WOODVILLE SOUTH JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB INC. Committed to Junior Football development Concussion Management Policy In the management of concussion, the focus of the Woodville South Junior Football Club is the welfare of the player, both in the short and long term. Concussion refers to a disturbance in brain function that results from trauma to the brain. The changes are temporary and the majority of players recover completely if managed correctly. Complications can occur if the player is returned to play before they have recovered from their concussion. This is why any player with suspected concussion must be withdrawn from playing or training immediately. Furthermore, no player with suspected concussion should be returned to play in the same game. Management of head injury is difficult for non-medical personnel. In the early stages of injury it is often not clear whether you are dealing with a concussion or there is a more severe underlying structural head injury. Therefore, ALL players with concussion or suspected of concussion need an urgent medical assessment. In the days or weeks following concussion, a player should not be allowed to return to play or train until they have had a formal medical clearance. The key components of management of concussion include: Suspecting the diagnosis in any player with symptoms such as confusion or headache after a knock to the head; Referring the player for medical evaluation; and Ensuring the player has received medical clearance before allowing them to return to a graded training program. Concussion is a mild brain injury, caused by trauma that results in temporary dysfunction of the brain. When it occurs a player may experience symptoms and temporary loss of brain skills such as memory and thinking abilities. It is important for players to be aware of possible signs of concussion which are often subtle. The trauma causing concussion can sometimes be obvious, but at other times may be very subtle and hardly noticed. Ask team mates, coaches or others who were present at the time of the incident whether they had observed the player unconscious, dazed, confused or if you have some symptoms or signs. If a player with concussion returns to sport whilst still symptomatic, there is an increased risk of further injury. Ledger Oval, Ledger Rd WOODVILLE SOUTH SA 5011 Email: cats@wsjfc.com Website:wsjfc.com Woodville South Junior Football Club Management policy is as follows: Any player suspected of having suffered a head injury/concussion or is knocked unconscious shall: Be assessed by ANY member of the team’s personnel using the Pocket SCAT 2 assessment tool, preferably within 10 minutes of the incident. Use of the Pocket SCAT2 requires NO medical training. All team managers will be provided a copy of the SCAT2 pocket guide and it should be present in all medical kits. Any player who FAILS the SCAT2 assessment should: NOT be returned to the field of play. Have their parents notified of the suspected concussion by the team manager or coach Seek medical advice Team manager or coach will advise the football operations manager, or the child protection officer, details of the player who has suffered the concussion. A player who suffers a Concussion on the day of the game should: NOT consume alcohol and keep well hydrated NOT drive a motor vehicle NOT be left alone, and be woken every 2-3 hours during the night to ensure they are well. Seek IMMEDIATE medical attention if they: Are unconscious for more than 5 minutes Develop visual disturbance Are confused Develop nausea/vomiting Have a headache not responding to Paracetamol or Ibuprofen Ledger Oval, Ledger Rd WOODVILLE SOUTH SA 5011 Email: cats@wsjfc.com Website:wsjfc.com Return to training and playing games: As a temporary brain dysfunction, concussion will resolve with time. This may vary from an hour or so to several days. Occasionally the brain will recover even more slowly. The best treatment is rest from physical activity and work/study. The player should be seen by a doctor who will monitor the symptoms, signs and brain functioning. Concussion Occurring outside of the Woodville South Junior Football Club Should a player be diagnosed with concussion outside of the Woodville South Junior Football Club, in the interest of player welfare, we require parents to advise the Club of the concussion and the same principles for when a player is able to return to training and playing will apply. Woodville South Junior Football club will allow a player to return to training and games after: Medical clearance is presented to the club. A doctor must clear the player to return to sporting activity and this will usually involve a stepped approach with a gradual increase in activities over a few days. Or if the player has not sought medical assistance, in the interests of player welfare and safety WSJFC will allow the player to return after a rest period of 3 weeks. Key Messages 1. Concussion is a temporary dysfunction of the brain following trauma 2. Suspect concussion if you are irritable, sick, excessively fatigued, have a headache, or just not feeling your usual self 3. Seek medical attention – urgently if the symptoms or signs are getting worse 4. Rest is the best treatment followed by a gradual return to physical activity and work/study References; AFL brochure Management of Concussion in Australian Football and the WAAFL Concussion Policy Ledger Oval, Ledger Rd WOODVILLE SOUTH SA 5011 Email: cats@wsjfc.com Website:wsjfc.com Ledger Oval, Ledger Rd WOODVILLE SOUTH SA 5011 Email: cats@wsjfc.com Website:wsjfc.com Ledger Oval, Ledger Rd WOODVILLE SOUTH SA 5011 Email: cats@wsjfc.com Website:wsjfc.com