A REPORT FOR THE CITY OF TSHWANE METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY City of Tshwane Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 2012/2013 An overview of the City of Tshwane’s carbon footprint of its 2012/2013 financial year (July 2012 - June 2013). In partnership with: The South African Cities Network (Pty) Ltd. EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd. Mhlane Management Consulting (Pty) Ltd. Confidential Version: Final Report Date: 30th of July 2014 2|P a g e Table of Contents Disclaimer ....................................................................................................... 3 Acknowledgements ....................................................................................... 3 1 Executive Summary ................................................................................ 4 2 Introduction ................................................................................................. 8 2.1 The City of Tshwane ........................................................................................................... 8 2.2 The foot printing methodology ...................................................................................... 9 3 Background ............................................................................................... 11 3.1 Climate change mitigation in South Africa ...............................................................11 3.2 A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory ...................................................................12 3.3 Parameters of the City of Tshwane GHG emissions inventory .........................14 4 The CoT emission inventory .................................................................... 17 4.1 Tshwane total carbon footprint 2013 ........................................................................17 4.2 Tshwane Community carbon footprint 2013 .........................................................18 4.3 Tshwane Corporate footprint 2013 ............................................................................19 4.4 CoT GHG emissions forecast ..........................................................................................20 5 CoT climate action plan ............................................................................ 22 5.1 CoT intensity factors compared ...................................................................................22 5.2 CoT emission reduction activities ...............................................................................24 6 Summary and the way forward ................................................................ 27 6.1 CoT GHG emission inventory summary findings ...................................................27 6.2 The way forward ................................................................................................................28 References.................................................................................................... 30 Glossary of Terms ....................................................................................... 31 Annex 1: GHG emission factors ................................................................. 32 Annex 2: Activity data sources ................................................................... 33 Annex 3: Contact details of contributors ................................................... 34 3|P a g e Disclaimer This Report has been prepared by EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd. for internal use within the City of Tshwane only. EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated herein are true and accurate in all material aspects. However EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd. nor any of its directors, officers, employees, advisors or agents makes any representation or warranty or gives any undertaking of any kind, express or implied, as to the actuality, adequacy, accuracy, reliability or completeness of any opinions, forecasts, projections, assumptions and any other information contained in, or otherwise in relation to, this Report, or assumes any undertaking to supplement any such information as further information becomes available or in light of changing circumstances. No liability of any kind whatsoever is assumed by EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd. any of its directors, officers, employees, advisors or agents in relation to any such opinions, forecasts, projections, assumptions or any other information contained in, or otherwise in relation to, this Report. This report is confidential as it contains confidential information pertaining to the City of Tshwane as well as intellectual property of EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd. Therefore, this Report shall not be released to other parties than the aforementioned unless explicit written permission has been given by both parties. Acknowledgements This report could not have been completed without the extensive support of: - City of Tshwane City Sustainability City of Tshwane Solid Waste department City of Tshwane Metering and Invoicing Section City of Tshwane Waste Water Treatment department City of Tshwane Corporate Fleet Department of Energy The contact details of the contributors to this report can be found in Annex 3. 4|P a g e 1 Executive Summary In line with national policy and provincial policy, the City of Tshwane metropolitan municipality (CoT) published a Green Economy Strategic Framework in 2013 which defines the City’s approach to a green economy transition and provides a strategic guide for lowcarbon, resource efficient and climate resilient equitable economic development. The Green Economy Strategic Framework identifies a number of actions categorised under mitigation and adaptation actions. To be able to measure the impacts of these actions the CoT endeavoured to develop both a mitigation and adaptation baseline against which progress and results can be assessed. Through its partner, the South African Cities Network (SACN), the CoT assigned EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd. (EcoMetrix) to compile the CoT Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory for its 2012/2013 financial year which runs from the 1st of July 2012 – 30th of June 2013. This report provides a summary overview of the CoT’s GHG Emissions Inventory (CoT GHGEI) as was compiled during the first and second quarter of 2014. At this stage the CoT GHG emissions inventory is limited to carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions within the energy, transport and waste sectors. The inventory is divided into two sub-inventories, one for the community within the Tshwane municipal area (Tshwane Community) and one for the local government (Tshwane Corporate). The Tshwane Corporate “sub-inventory” includes GHG emissions from activities under the control of the CoT local government, whilst the Tshwane Community inventory includes GHG emissions related to other residential, commercial and industrial activities within the boundary of the Tshwane municipal area. The total greenhouse gas emissions recorded, under the guidance of the Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocols (developed by ICLEI), for the entire CoT GHGEI was 13,180,010 tCO2e for the 2012/2013 financial year. The figure below provides a graphical breakdown of the inventory per activity (figure 1). 13,180,010 4,100,702 (31.11%) Total CoT GHGEI CoT Corporate GHGEI CoT Community GHGEI 4,061,851 (30.82%) tCO2e /Year 2,417,646 (18.34%) 1,123,886 (8.53%) 922,674 (7.00%) Total CoT Industrial Transport Residential Commercial Solid GHGEI Waste Facilities 280,644 (2.13%) 143,252 (1.09%) 59,757 (0.73%) 30,392 (0.23%) 2,281 (0.02%) 926 (0.01%) Solid Waste Buildings Waste water Vehicle Fleet Power Generation Streetlights Figure 1: Breakdown of CoT GHGEI per activity (2012/2013 financial year in tCO2e). The largest contribution to the CoT GHGEI is the Industrial Activities (31.11% of the total emissions) followed closely by emissions from Transport Activities (30.82%). The table below provides a more detailed breakdown of the emissions by source (figure 2). 