Mona is a member of the ECETI family and filmed several of James Gilliland’s World Transformation conferences. Phenomenal Photography: Mona has quite a knack for ‘picking up’ unusual phenomena in photography including the now famous “Mary” photo of the veil of light that James uses on the cover of his book “Becoming Gods”. [Brooks; I’ll be sending you a few of those photos] ACTING: Mona worked in the late Brittany Murphy’s last film, "Something Wicked 2010" in Eugene, OR. Mona can currently be seen in the several independent movies: Find out more about Mona Leigh acting at the Internet Movie Database PRODUCER: Besides her albums and singles (which are available on, Amazon, ITunes and her website at she also read, recorded and mastered “Whispering Whale” by author Ed Zivica into audio book form. This is a fascinating post apocalyptic novel that demonstrates just how quickly our world could descend into the stone age once again. RESEARCH: Currently working with physicists and engineers on a revolutionary method of cleaning and restoring nuclear pollution sites in the US and Japan. TALKING POINTS: ECETI: Both of us have had life altering experiences at the Ranch; we could discuss yours and mine and how ‘things’ have changed for us since then. SIX FINGERS AND MENTAL TELEPATHY: I really enjoyed your story of the memory of a previous home in a different ‘galaxy’. My first memory as a child is that of watching my folks ‘argue’ while I was sitting in my high chair and thinking: Why are these people using their mouths to communicate…where I come from we just ‘think’ what we want to communicate. WORLD INTENTION DAY VIDEO: This is the result of decades of research into ‘reality’ and quantum ‘activism’, seeking ways to ‘outweigh’ the ‘fear factor’ that as humans we are physically addicted to, and how we can shift consciousness and creativity to reflect the realization of oneness, love and joy, thereby creating harmony and a new paradigm. Fear is an addiction to our society, whether we believe it or understand how it works, the chemicals released into the body with the ‘fight or flight’ response do become addicting to us and keep us locked into self defeating patterns. The video is an exercise in putting my love of music, writing, photography and videography together with my ‘spiritual’ and philosophical conclusions and beliefs to focus on shifting consciousness in such a way as to meet the critical mass of ‘how many light-workers does it take to change a paradigm? THE VIDEO has inspired me to work toward making the 22nd of every month “World Intention Day” and I’m putting together a website at, currently under construction. WHY IT ISN’T WORKING: Ever wondered why after a huge section of the populace has been devouring programs such as “What The Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret” that it seems that things not only don’t improve, they get worse? What if we created our reality with our imagination, with mind pictures of our ideas and thoughts? What if some one (or some entity) knew this and knew that negative, fearful energy brings about the most banal of creations, and that happy, joyful energy brings about happiness and joy...would they do something like putting out 'false news reports' knowing that if they plant the right 'pictures and images' into your psyche, (en masse)along with the 'fear, panic, danger' undercurrent running subliminally and consciously in the background of our lives...well, we could all be "directed" by this person/entity to create the world that THEY want via manipulation of the masses. Post a false news report that many will find traumatic, painful and frightening and 'voila', before it can be retracted or shown to be false, a fairly large group of people just 'envisioned' all of the images that go with the 'traumatic news', while at the same time investing this news with a good deal of fearful energy. What we have is a non stop barrage of ‘negative, fearful’ news; we get much of this upon first waking up every day, with our local and national ‘news’ programs. This is how ‘we’ are being manipulated to create chaos by the ‘powers that be’, the powers that control everything we see, read, watch, eat, etc. THE BIGGEST SECRET: We don’t create things by repeating affirmations such as “I’m rich, I’m healthy, I’m whatever…” but with the images we create in our minds; this is where John Lennon had it so right: Imagine… DUELING REALITIES: Both MSM and most of the alternative media push the same drug…fear…(war, murder, mayhem, false flags, lying politicians, financial collapse, so even though people like David Icke, Alex Jones and so many others appear to be trying to ‘fix’ things…the message is still the same: “The World is not safe and neither are YOU”…listen to me…I have the answer. If the answer actually came to fruition all of these people would be out of work. This is why they search but never ‘find’…meanwhile we have the ‘illuminati’ BROOKS AND MONA: Similarities: Both have Scottish ancestry who did pretty amazing things and the Clan McCrea (McCray) were gifted the Castle “Eileen Donan” for saving the king from his own bodyguards; the McCreas were the bodyguards to the bodyguards of the King and foiled some assassination plot against the King resulting in the ‘gift’ of the castle. My heritage has also been traced back to Guinebond Belleau, a famous Norman Chieftan who was Field Marshall for William the Conqueror at the battle of Hastings and members of that ‘line’ held the property of the family of Anne Boleyn for some time. Most of my American ancestors got here in the very early 1600’s and I’m related to two signers of the Declaration Of Independence; another ancestor is Commodor Whipple (of the Gaspee affair). Also descended from most of the Whipples of America; including Mr. Whipple (toilet paper salesman) and Simon Whipple Aldrich, who’s tombstone reads (Vampire). Also related to Fred Whipple (Observatory).