Study Guide for Translations TestName

Study Guide for Translations Test
1. Name the three transformations we have been studying.
2. SKETCH(not necessary to label or do a formal drawing on graph paper)a translation.
3. SKETCH(not necessary to label or do a formal drawing on graph paper)a rotation.
4. SKETCH(not necessary to label or do a formal drawing on graph paper)a reflection.
5. What is the nickname for a translation?
6. What is the nickname for a rotation?
7. What is the nickname for a reflection?
8. Use graph paper. Draw triangle A(-2,1), B(-6,1), C(-6,4). Reflect over the y axis. Then
translate the new triangle by 7 units down. What quadrant did you end up in? What are
the new ordered pairs?
9. Remember that….
90 clockwise= 270 counterclockwise
180 clockwise = 180 counterclockwise
270 clockwise= 90 counterclockwise
360 clockwise= 360 counterclockwise= 360 etc. etc. etc. and any turn of 360 lands
you in the same place that you started.
There will also be 2 questions on the test over rotating about a given point. We will
review this information in class on Thursday.