5|P a g e Inventory Sector Activities Residential Energy Tshwane Community Commercial Industrial Transport On-road and Off-road Vehicles Waste Solid Waste GHG source Stationary Fuel Combustion Electricity Consumption Electricity Consumption Stationary Fuel Combustion 18.03% 40,937 0.31% 1,123,886 8.53% 10,284 0.08% Electricity Consumption 4,090,418 31.04% Mobile Fuel Combustion 4,061,851 30.82% Fugitive Emissions 280,644 2.13% 11,984,729 90.93% 2,281 0.02% 19 0.00% 143,233 1.09% 926 0.01% 30,392 0.23% 38,647 0.29% 57,110 0.43% 921,580 6.99% 1,094 0.01% 1,195,282 9.07% 13,180,010 100% Power Generation Facilities Stationary Fuel Combustion Buildings & Other Facilities Stationary Fuel Combustion Purchased Electricity Streetlights & Traffic Signals Tshwane Corporate Transport Vehicle Fleet Wastewater Facilities Waste Solid Waste Facilities Total Tshwane Corporate Total % 2,376,710 Total Tshwane Community Energy tCO2e Electricity consumption Mobile fuel combustion Stationary and process emissions Purchased electricity Fugitive emissions Purchased electricity Figure 2: Breakdown of Tshwane GHG Footprint by source. The emissions from the Tshwane Corporate sub-inventory represent 9.07% of the CoT GHGEI and the largest contributor to the sub-inventory results from the operations of the CoT’s landfill sites. The table below provides an overview of the CoT’s emission intensity factors in relation to other municipalities within South Africa (figure 3). 6|P a g e Intensity factor City of Tshwane (tCO2e/year) eThekwini (tCO2e/year) Kwadukuza (tCO2e/year) Steve Tshwete (tCO2e/year) Emissions per inhabitant 4.51 8.03 7.30 30.90 Emissions per household 16.69 3.76 Unknown Unknown Emissions per city official 53.12 76.16 Unknown Unknown 0.67 57.21 Unknown 6.78 2.90 286.27 Unknown 31.18 Emission per operating expenditure Emission per capital expenditure Figure 3: Intensity factor comparison. As is apparent from the above table, the emission intensity factors for the CoT are substantially lower than those of the other municipalities reviewed. This could be attributed to the difference in economic activity in the sense that the Tshwane is the administrative capital of the country and therefore has fewer emissions than municipalities where high levels of industrial activity form the basis of the local economy. On the other hand it is also reasonable to assume that part of the difference can be explained by the limitation in the number of sectors included under the CoT GHGEI, which number is expected to be increased over time when the CoT becomes more adapt to the process of capturing and aligning the large volumes of data required to develop an all-encompassing emission inventory. Assuming that the GHGEI for the City of Tshwane grows with 2.7% per year (i.e. 355,860 tCO2e/year) between 2013 and 2030 in line with the national forecast as derived from the Long Term Mitigation Scenarios (LTMS),1 in 2030 the overall emissions inventory will be approximately 21,272,999 tCO2e. To keep up with this systemic increase over time in the City of Tshwane’s emissions and to reduce its emissions profile the City has implemented and planned a range of mitigation measures for both the Tshwane Community and Tshwane Corporate sub-inventories. At this moment in time the data required to determine the potential of the implemented and planned mitigation activities initiated by the CoT is unavailable. Due to the absence of this critical information no emission reduction targets have been set for the CoT at this stage. Going forward the CoT will determine the mitigation potential of the activities it has initiated and based on that set emission reduction targets to be achieved by the CoT as a whole as well as the different disciplines within the City. 1 Source: Scenario building Team 2007. Long Term Mitigation Scenarios: Scenario Document, Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria, October 2007 7|P a g e High quality data is the cornerstone to developing achievable and measurable targets and strategies and activities that reduce the emission of GHGs. To this aim the following recommendations should be taken into consideration by the CoT when developing GHGEIs going forward (figure 5). Recommendation Description Improve data collection process The most material hurdle in the development of the CoT GHGEI was the collection of activity data (i.e. electricity consumption, fuel consumption, etc.) from within the different departments of the CoT. Going forward it is recommended that more senior management attention is given to the data requirements of developing a GHGEI and incentivise key stakeholders within the CoT to participate in the process. Accelerate data collection cycle The 2013 GHGEI was the CoT’s first endeavour towards the development of a GHGEI for both Tshwane Community and Corporate which resulted in a data requirement for the full 12 month period over which the GHGEI was developed. It is recommended that going forward this process is conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis to reduce the total data requirement per inquiry and to accelerate the ability to identify and challenge data sets. The most efficient manner in which this acceleration can be achieved is via the implementation of a dedicated software tool by the CoT. Improve data quality assurance process There are several ways in which the quality of the data used for the development of a GHGEI can be verified. In this instance the data was cross referenced with other data sets to establish alignment where possible (i.e. cross reference electricity consumption data with financial data on electricity expenditure). To improve the quality of the data used, it is recommended that the quality assurance process is extended to include more cross-reference possibilities and to include evidence based inputs including substantiating documentation. Expand scope of GHGEI To develop a more accurate and complete GHGEI it is recommended to expand the scope of the GHGEI beyond the Energy, Transport and Waste to include (among others) Agriculture, Tourism and Manufacturing. Utilise local data Part of the data used to develop the CoT GHGEI is based on nationally available data which was downscaled to be applicable to the CoT. There are material concerns as to the applicability if this ‘localised data’. It is therefore recommended that where possible the CoT develops data gathering capabilities to replace localised data sets and liaises with local business to obtain a wide range of data. Figure 5: Summary of recommendations. 8|P a g e 2 Introduction In late 2013 the South African Cities Network (SACN) on behalf of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CoT) assigned EcoMetrix Africa (Pty) Ltd. (EcoMetrix) to compile the CoT Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory for its 2012/2013 financial year which runs from the 1st of July 2012 – 30th of June 2013. In this chapter a high-level overview of the CoT climate change commitments and aspirations is provided, followed by a description of the framework and methodology under which the CoT GHG inventory was developed. 2.1 The City of Tshwane The CoT covers an area of 6,260 km² and is the result of an amalgamation of the previous City of Tshwane, which was established on 5th of December 2000, and the three Metsweding Municipalities (Nokeng tsa Temane Local Municipality, Kungwini Local Municipality, Metsweding District Municipality), found directly east and south east of the previous City of Tshwane. The CoT is the second largest municipality in Gauteng and is among the six biggest metropolitan municipalities in South Africa. Pretoria, as one components of Tshwane, is the administrative capital of South Africa and houses the Union Buildings. In December 2009 President Zuma, during CoP15 (the 15th Conference of Parties as in the 15th annual gathering of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)) in Copenhagen pledged to reduce the county’s total annual emissions with 34% below ‘business-as-usual’ levels by 2020 and by 42% by 20252. The South African Department of Environmental Affairs states that the green economy refers to two interlinked developmental outcomes for the South African economy, namely: Growing economic activity (which leads to investment, jobs and competitiveness) in the green industry sector; and A shift in the economy as a whole towards cleaner industries and sectors with a low environmental impact compared to its socio-economic impact. Central to achieving these outcomes is the creation of green jobs and the decoupling of economic growth from resource consumption. The first of these, namely green jobs, refers to employment in sectors such as agriculture, administration, services and manufacturing, which contribute substantially to preserving or restoring environmental quality. The second concept, namely decoupling, involves “reducing the amount of resources such as water or fossil fuels used to produce economic growth and delinking economic development from environmental deterioration” 3. The implementation of South Africa’s transition towards a green economy is significantly decentralised and, therefore, involves all spheres of government. In line with national policy and provincial policy, CoT published a Green Economy Strategic Framework in 2013 which defines the City’s approach to a green economy transition and 2 Source: Department of Environmental Affairs, South African Government’s position on Climate Change [Online] http://www.climateaction.org.za/cop17-cmp7/sa-government-position-on-climate-change 3 Source: UNEP (2011). Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, p 16. Available at: http://www.unep.org/. 9|P a g e provides a strategic guide for low-carbon, resource efficient and climate resilient equitable economic development. The City’s Green Economy vision arose from the overall vision of the City as captured in the 2055 Growth and Development Strategy. The 2055 vision statement sees growth and development within the CoT driven by an economy that supports a sustainable, vibrant, liveable and prosperous city, through integrated ecological, social, economic and spatial agendas that promote human and environmental well-being. The Green Economy Strategic Framework identifies a number of actions categorised under mitigation and adaptation actions. To be able to measure the impacts of these actions the CoT endeavoured to develop both a mitigation and adaptation baseline against which results can be benchmarked. The purpose of this report is to outline this mitigation baseline as was conducted in the form of a GHG emission inventory for the CoT 2012/2013 financial year. 2.2 The foot printing methodology Globally the fight against climate change is conducted along two lines: Climate change mitigation: which focusses on reducing the total volume of manmade GHGs released into the atmosphere over time and thereby reducing future climate change; Climate change adaptation: which focusses on adapting to the climate change this is already happening and will continue to materialise over the foreseeable future. The SACN has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the CoT to support its research endeavours on transitioning into the green economy as envisaged in the Tshwane Vision 2055 Strategy document. As part of this partnership the SACN has assigned EcoMetrix to assist with the development of the CoT’s GHG emissions inventory which will serve as the baseline against which the CoT’s climate change mitigation activities will be monitored and verified. This project is jointly coordinated with the Sustainability Unit of the CoT and will also be coordinated closely with the parallel process of determining the City’s Vulnerability Assessment to Climate Change which is undertaken by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Jointly, the two projects will provide valuable data to the development of the Sustainability Indicators for the City. Both projects are heavily dependent on information from within a wide range of departments of the CoT. In order to efficiently and effectively obtain this information from within the CoT, Mhlane Management Consulting (Pty) Ltd. was contracted by the SACN with the specific task of managing the data collection process. To determine the CoT GHG emission inventory the activity data (such as fuel consumption) is multiplied by an emissions factor to convert all data to tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Emission factors are generally internationally accepted values, but are published by a range of different entities. To date, South Africa has not published a list of emission factors for specific use in South Africa, with the one exception being an emission factor for electricity provided by South Africa’s national utility Eskom. Therefore the United Kingdom Government Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the International Panel for the Climate Change (IPCC) published emission factors have been used. Annex 1 to this report contains an overview of the emission factors used for both the 10 | P a g e Tshwane Community and Tshwane Corporate sub-inventories including reference to the sources from which the emission factors were extracted. The technical backbone for the CoT GHG emission inventory consists of the EcoMetrix Carbon Action Model (the ECAM model). The model aggregates the decentralised parts of the data provided by the CoT and utilises this information to generate a carbon footprint according to a predefined standard. The reporting function of the model allows for detailed analysis of the footprint as well as emission forecasting and emission mitigation planning. The diagram below provides a schematic overview of the ECAM model’s functionality (figure 6). Output modules Input modules Manual data collection: data collected via a straight forward excel file can be manually transferred into the data repository. Mitigation planner: This module allows users to plan their mitigation activities at a sector level based on activity/projects and emission inputs per activity/projects. Dispatch data collection: this module allows supper users to automatically dispatch a request for activity data to the different users assigned to a specific data set. Objective determination: This module allows a super users to set emission reduction targets at sector or sub-sector level. Verification model: This module conducts cross reference verification and change management tracking on the data provided in the data repository. Data repository: This module collects and aggregates all that data generated by the other input manuals and conducts a ‘sanity’ check on the data provided based on deviations from the benchmark and historic inputs. Footprint calculator: This module forms the heart of the ECAM model and converts meta and activity data from the data repository into emission data Standard application: This module assesses the compliance to and data quality of the data received in relation to the standard selected for the GHG footprint. Operations dashboard: This module allows the user to analyse that emission profile by slicing it across a timeframe, scope and sectors. Target manager: This module allows users to monitor and manage progress towards their mitigation targets.in relation to the forecasted emission profile Compliance reporting: This module allows super users to issue standard emission reports for internal and compliance purposes. Bespoke reporting: This module allows super users to generate once-off bespoke reports of the data captured in the Footprint calculator. User Super user Configuration Figure 6: EcoMetrix Carbon Action Model functionality overview. 11 | P a g e 3 Background This chapter provides the background against which the GHG emissions inventory for the CoT was developed. In the first section an overview of the global and domestic climate change trends and developments is provided. This is followed by a section detailing the definitions and fundamentals underlying the development of the GHG emission inventory. The final section defines the boundaries within which the City of Tshwane GHG emissions inventory was developed. 3.1 Climate change mitigation in South Africa With the increased global awareness of the contribution that manmade emission of GHGs make towards climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed in 1992, represents an international agreement to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at 1990 levels. Parties to the Convention are divided into those countries that take on responsibility for achieving the convention’s goal, the Annex I countries (all developed countries and countries with economies in transition), and those that do not, the non-Annex I countries (developing countries). The UNFCCC specifically states that the Parties may implement measures to reduce GHG emissions jointly with other Parties. The Parties to the Convention meet once a year at the Conference of Parties (CoP) to discuss and negotiate measures against global climate change. To further the goals of the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted at CoP-3 in 1997. The Kyoto Protocol entered into force in February 16th, 2005, which binds the countries that have ratified to emission limitations and reduction commitments against 1990 levels. With an annual output of approximately 450 million tonnes of CO2e per year, South Africa’s contribution to global GHG emissions is small, accounting for less than 2% of total emissions. However, South Africa’s highly energy-intensive economy and reliance on coal-based electricity makes the country the 12th largest emitter on the planet in absolute terms. The majority of its emissions can be attributed to the generation of electricity by burning coal and the production of liquid fuel, such as petrol, from coal. As a Party to the Convention, South Africa is considered to be a Non-Annex I country which in terms of the convention means that it is not required to actively participate in realising the aims of the convention. South Africa is considered to be part of the group of countries that did not materially contribute to the creation of climate change and therefore it is not expected to put measures in place to reduce its GHG output into the atmosphere. However, President Zuma (in December 2009), during CoP15 (the 15th Conference of Parties as in the 15th annual gathering of the UNFCCC) in Copenhagen pledged to reduce the country’s total annual emissions with 34% below ‘business-as-usual’ levels by 2020 and by 42% by 2025. The President stated that the pledge was on condition that South Africa receives the necessary finance, technology and support from the international community that would allow the country to achieve these commitments. 