Open - HETI

TRIM No: DOC14/21060
Terms of Reference
Name of committee: NSW Paediatric Physician State Training Council (PPSTC)
To promote high quality paediatric physician training in NSW, and to
encourage integration between basic and advanced training.
To ensure the effective functioning of the Paediatric Physician Network
Governance Committees.
Advisory Functions
 Developing policy and providing strategic direction for the delivery and
administration of paediatric physician education and training in NSW
hospitals, in relation to:
- medical education and training;
- standards required for paediatric physician trainees; and
- workforce issues
aligning with work undertaken by Clinical Education and Training (HETI), as
Provide advice as required as to the workforce requirements and thus
numbers of basic and advanced paediatric physician trainees for the state
and for each training network.
Act as a forum for the discussion of issues at the service delivery/training
Advocate for paediatric physician trainees, and seek solutions to important
issues raised by paediatric physician trainees.
In conjunction with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP),
NSW Ministry of Health and Local Health Districts (LHD) effectively
administer training in the networks and across the State, ensuring that
relevant NSW Ministry of Health/LHD/HETI policies and RACP Accreditation
Standards or guidelines are adhered to.
Operational Functions
 Ensure effective liaison between the Paediatric Physician Training Networks
and the NSW Paediatric Physician State Training Council and facilitating
meetings with each Paediatric Physician Training Network to discuss
emerging issues and opportunities for improving the effectiveness of training
delivery and governance within the Networks.
Terms of Reference – NSW Paediatric Physician State Training Council (PPSTC)
TRIM No: DOC14/21060
Monitor the composition of the Paediatric Physician Training Networks in
NSW and approve changes to the Training Networks as required (in
consultation with NSW Ministry of Health and relevant hospitals).
Monitor and evaluate trainee numbers and distribution across the Training
Networks and across Streams and make decisions on the number and
distribution of trainees to ensure high quality training and workforce
requirements where relevant.
Evaluate the management of basic and advanced paediatric physician
training network funding and approve changes to allocations proposed by
the networks and supported by the relevant LHD, in accordance with
funding policies determined by NSW Ministry of Health and / or HETI as
Make decisions in respect to the expenditure of special purpose funds as
delegated by the HETI Management Committee.
Recommend to HETI Management Committee that changes be made to
funding allocations, as required.
Oversee the development and implementation of the state-wide paediatric
physician education program and other training or educational activities for
paediatric physician trainees as required.
Monitor the Paediatric Physician Network Governance Committees.
Receive and review reports from Paediatric Physician Training Networks.
Review matters referred by the Network Governance Committees, trainees
(including the RACP Trainees Committees) and other bodies as appropriate.
 Responsible for the implementation of the Principles for the delivery of
Paediatric Physician Training in NSW and or equivalent documents
 Leadership of the PPTC; promotion of a cohesive and effective environment.
 Develop and maintain good relationships with key stakeholders.
Provision of advice and recommendations to the HETI Management
Deputy Chair
Reports to
HETI Medical Director
(Term of Appointment)
 Chair is currently a two year appointment with a possibility of extension.
 All other members are appointed for a period of three years, with the
possibility of extension for an additional 12 months.
Terms of Reference – NSW Paediatric Physician State Training Council (PPSTC)
TRIM No: DOC14/21060
 Trainees may spend less than 2 years on the PPSTC.
(Meeting attendance expectation)
 To remain an active member of PPSTC, members or their delegates will be
required to attend at least 75% of meetings (in person or by teleconference)
each year.
(Process of appointment)
 Nomination by State Director Paediatric Physician Training, with formal
appointment by the Director of HETI.
Representing body:
Network Directors of
Paediatric Physician
Stream Coordinators
Chief Residents
Independent Clinicians
Greater Eastern
Western - NDPPT
Western – CHW DPPE
Children’s Hospital Westmead
Hunter New England
Sydney Children’s Hospital
MP4 Representative
NSW State Committee
Basic Trainees
Greater Eastern
Advanced Trainees
Greater Eastern
Senior Executive Officer – Accreditation
Senior Executive Officer - (Projects) Basic Training
Ministry of Health
Senior Policy Officer, External Relations Unit, Workforce
Planning and Development Branch
Medical Director (ex officio)
Program Coordinator, Paediatrics
Responsibilities of Members:
 Communicate to and from the nominated organisation/group.
 Actively participate in the PPSTC.
Terms of Reference – NSW Paediatric Physician State Training Council (PPSTC)
TRIM No: DOC14/21060
Represent the interest of the PPSTC.
Participate in other working parties/committees as required.
Assist in the development of relationships with partners.
Disclose interests that may impinge on the exercise of duties as a PPSTC
 There needs to be a minimum of 50% of members (must include 50% of
trainee members) present in order to conduct a meeting.
 Any executive decision made outside the PPSTC meeting can only be made
by the Chair / State Director or the pre-approved delegate of the PPSTC and
needs to be approved by the quorum during the next consecutive PPSTC
Four times a year
Review date
Annually and as required
Will vary
minutes and
action items
Standing Items are:
 Actions from Last meeting
 Sharing of CORE values stories
 Other Business
VMTU Administration Officer
Terms of Reference – NSW Paediatric Physician State Training Council (PPSTC)