
Figure S1
Number of children in the primary or booster vaccination intent-totreat (ITT) and per-protocol cohorts for immunogenicity
23,823 children randomized
23,821 children randomized
Immunogenicity cohort
First 500 children enrolled in selected centers in Argentina and first 501 children enrolled in selected centers in Panama
PHiD-CV Group, N = 501
Total enrolled immunogenicity
Control Group, N = 500
Total enrolled immunogenicity
128 children excluded (Panama)
because of incorrect signed
immunogenicity informed consent form
(ICF) or original ICF lost
136 children excluded (Panama)
because of incorrect signed
immunogenicity ICF or original ICF lost
Primary ITT (or vaccinated)
immunogenicity cohort, N = 373
Primary ITT (or vaccinated)
immunogenicity cohort, N = 364
39 children excluded because:
 19 non-compliant with blood
sampling schedule
 13 essential serological data
 4 non-compliant with vaccination
 3 other protocol violations
33 children excluded because:
 12 non-compliant with blood
sampling schedule
 16 essential serological data
 1 non-compliant with vaccination
 4 other protocol violations
Primary per-protocol
immunogenicity cohort, N = 334
Primary per-protocol
immunogenicity cohort, N = 331
28 children excluded because not
administered booster dose
34 children excluded because not
administered booster dose
Booster ITT (or vaccinated)
immunogenicity cohort, N = 345
Booster ITT (or vaccinated)
immunogenicity cohort, N = 330
113 children excluded because:
 88 non-compliant with blood sampling
 23 violation inclusion/exclusion criteria
(wrong age at booster dose)
 2 other protocol violations
115 children excluded because:
 77 non-compliant with blood sampling
 35 violation inclusion/exclusion criteria
(wrong age at booster dose)
 3 other protocol violations
Booster per-protocol
immunogenicity cohort, N = 232
Booster per-protocol
immunogenicity cohort, N = 215