12 | P a g e 3.2 A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory A GHG Emissions Inventory or GHGEI (commonly referred to as a ‘carbon footprint’) can be defined as ‘A measure of the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an organization, event, product or person over a defined period.‘. An individual's, nation's, or organization's carbon footprint can be measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment or other calculative activities denoted as carbon accounting. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to manage and/or reduce it via the implementation of a range of measures (i.e. by technological developments, better process and product management, changed in public or private procurement processes, etc.). Before compiling a carbon footprint, a set of parameters needs to be set to clarify the dimensions of the footprint. The diagram below (figure 7) provides a schematic overview of the parameters followed by a more detailed description of each parameter. • The GHG inventory standard utilised The Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Carbon Footprint Standard, ISO14067, ICLEI IEAP, etc. • The scope of GHG emissions covered Direct emissions, Indirect energy related emission, Other indirect emission • The gases included in the inventory Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Hydrofluorocarbon, Sulphur hexafluoride, etc. • The activities covered Energy, transportation, waste, agriculture, mining, fishery, refining, etc. • The boundary of the GHG inventory Geographic boundary, organisational boundary, Product, event, etc. Figure 7: Carbon footprint parameters. GHG inventory standards Over the last decade a wide range of GHG standards have been developed for a wide range of purposes. The most common standards for the development of a GHG emissions inventory are the: GHG protocol, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14064 International Standard Part 1, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol. The first step towards developing a GHG emissions inventory consists of identifying the standard that is most appropriate for the task at hand. 13 | P a g e Emission scopes Most carbon foot printing standards apply what are commonly referred to as scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, where: Scope 1 emissions: are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources; Scope 2 emissions: are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy; Scope 3 emissions: are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting entity, including both upstream and downstream emissions. As per the below diagram (figure 8) the three scopes are not mutually exclusive and are commonly used as an expansion model for quantifying an entities emissions by initially starting with the determination of an installation’s scope 1 emission after which this is expanded to include scope 2 and over time scope 3. Scope 1: are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2: are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. Scope 3: are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting entity, including both upstream and downstream emissions. Figure 8: GHG emission scopes. Greenhouse gasses In the early nineties, the Parties to the UNFCCC identified six GHGs (commonly referred to as the Kyoto GHG basket) as the most relevant contributors to climate change. The table below (figure 9) provides an overview of these gases and their contribution to manmade climate change expressed in the so called Global Warming Potential (GWP). # Name Composition GWP 1 2 3 Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide (CO2) (CH4) (N2O) GWP: 1 GWP: 21 GWP: 310 4 Perfluorocarbons (PFC) GWP: 9,200 5 Hydrofluor carbons (HFC) GWP: 11,700 6 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) GWP: 23,900 Figure 9: GHGs and their Global Warming potential. A carbon footprint is expressed in tonnes of CO2-equivalent (tCO2e) whereby the non-CO2 gasses are converted into tonnes of CO2e by multiplying them by their GWP. For example, the emission of one tonne of sulphur hexafluoride equates to the emission of 23,900 tCO2e. 14 | P a g e Activities and sectors In principle, a carbon footprint should include all activities (and/or sectors) which result in GHG emissions within scope 1, 2 and 3. However the data collection efforts required to include all activities and/or sectors from the start is enormous. It has therefore become common practice to start with the most material set of activities and/or sectors and overtime expand the approach with additional activities and sectors. The diagram below (figure 10) provides a breakdown of the different sectors and their share in the total global GHG emission4 within South Africa. # Sector 1 Energy Industries 2 Annual GHG emission (000, tCO2e) % of total footprint 219,491 71% Transport 39,511 13% 3 Manufacturing Industries and construction 39,091 13% 4 Residential 5,928 2% 5 Agriculture/forestry/fishing 3,718 1% 6 Commercial/institutional 1,911 1% 7 Other 161 0% Total 309,811 100% Figure 10: South African GHG emissions per sector. Inventory boundaries When defining the parameters along which a GHGEI is developed it is critical to define upfront which boundaries will be set for the GHGEI. The footprint boundaries can be set for a geographical area, organisation, product, event, etc. It is critical to determine which emissions would fall into scope 1, 2 or 3 in order to prevent overlap and double counting. For example, the footprint’s scope 1 emissions of a certain entity can be the scope 2 emissions of the footprint of another entity. 3.3 Parameters of the City of Tshwane GHG emissions inventory At this stage the GHGEI for the CoT is limited to CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in the energy, transport and waste sectors and is divided into two sub-inventories, one for the community within the Tshwane municipal area (Tshwane Community) and one for municipality or local government emissions (Tshwane Corporate). The total greenhouse emissions are recorded under the guidance of the Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocols, developed by ICLEI. The remainder of this section provides additional detail on the parameters set for the CoT GHG emission inventory. 4 Source: Department of Environmental Affairs, Republic of South Africa ‘South Africa’s Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’, November 2011. 15 | P a g e GHG inventory standards The following Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocols, developed by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, were used to guide the development of the CoT GHGEI: International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol Version 1.05; and Local Government Operations Protocol for the Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories Version 1.16. These protocols provide a standardized set of guidelines to assist local governments in quantifying and reporting GHG emissions associated with their government and community operations. Both protocols are based upon the Corporate GHG Protocol7 developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) as well as technical guidance provided by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Emission scopes For the CoT GHGEI only direct emissions from owned or controlled sources (scope 1) and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy (scope 2) where considered. It is important that scopes are clearly differentiated between to avoid the possibility of double counting emissions and misrepresenting emissions when reporting a GHG emission inventory. Greenhouse gasses For the CoT GHG emissions inventory only carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions where considered. Inventory boundaries In line with the International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol the CoT GHG emissions inventory takes into account the emission from within the geographical boundary of the CoT municipal area (Tshwane Community) and those of the CoTs local government operations (Tshwane Corporate) are included as a sub-inventory of the Tshwane Community emissions. The Tshwane Corporate “sub-inventory” includes GHG emissions from activities under the control of the CoT Municipality entity, whilst the Tshwane Community inventory includes GHG emissions from the energy, transport and waste related activities within the boundary of the Tshwane municipal area but not under control by the CoT. 5 Available at http://www.icleiusa.org/tools/ghg-protocol. 