SPEECH COURSE OUTLINE 2011-2012 Mrs. Pat Van Dolah

Mrs. Pat Van Dolah
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to familiarize the student with a variety of
speeches including the informative and persuasive speech. Outlining principles will be taught
as will effective speech preparation and presentation.
Introductory Speech
Personal Experience Speech
Pet Peeve/Opinion Speech
Demonstration Speech
Informative Speech &/or
PP Informative Speech
Sales Talk
Persuasive Speech
Your grade will be determined by averaging speech rubric grades, outlines, and a weekly
participation grade. Each speech & outline will be worth more than the previous ones.
Notebook Paper
Pens or pencils
3" x 5" OR 4” X 6” WHITE note cards
First and most importantly: LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. You are expected to turn in
an outline and give the speech on the day assigned. Should you have an excused absence on
that day, you will give the speech on the day you return. Failure to give a speech on the
assigned day results in two zeroes--one for the content & delivery of your speech and the other
for the outline. If any late speeches are presented, the grade will be docked accordingly by the
teacher. I seldom give any extra credit work; so when you don't give a speech, your grade
suffers drastically, and you set yourself up to fail. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR WORK AND
FOR YOUR GRADE. None of you want to be repeat speech. To take a dual-credit speech
class at a later time, you must have an “A” or a “B” for your semester grade.
1. Students should come to class with a positive and respectful attitude. I expect students to respect
other adults, their fellow classmates, and me.
2. I give a weekly participation grade that is based on attitude, respect, and courtesy to other speakers
and to the teacher. Positive comments that will help speakers improve are requested.
3. Bring to class all necessary materials!!!!! Be prepared to speak and have your typed outline.
4. Following a speech, students are to offer constructive criticism that will help a classmate improve.
NEVER EVER CRITICIZE ANYONE FOR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! I have no tolerance for students
who belittle or put down others. NO PUT DOWNS ARE ALLOWED IN MY PRESENCE!!!!!!!!
5. Be in the room on time. I follow the tardy policy in the student handbook.
6. Bathroom passes will only be handed out in emergencies. You have passing time before class begins,
so use that time to take care of everything.
7. No vulgar language, gestures, or inappropriate discussions will be allowed.
8. Candy, food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the classroom. This includes all suckers and other
kinds of candy. You can’t give a speech with something in your mouth.
9. If I give you time to research a speech, I expect you to use it. Do not go home and do all of your
work and then come to class with nothing to do. Part of your grade will be determined by your use of
the computer and class time.
10. Disrespect of any kind toward a substitute will NOT be tolerated. If you cause any problems or your
name is written down for any reason while I am gone, you will serve a MINIMUM of 45 minutes of
11. Whenever teachers, students, or guest speakers are presenting something to the class, I expect
everyone to be paying attention. No one should be sleeping, doing other homework, talking, putting
on make- up, etc.
12. If a student has an excused absence, he or she must give the assigned speech on the day he/she
13. Students should remain in their seats until the bell rings at the end of the hour; students will not be
allowed to stand together by the door to wait for the bell.
14. Computers will not be opened unless you are given time to do work for a speech.
I have read the syllabus and understand the classroom policies and rules which I intend to follow.
Student Signature ____________________________________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________
E-mail address for parent _____________________________________
Telephone # where parent may be reached during the school day ___________________________
I have read the syllabus and understand the classroom policies and rules which I intend to follow.
Student Signature ____________________________________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________
E-mail address for parent _____________________________________
Telephone # where parent may be reached during the school day ___________________________
I have read the syllabus and understand the classroom policies and rules which I intend to follow.
Student Signature ____________________________________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________
E-mail address for parent _____________________________________
Telephone # where parent may be reached during the school day ___________________________
I have read the syllabus and understand the classroom policies and rules which I intend to follow.
Student Signature ____________________________________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________
E-mail address for parent _____________________________________
Telephone # where parent may be reached during the school day ___________________________