Grammar Notes - Temora Public School

Noun: A person, place or thing.
Common Noun: An “everyday” noun – chair, computer, banana.
Proper Noun: A noun which needs a capital letter – person’s name,
city etc
Collective Noun: A word used to group people or things e.g. a pride
of lions.
Abstract Noun: Nouns that you cannot physically touch, feel, hear,
taste, smell or see it e.g. love, fear, anger.
Pronoun: Used in place of a noun e.g. they, he, she, we.
Verb: A word that conveys an action e.g. washed, ate, studied.
Adverb: How, where or when something is done e.g. He walked
Adjective: Words that describe a noun. E.g. fluffy dog
Compound word: Two words joined together to make one word.
e.g. sun + flower = sunflower.
Contraction: Combining two words using an apostrophe. I am = I’m
Homograph: Two words with the same spelling but different
meanings e.g. will you please close the door, the tiger was so close.
Homonym: Words that sound the same but are spelt differently and
have a different meaning e.g ate/eight
Prepositions: Tells you where something is e.g The cup is on the
Synonym: Words that mean the same e.g sad/upset
Antonym: Words that are the opposite e.g. hot/cold