6 Available at http://www.icleiusa.org/tools/ghg-protocol. 7 Available at http://www.ghgprotocol.org/standards/corporate-standard. 16 | P a g e The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality includes the following areas: Akasia Atteridgeville Bronberg Bronkhorstspruit Centurion Crocodile River Cullinan/Rayton/Refilwe Eersterust Ekangala Elands River Ga-Rankuwa Hammanskraal Laudium Mabopane Mamelodi Pienaarsrivier Pretoria Soshanguve Rethabiseng Roodeplaat Soshanguve Temba Winterveld Zithobeni Activities and sectors For the CoT GHG emissions inventory only specific activities within the Energy, Transport and Waste sectors were considered at this stage. The table (figure 11) below provides an overview of the activities that were included for both Tshwane Corporate and Tshwane Community as part of the captured sectors. Inventory Sector Activities Residential Energy Tshwane Community Commercial Industrial Transport On-road and Off-road Vehicles Waste Solid Waste Power Generation Facilities Energy Tshwane Corporate Transport Buildings & Other Facilities GHG source Stationary Fuel Combustion Electricity Consumption Electricity Consumption Stationary Fuel Combustion Electricity Consumption Mobile Fuel Combustion Fugitive Emissions Stationary Fuel Combustion Stationary Fuel Combustion Purchased Electricity Streetlights & Traffic Signals Electricity consumption Vehicle Fleet Mobile fuel combustion Wastewater Facilities Waste Solid Waste Facilities Stationary and process emissions Purchased electricity Fugitive emissions Purchased electricity Figure 11: Activities included per sector. The data underlying the CoT GHGEI was compiled in the following three ways: : • • • Calculated: Whereby actual activity data was used to calculate the emissions; Derived: Whereby national and international activity data and/or modelling was used to calculate the emission; Estimated: whereby activity data was estimated based on default factors. Annex 2 provides a detailed overview of the data sources used to determine the activity data per GHG source and the assumptions adopted in this regard. 17 | P a g e 4 The CoT emission inventory This chapter describes the CoT GHG emissions inventory as was developed over the 2013 financial year using the Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocols. The first section looks at the overall footprint followed by a detailed breakdown of both the Tshwane Community and Tshwane Corporate sub-inventories. 4.1 Tshwane total carbon footprint 2013 The total greenhouse emissions recorded for the entire Tshwane municipal area was 13,180,010 tCO2e for the 2013 financial year of which 11,984,729 tCO2e can be attributed to the Tshwane Community (90.93%) and 1135,947 tCO2e to Tshwane Corporate (9.07%). The figure below provides a graphical breakdown of the inventory per activity (figure 12). 13,180,010 4,100,702 (31.11%) Total CoT GHGEI CoT Corporate GHGEI CoT Community GHGEI 4,061,851 (30.82%) 2,417,646 (18.34%) tCO2e /Year 1,123,886 (8.53%) 922,674 (7.00%) Total CoT Industrial Transport Residential Commercial Solid GHGEI Waste Facilities 280,644 (2.13%) 143,252 (1.09%) 59,757 (0.73%) 30,392 (0.23%) 2,281 (0.02%) 926 (0.01%) Solid Waste Buildings Waste water Vehicle Fleet Power Generation Streetlights Figure 12: Breakdown of Tshwane GHG Footprint per activity (2012/2013 financial year in tCO2e). The largest contribution to the footprint are Industrial activities (31.11% of the total GHGs) followed closely by emission from Transport activities (30.82% of the total GHGs). The table below (figure 13) provides a breakdown of the different types of GHG for both the emission of the Tshwane Community and Tshwane Corporate. Inventory Community GHG CO2 11,683,724 CH4 265,684 N2O 35,320 Total Tshwane Community Municipal tCO2e 11,984,729 CO2 400,225 CH4 794,693 N2O 363 1,195,282 Total Tshwane Corporate 13,180,010 Total Figure 13: CoT GHGEI per GHG. 18 | P a g e In line with expectations, the above table show that the majority of the emissions are CO2 based and result of the combustion of fossil fuel in both the transport and energy sector. 4.2 Tshwane Community carbon footprint 2013 The total Tshwane Community (excluding Tshwane Corporate) emissions equated to 11,984,729 tCO2e. The Tshwane Community emissions inventory includes GHG emissions associated with activities occurring within the CoT geopolitical boundary generated during the 2013 financial year. The table below shows a breakdown of the Tshwane Community emissions by sector (figure 14). 11,984,729 4,100,702 (34.22%) 4,061,851 (33.89%) tCO2e /Year 2,417,646 (20.17%) 1,123,886 (9.38%) Total CoT Community GHGEI Industrial Transport Residential Commercial 280,644 (2.34%) Solid Waste Figure 14: Breakdown of Tshwane Community per sector. The Industrial sector contributing 34.22% to the total Tshwane Community GHG emissions is the largest contributor. The second major contributor was the Transport sector contributing 33.89% to overall Tshwane Community emissions as a result of electricity consumption. The Residential sector is also significant, at 20.17% or 2,417,646 tCO2e. Figure 15 below illustrates the total Tshwane Community emissions produced per sector/activity and emission source. Sector Activities Residential Energy Commercial Industrial Transport On-road and Off-road Vehicles Waste Solid Waste GHG source tCO2e Stationary Fuel Combustion 2,376,710 Electricity Consumption 40,937 Electricity Consumption 1,123,886 Stationary Fuel Combustion 10,284 Electricity Consumption 4,090,418 Mobile Fuel Combustion 4,061,851 Fugitive Emissions Total Tshwane Community Figure 15: Tshwane Community emissions per GHG source. 280,644 11,984,729 19 | P a g e 4.3 Tshwane Corporate footprint 2013 Total Tshwane Corporate emissions over the 2012/2013 financial year were 1,135,923 tCO2e. The Tshwane Corporate emissions sub-inventory included operations that are directly under the CoT municipality’s control and emissions arising from the use of significant assets during the period. The diagram below (figure 16) summarises the Tshwane Corporate emissions per government infrastructure type. 1,195,282 922,674 (77.19%) tCO2e /Year 144,101 (10.04%) Total CoT Corporate GHGEI Solid Waste Buildings 57,661 (5.08) Waste water 30,392 (2.68%) 7,605 (0.67%) 2,281 (0.20%) Vehicle Fleet Streetlights Power Generation Figure 16: Breakdown of Tshwane Corporate emissions per sector. The largest contributor to the Tshwane Corporate emissions is the Solid waste sector by the CoT with 922,674 tCO2e per year, contributing 77.19% to the total municipal footprint. The second largest source of emission result from the electricity consumption by the Buildings and other facilities owned or controlled by the CoT local government. Figure 17 below illustrates the total Tshwane Corporate emissions produced per activity and emission source. Sector Activities Power Generation Facilities Energy Transport Buildings & Other Facilities tCO2e 2,281 Stationary Fuel Combustion 19 Purchased Electricity 143,233 Streetlights & Traffic Signals Electricity consumption 926 Vehicle Fleet Mobile fuel combustion 30,392 Stationary and process emissions 38,647 Purchased electricity 57,110 Fugitive emissions 921,580 Purchased electricity 1,094 Wastewater Facilities Waste GHG source Stationary Fuel Combustion Solid Waste Facilities Total Tshwane Corporate 1,195,282 Figure 17: Tshwane Corporate emissions per GHG source. 20 | P a g e 4.4 CoT GHG emissions forecast The CoT GHG emissions inventory as presented in this report, consist of a snapshot of the emissions over the period July 2012 – June 2013. Although the purpose of the footprint is to set a baseline against which future footprints can be assessed, it is important to develop some insight into the systemic development of the footprint over time to be able to distinguish changes to the footprint resulting from targeted emission reduction efforts from the ‘natural’ movement of the footprint. In October 2007 the South African government’s Department of Environmental affairs published the Long Term Mitigation Scenarios (LTMS)8. The document outlines the development of South Africa’s GHG emissions inventory over the period between 2003 and 2050 under a range of scenarios. The diagram below provides a snapshot of the emission forecast between 2013 and 2030 under the ‘Current Development Plans’ scenario (figure 18). 