(clinical ultrasonography).

Procedural Skills for Medical Students
1. Learners should be able to verbalize the indications
for ultrasonography.
2. Learners will be able to verbalize the proper
technique for basic ultrasonography on the HPS.
3. Learners should be able to locate the liver, gall
bladder, stomach, colon, bladder, kidneys, and
ascites using ultrasonography.
Material to review prior to lab: Ultrasound slide show
1. To facilitate insertion of a central intravenous or arterial line
2. Diagnosis and evaluation of a number of pathologies (i.e. ascites, aortic aneurysm and
dissection, diseases of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidney, adrenal gland, spleen,
urinary bladder, and prostate, etc).
3. Evaluation of pregnancy and fetal status.
Contraindications: none
Equipment: HPS, ultrasound machine, ultrasound trainer
Instructional Procedure & Endpoints:
1. Learners will be oriented to trainer and equipment in ASTEC.
2. ASTEC staff will demonstrate proper technique for ultrasound examination.
3. Learners will verbalize correctly 4 out of 6 findings on abdominal ultrasound (liver, gall
bladder, stomach, colon, bladder, and ascites).
Fowler, G.C. (2011). Emergency department, hospitalist, and office ultrasonography
(clinical ultrasonography). In J.L. Pfenninger, & G.C. Fowler (Eds.), Procedures for
Primary Care, 3rd Ed (1529-1558). Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby.
Nurses.informations. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/blueash/abdominalultrasound-508547