1000 900 800 700 600 570 585 595 595 650 615 637 670 690 710 740 775 795 860 820 840 900 920 500 400 300 200 100 0 Figure 18: LTMS emission forecast 2013 -2030 Current Development Plans scenario (MtCO2e/year) In the absence of detailed data regarding the future GHG emission development for the CoT, it is assumed that the systemic growth of the CoT GHG emission inventory will be in line with the growth scenario of the country on a percentage growth bases. The table below provides the percentage growth per year as derived from the LTMS scenario and how this would translate in the development of the CoT GHG emissions inventory over the period (figure 19). 8 Source: Scenario building Team 2007. Long Term Mitigation Scenarios: Scenario Document, Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria, October 2007 21 | P a g e Year % growth LTMS CoT GHGEI forecast (tCO2e/year) Year % growth LTMS CoT GHGEI 2013 N/A 13,180,010 2022 2.9% 16,417,206 2014 2015 2.6% 1.7% 13,526,853 13,758,081 2023 2024 4.2% 4.7% 17,110,891 17,920,190 2016 0.0% 13,758,081 2025 2.6% 18,382,646 2017 3.4% 14,220,538 2026 3.1% 18,960,717 2018 3.6% 14,729,240 2027 2.4% 19,423,173 2019 2.0% 15,029,837 2028 2.4% 19,885,630 2020 3.1% 15,492,293 2029 4.7% 20,810,543 2021 3.0% 15,954,750 2030 2.2% 21,272,999 Figure 19: CoT GHGEI till 2030. As is apparent from the table above the carbon footprint of the CoT is expected to grow with around 50% between 2013 and 2030. Although not uncommon within a developing world environment, it is important to consider that an absolute emission reduction target set against the benchmark year 2012/2013 needs to mitigate the systemic growth in emissions over time, on top of the set absolute target at the time. 22 | P a g e 5 CoT climate action plan The first step towards the development of a mitigation plan resulting from a GHG emissions inventory consists of an analysis of the footprint from a emission intensity perspective to enable an ‘apples with apples’ comparison with its own historic emission profile or emission profiles from other (similar) other entities. The first section of this chapter provides a more detailed explanation of the intensity factors applied and how they compare with those of three other municipalities in the country. This is followed by a section outlining the emission reduction activities the CoT has planned and, to some extent executed over the last few years. 5.1 CoT intensity factors compared Generically, an ‘emission intensity’ is the average emission rate of a given pollutant from a given source relative to the intensity of a specific activity. For example the ratio of greenhouse gas emissions produced to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Emission intensities provide useful insight on its own i.e. in our example, information on the carbon intensity of a specific economy activity may also be used to compare the climate change impact of a specified entity with that of similar entities. Both applications are very useful as they leave out a range of variables that impact on the total footprint but are (for the most part) outside of the control of the different entities such as population growth or size, etc. The following emission intensities were considered for the Tshwane Community and Tshwane Corporate (figure 20). Inventory Community Municipal Intensity factor Definition UoM Emissions per inhabitant The GHG emissions per inhabitant of the municipality. tCO2e / inhabitant Emissions per household The GHG emissions per household within the geographic boundary of the municipality. tCO2e / household Emissions per city official The GHG emissions per permanent employee of the municipal government. tCO2e / Permanent employee Emission per operating expenditure Emission per capital expenditure The GHG emissions per million Rand of operating expenditure of the local municipality. The GHG emissions per million Rand of capital expenditure of the local municipality. tCO2e / million Rand of operating budget tCO2e / million Rand of Capital budget Figure 20: Tshwane Community and Tshwane Corporate intensity factors. To be able to analyse the CoT GHG emissions inventory, the above mentioned intensity factors were compared with those of the following local municipalities within South Africa: - eThekwini municipality: The eThekwini municipality (formally known as Durban) published its GHG emission inventory over the 2011 calendar year in late 2012. The municipality is located on South Africa’s east coast and has a population of 3.442 23 | P a g e - - million and reported a carbon footprint of 27,649,400 tCO2e over their 2011 financial year; Kwadukuza local municipality: KwaDukuza (formally known as Stanger) is situated inland from Blythedale, and the name epitomises the historical background of the area. The town is home to King Shaka's memorial monument to commemorate his death. The municipality has a population of 231,189 and reported a carbon footprint of 1,684,733 tCO2e in 2012; Steve Tshwete local municipality: The Middelburg, Mhluzi, Hendrina and Kwazamokuhle where amalgamated into a new municipality under the name Tshwete Local Municipality. The municipality is located east of Witbank within the Mpumalanga province with a population of 229,831 and reported a carbon footprint of 7,115,473 tCO2e in 2012. Direct comparison of emissions inventories and corresponding intensity factors should be undertaken with some caution. This is due to the different ages of inventories and the different methodologies applied from city to city. For example one entity may include emissions from aviation from all airports servicing the city, another may not. The table below (figure 21) provides an overview of the intensity factors of the four municipalities as described above. Intensity factor City of Tshwane (tCO2e/year) eThekwini (tCO2e/year) Kwadukuza (tCO2e/year) Steve Tshwete (tCO2e/year) Emissions per inhabitant 4.51 8.03 7.30 30.90 Emissions per household 16.69 3.76 Unknown Unknown Emissions per city official 53.12 76.16 Unknown Unknown Emissions per operating expenditure 0.67 57.21 Unknown 6.78 Emissions per capital expenditure 2.90 286.27 Unknown 31.18 Figure 21: Intensity factor comparison. As is apparent from the above table, the emission intensity factor per inhabitant for the CoT is substantially lower than those of the other municipalities reviewed. This could be attributed to the difference in economic activity in the sense that the Tshwane is the administrative capital of the country and therefore has less emission than municipalities where high levels of industrial activity form the base of the local economies. On the other hand it is also reasonable to assume that part of the difference can be explained by the limited scope of the CoT GHGEI, which is expected to be expanded over time when the CoT becomes more adapt to the process of capturing and aligning the large volumes of data required to develop an all-encompassing emissions inventory. 24 | P a g e 5.2 CoT emission reduction activities To reduce the CoT’s GHG emissions inventory over time and/or to manage the systemic growth of the carbon footprint over time, the CoT has initiated a number of mitigation measures. The table below provides an overview of these measures as were collected from within the different departments of the CoT (figure 22 and 23). # Inventory Title mitigation activity Mass transit. Non-motorised transport. Pedestrian lanes. Cycle lanes 1 2 Light rail. Integrated systems. Alternative fuels. Incentives for car sharing 3 Device retrofits. Passive measures. Energy efficiency bylaws Showcase buildings. Roll out new green infrastructure 4 Tshwane Community 5 6 7 8 Reduce leaks. Increase awareness. Faster reaction to reports Water recycling & re-use. Rainwater harvesting. Local basic water system repair capability. Pipe network rehabilitation Infrastructure rehabilitation. Community schemes. Separation at source. Description of Emission reduction activities The CoT aims to reduce the communities transport emission by introducing and motivating the public to utilise non-motorized transport and thereby reduce the city’s GHGEI with the emissions associated with motorized transport whilst at the same time implementing a range of less carbon intensive public transport modes. Biogas and biodiesel produced from our green waste as well as sewerage treatment plants have been earmarked for use alternative fuel sources. Green Buildings by-laws were developed to provide the City with Legislative Framework to ensure that a more sustainable build environment is developed. Retrofitting of lights and installation of Solar Water Heaters in Municipal Resorts was initiated in 2011/2012 and is being rolled out to cover all municipal buildings. A project titled War on Leaks was developed by the City to address the following: infrastructure backlogs, Provide quality infrastructure for growth, Ensure maintenance of existing infrastructure and Ensure optimal resource utilization. The planned Sustainable Neighbourhood project to be implemented in Zithobeni Heights in 2014 / 15 financial year aims to incorporate all sustainability elements including Water harvesting Three existing buy-back centres and two new ones will be refurbished and established respectively during the before the end of 2014. These are to the encourage sorting at source and In intended addition to Buy-back centres mentioned minimise the amount of waste being buried at above, a new Multi-purpose waste recycling and landfill sites processing facility is being constructed in Markets for recycled products. Buy back centres. More waste treatment facilities Figure 22: Tshwane Community mitigation measures. Kwaggasran 25 | P a g e # Inventory 9 10 11 Title mitigation activity Mixed used development. Densification West Capital Project is the City's landmark densification project which is poised to bring mixed residential units to allow communities to reside within easy access to economic opportunities and thus eliminating the need to travel long distances. Densification. Green jobs West Capital Project is the City's landmark densification project which is poised to bring mixed residential units to allow communities to reside within easy access to economic opportunities and thus eliminating the need to travel long distances. Local food production programmes Household Food Programme & Sustainable Agricultural Programme: Producing food closer to the city addresses the Von Thuren Theory of Spatial Economics by reducing transportation costs and the associated carbon emissions. Agro processing. Capacity building. Farmers organised 12 Tshwane Corporate 13 14 15 16 Description of Emission reduction activities Rehabilitation. Information. Capacity building Rehabilitation. Capacity building Waste to energy. Renewable energy. Efficient household devices. Awareness Agricultural Training and Capacity Building Programme; Agricultural Forums; Farmer's Days & World Food Day: Continuous information on sustainable agricultural practices is disseminated. Agriculture by its nature of using natural resources should contribute to efficiency of resources use through sustainable use of land; using water-wise technologies & incorporating green building designs that reduce energy needs and water requirements. Access to land for food production: Farmers’ access to available derelict open spaces to make them liveable is facilitated. This not only contributes to food security (coping with shocks) but reduces otherwise crime hot spots. Regular ward meetings and quarterly Imbizos, enhancing democracy and capacitating communities in all aspects of governance. Stakeholder engagements through the Tshwane Green Outreach programme is aimed bringing in education and awareness and thus facilitating behavioural change. Following the RFI process which was advertised in 2013, a number of Green economy interventions were selected are due to be rolled out during 2014/15 financial year. Waste to energy, Solar farm and bio-digesters are some of the considered projects. The smart system delivers electricity to customers using two way digital technologies. This enables IIP incentives. Decentralised efficient use of electricity by customers and allows gen. Smart metering. Universal efficient use of the network by identifying and electrification correcting supply and demand imbalances, thereby improving service quality, reliability and ultimately reducing costs. Figure 23: Tshwane Corporate mitigation measures. At this moment in time the data required to determine the potential of the mitigation activities initiated by the CoT was unavailable. To be able to set Specific, Measurable, 26 | P a g e Attainable, Realistic, Time bound (SMART) targets it is critical to understand the mitigation impact of the activities already initiated in order to know which target is realistically achievable over a specific period of time. Due to the absence of this critical information this report does not contain specific emission reduction targets. Going forward the CoT will determine the mitigation potential of the activities it has initiated and based on that set emission reduction targets to be achieved by 2020 in line with the national pledge and where needed implement additional mitigation measures towards a meaningful emission reduction target for the CoT. 27 | P a g e 6 Summary and the way forward This chapter summarises the findings surrounding the CoT GHGEI as was developed for the CoT 2012/2013 financial year and provides a set of recommendations as to how to improve and expand the development process of the GHGEI going forward. 6.1 CoT GHG emission inventory summary findings When looking at the percentage contribution of the different sources of which the CoT GHGEI is compiled and outlined in the table below (figure 24), the largest contribution to the CoT GHGEI results from Industrial activities (31.04% of the total GHGs) followed closely by emission resulting from Transport activities (30.82%). The emissions from Tshwane Corporate represent 9.07% of the total emissions. The largest contribution to the Tshwane Corporate footprint results from activities in the Solid Waste sector. Inventory Sector Activities Residential Energy Tshwane Community Commercial Industrial Transport On-road and Off-road Vehicles Waste Solid Waste GHG source Stationary Fuel Combustion Electricity Consumption Electricity Consumption Stationary Fuel Combustion 18.03% 40,937 0.31% 1,123,886 8.53% 10,284 0.08% Electricity Consumption 4,090,418 31.04% Mobile Fuel Combustion 4,061,851 30.82% Fugitive Emissions 280,644 2.13% 11,984,729 90.93% 2,281 0.02% 19 0.00% 143,233 1.09% 926 0.01% 30,392 0.23% 38,647 0.29% 57,110 0.43% 921,580 6.99% 1,094 0.01% Power Generation Facilities Stationary Fuel Combustion Buildings & Other Facilities Stationary Fuel Combustion Purchased Electricity Streetlights & Traffic Signals Tshwane Corporate Transport Vehicle Fleet Wastewater Facilities Waste Solid Waste Facilities % 2,376,710 Total Tshwane Community Energy tCO2e Electricity consumption Mobile fuel combustion Stationary and process emissions Purchased electricity Fugitive emissions Purchased electricity 28 | P a g e Inventory Sector Total Tshwane Corporate Total Activities GHG source tCO2e % 1,195,282 9.07% 13,180,010 100% Figure 24: Breakdown of Tshwane GHG Footprint by source. Assuming that the GHGEI for the City of Tshwane grows with 2.7% per year (i.e. 355,860 tCO2e/year) between 2013 and 2030, in line with the national forecast as derived from the LTMS, the total CoT GHGEI in 2030 will be approximately 21,272,999 tCO2e. To keep up with this systemic increase over time in the City of Tshwane’s emissions and to reduce its emissions profile the City has implemented and planned a range of mitigation measures for both the Tshwane Community and Tshwane Corporate sub-inventories. In addition to this it is in the process of setting emission reduction targets for the different disciplines within the City. 6.2 The way forward High quality data is the cornerstone to developing achievable and measurable strategies and activities that reduce the emission of GHGs. To this aim the following recommendations should be taken into consideration by the CoT when developing GHGEIs going forward: Improve data collection process: The most material hurdle in the development of the CoT GHGEI was the collection of activity data (i.e. electricity consumption, fuel consumption, etc.) from the different departments within the CoT. Going forward it is recommended that more senior management attention is given to the data requirements of developing a GHGEI and incentivise key stakeholders within the CoT to participate in the process; Accelerate data collection cycle: the 2013 GHGEI was the CoT’s first endeavour towards the development of a GHGEI for both Tshwane Community and Corporate which resulted in a data requirement for the full 12 month period over which the GHGEI was developed. It is recommended that going forward this process is conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis to reduce the total data requirement per inquiry and to accelerate the ability to identify and challenge data sets. The most efficient manner in which this acceleration can be achieved is via the implementation of a dedicated software tool by the CoT; Improve data quality assurance process: there are several ways in which the quality of the data used for the development of a GHGEI can be verified. In this instance the data was cross referenced with other data sets to establish alignment where possible (i.e. cross referencing electricity consumption data with financial data on electricity expenditure). To improve the quality of the data used, it is recommended that the quality assurance process is extended to include more cross-reference possibilities and to include evidence based inputs, including substantiating documentation; Expand scope of GHGEI: to develop a more accurate and complete GHGEI it is recommended to expand the scope of the GHGEI beyond the Energy, Transport and Waste to include (among others) Agriculture, Tourism and Manufacturing; 29 | P a g e Utilise local data: Part of the data used to develop the CoT GHGEI is based on nationally available data which was downscaled to be applicable to the CoT. There are material concerns as to the applicability if this ‘localised data’. It is therefore recommended that, where possible, the CoT develops data gathering capabilities to replace localised data sets and liaises with local business to obtain a wide range of data. 30 | P a g e References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol Version 1.0, http://www.icleiusa.org/tools/ghg-protocol. Summary document, eThekwini Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory 2011, www.durban.gov.za/. Urban energy profile infographic, Kwadukuza local municipality 2012, www.kwadukuza.gov.za/. Urban energy profile infographic, Steve Tshwete local municipality 2012, www.stevetshwetelm.gov.za/. Scenario building Team 2007. Long Term Mitigation Scenarios: Scenario Document, Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism, Pretoria, October 2007. Department of Environmental Affairs, South African Government’s position on Climate Change [Online] http://www.climateaction.org.za/cop17-cmp7/sagovernment-position-on-climate-change. UNEP (2011). Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, p 16. Available at: http://www.unep.org/. Department of Environmental Affairs, Republic of South Africa ‘South Africa’s Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’, November 2011. Local Government Operations Protocol for the Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories Version 1.1, http://www.icleiusa.org/tools/ghg-protoco.l 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors, http://www.climatechange.gov.au/publications/greenhouse-acctg/nationalgreenhouse-factors.aspx. IPCC Guidelines, 2006, http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/EFDB/find_ef_ft.php Eskom Annual Report, 2011, http://financialresults.co.za/2011/eskom_ar2011/downloads/eskom-ar2011.pdf The Climate Registry, 2012, http://www.theclimateregistry.org/downloads/2012/01/2012-Climate-RegistryDefault-Emissions-Factors.pdf Green Economy Strategic Framework, 2013, http://www.tshwane.gov.za/AboutTshwane/CityManagement/CityDepartments. Corporate GHG Protocol, http://www.ghgprotocol.org/standards/corporatestandard. 31 | P a g e Glossary of Terms CH4 Methane CO2 Carbon dioxide CoP Conference of Parties CoT City of Tshwane metropolitan municipality GHG Greenhouse Gas GHGEI Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory HFC Hydrofluor carbons ICLEI International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change km² Square kilo-meter LTMS Long Term Mitigation Scenarios N2O Nitrous oxide PFC Perfluorocarbons SACN South African Cities Network SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride tCO2e Tonne Carbon dioxide equivalent UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development 32 | P a g e Annex 1: GHG emission factors Fuel type UoM (kg CO2e per unit) CO2 CH4 N2O Total kg CO2e Reference HFO tonnes 3212.5 2.8 13 3228.3 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors Bitumen TJ 80700 210 186 81096 2006 IPCC Guidelines Natural Gas cubic meters 2.0154 0.003 0.0012 2.0196 LPG litres 1.4884 0.001 0.0023 1.4917 Coal (Industrial) tonnes 2339 1.4 42.7 2383.1 Coke tonnes 2955.4 30.4 70.7 3056.5 Illuminating Paraffin (Burning Oil) litres 2.5299 0.0054 0.0069 2.5422 Acetylene litres 0.00372 Paraffin Wax TJ 73300 210 186 73696 2006 IPCC Guidelines Refinery Gas GJ 54.2 0.02 0.03 54.25 NGA 2010 Petrol litres 2.3018 0.0046 0.0156 2.322 Diesel litres 2.6413 0.0015 0.0292 2.672 Eskom kWh n/a n/a n/a 1.03 0.00372 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors 2012, The Climate Registry 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors 2011, Defra GHG Conversion Factors Eskom Annual Report, 2011 (T&D losses not included) 33 | P a g e Annex 2: Activity data sources Source Tshwane Corporate Tshwane Corporate Tshwane Corporate Tshwane Corporate Tshwane Community Tshwane Community Tshwane Community Tshwane Community Tshwane Community Tshwane Community Tshwane Community Waste Transport Energy Energy Energy Energy Waste Transport Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Sol i d Wa s te Fa ci l i ties Wa s tewa ter Fa ci l i ties Wa s tewa ter Fa ci l i ties Vehi cl e Fl eet Streetli ghts & Tra ffi c Si gna l s Bui l di ngs & Other Fa ci l i ties Bui l di ngs & Other Fa ci l i ties Power Genera tion Fa ci l i ties Sol i d Wa s te On-roa d a nd Off-roa d Vehi cl es Indus tri a l Indus tri a l Commerci a l Res i dentia l Res i dentia l Mobi l e fuel combus tion CoT Corpora te Fl eet Ma na gement El ectri ci ty cons umption CoT Meteri ng a nd Invoi ci ng Section Stationa ry Fuel Combus tion Stationa ry Fuel Combus tion CoT Pretori a Wes t Power Station (4) El ectri ci ty Cons umption CoT Meteri ng a nd Invoi ci ng Section GHG source Tshwane Corporate Waste Sol i d Wa s te Fa ci l i ties Activities Tshwane Corporate Waste Sector Tshwane Corporate Waste Inventory Tshwane Corporate Purcha s ed el ectri ci ty CoT Meteri ng a nd Invoi ci ng Section Fugi tive emi s s i ons CoT Wa s te Ma na gement Depa rtment (6,7) Purcha s ed el ectri ci ty CoT Meteri ng a nd Invoi ci ng Section Stationa ry a nd proces s emi s s i ons CoT Wa s te Ma na gement Depa rtment (5) Purcha s ed El ectri ci ty CoT Meteri ng a nd Invoi ci ng Section Fugi tive Emi s s i ons Mobi l e Fuel Combus tion Depa rtment of Energy, petrol eum products , Fuel Sa l es Vol ume (3) El ectri ci ty Cons umption CoT Meteri ng a nd Invoi ci ng Section Stationa ry Fuel Combus tion Depa rtment of Energy, petrol eum products , Fuel Sa l es Vol ume El ectri ci ty Cons umption CoT Meteri ng a nd Invoi ci ng Section (2) Stationa ry Fuel Combus tion Depa rtment of Energy, petrol eum products , Fuel Sa l es Vol ume (1) Tshwane Corporate data compilation method: Ca l cul a ted: Whereby a ctua l a ctivi ty da ta wa s us ed to ca l cul a te the emi s s i ons . b Es tima ted: whereby a ctivi ty da ta wa s es tima ted ba s ed on defa ul t fa ctors . Deri ved: Whereby na tiona l a nd i nterna tiona l a ctivi ty da ta a nd/or model i ng wa s us ed to ca l cul a te the emi s s i on. a c 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ca l i forni a Ai r res ources Boa rd Impl ementation of IPCC's Ma thema tica l l y Extra ct Fi rs t-Order Deca y Model (AVR, %ANDOC: 8.91%) Incl udi ng Ha terl ey, Onders tepoort, Bronkhors ts prui t, Shos ha nguve a nd Ga ra nkuwa l a ndfi l l s i tes Ava ra ge COD, 79.27 kg COD/m3 Excl udi ng CoT Pretori a Wes t Power Station Incl udi ng Di es el a nd Petrol Incl udi ng Fa rmi ng Incl udi ng Furna ce oi l a nd Pa rra fi n Comments: 7 a b a b a b c a c a a a b a b a Rating 34 | P a g e Annex 3: Contact details of contributors The list below provides the contact details of the contributors to this report: City of Tshwane City Sustainability Name: Sello Mphaga Email: SelloMp@Tshwane.gov.za City of Tshwane Solid Waste Department Name: Frans Dekker Email: FransD@Tshwane.gov.za City of Tshwane Metering and Invoicing Section Name: Grace Koopedi Email: GraceK@Tshwane.gov.za City of Tshwane Waste Water Treatment Department Name: David Ntsowe davidn@Tshwane.gov.za City of Tshwane Corporate Fleet Name: Philani Dlamini Email: PhilaniD@Tshwane.gov.za City of Tshwane West Power Station Name: Fio Masut Email: fiom@tshwane.gov.za Department of Energy Name: Ramaano Nembahe Email: Ramaano.Nembahe@energy.gov.za 35 | P a g e Page left blank intentionally.