SEPTEMBER 2013 STANDARDS Dear Subscriber Please take note of the following amendments which have been made to our COMPULSORY Standards issued by our Department Of Trade And Industry over August – September 2013 Alison Lee STANDARDS ................................................................................................................................................ 1 THE COMPULSORY SPECIFICATION FOR PLASTIC CARRIER BAGS AND FLAT BAGS- VC 8087........................... 2 RE-PUBLICATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENT OF A PROPOSED COMPULSORY SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY GLASS AND OTHER SAFETY GLAZING MATERIALS - VC 9003 .................................................................................... 6 STANDARDS MATTERS ................................................................................................................................ 9 No. R. 651 6 September 2013 NATIONAL REGULATOR FOR COMPULSORY SPECIFICATIONS ACT (Act 5 of 2008) THE COMPULSORY SPECIFICATION FOR PLASTIC CARRIER BAGS AND FLAT BAGS- VC 8087 I, Dr. Rob Davies, Minister of Trade and Industry, under Section 13 (1) (a) of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act (Act 5 of 2008) and on recommendation of the NRCS Board, hereby declares the Compulsory Specification as set out in the attached schedule, with effect six (6) months from the date of publication of this notice. SCHEDULE VC 8087 THE COMPULSORY SPECIFICATION FOR PLASTIC CARRIER BAGS AND FLAT BAGS 1. SCOPE This compulsory specification covers the requirements for plastic carrier bags and flat bags that are made from virgin thermoplastics material or any percentage of recycled thermoplastics or filler materials that are intended for use to carry products from a point of sale to use. This compulsory specification does not apply to refuse bags, barrier bags, bin liners, household plastic bags, zip lock bags or carrier bags made from materials other than those specified in paragraph 1.1. 2. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this compulsory specification, the definitions in SANS 695, Plastic carrier bags and flat bags shall apply. In addition, the following definitions shall apply: 2.2.1 Applicant: The manufacturer or importer of a type of bag. The manufacturer or importer shall be an established legal entity within the Republic of South Africa. 2.2.2 Approval: Confirmation by the NRCS that a type of bag satisfies the requirements of this compulsory specification. 2.2.3 Conformity assessment body: As referred to in the Conformity Assessment Policy of the NRCS. 2.2.6 The letter of authority certificate: As defined in section 1 of the NRCS Act, 5 of 2008. 2.2.4 NRCS: The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications as established by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008). 2.2.5 Sell: As defined in section 1 of the NRCS Act, 5 of 2008. 2.2.7 Type of bag. A category of plastic carrier bag and/or flat bag of the same construction (textured or non-textured), irrespective of size, colour, material and/or decorative patterns or printing. 3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Plastic carrier bags and flat bags shall comply with SANS 695, Plastic carrier bags and flat bags. For the purposes of this compulsory specification, the marking requirements in SANS 695 shall be excluded. Each type of bag shall be approved in accordance with the requirements of Annexure A of this compulsory specification before it is imported, sold or supplied in the Republic of South Africa. Plastic carrier bags and flat bags shall be so manufactured as to conform to the type of bag approved under this compulsory specification. Manufacturers and importers shall control production and/or conduct routine testing in accordance with Annexure B, to continuously verify that this condition is met. The applicant shall inform the NRCS of any change(s) in the construction material affecting any mandatory requirement of this compulsory specification. In the event of such change(s) the NRCS may, at its discretion, demand the submission of new evidence of conformity or a new application for approval. 4. MARKING The NRCS approval number shall appear prominently on all plastic carrier bags and flat bags in the following format: "NRCS Approval XXXXX." 5. CONFORMITY TO REFERENCED STANDARDS For the purposes of this compulsory specification, a new edition of a referenced standard shall become effective six months from the date of publication as a South African National Standard. When a new edition of a referenced standard is published, products originally approved in accordance with the previous edition of that standard may have their approval extended for up to two years from the effective date of the new standard, subject to the requirements of Annexure A, unless declared otherwise by the Minister. ANNEXURE A (Normative) THE APPROVAL OF PLASTIC CARRIER BAGS AND FLAT BAGS A.1: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL The applicant shall apply to the NRCS for approval of every type of bag. The application shall be accompanied by the following: A.1.1 Information on the construction (textured or non-textured) and material of the type of bag. A1.2 Details of the manufacturing plant(s) where the type of bag is produced and/or the physical address where the imported products are received, stored or distributed from. A1.3 Evidence of conformity, including test reports issued less than 12 months before the date of submission to the NRCS, by a conformity assessment body recognised in terms of the NRCS Conformity Assessment Policy, to prove compliance with all the relevant requirements of this compulsory specification. A1.4 The intended position of the approval number on the bag as set out in Section no. 4 of this compulsory specification. A1.5 Information with regards to the body that will carry out the routine tests during the control of production. A1.6 Any additional information relevant to the application for clarification purposes, as may be requested by the NRCS. A2: THE ISSUANCE OF APPROVAL A2.1 Where the type of bag submitted in accordance with section A.1 meets the requirements of this compulsory specification, approval shall be granted. A2.2 The NRCS shall assign a unique approval number to each type of bag approved. A2.3 The NRCS shall confirm with the applicant that approval has been granted by means of a letter of authority certificate bearing the approval number referred to in paragraph A2.2. A2.4 The approval granted with respect to the type of bag pursuant to this compulsory specification may be withdrawn by the NRCS, at any time, after the applicant has been notified in writing, if the requirements have not been met or maintained. A2.5 The NRCS shall verify the existence of satisfactory arrangements in order to ensure effective control of the conformity of production in accordance with the provisions of Annexure B before approval is granted. ANNEXURE B (Normative) CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION AND ROUTINE TESTS B.1 THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE APPLICANT, particularly to the assessment of conformity of production: B.1.1 In agreement with the NRCS, the applicant or a conformity assessment body shall be responsible for the control of conformity of production. B.1.2 Ensure that the routine test results are recorded and that the records remain available for a time period of five (5) years. B.1.3 Analyse the routine test results of each type of test in order to verify and ensure the conformity of production of each type of bag, making allowances for the variations experienced industrial production. B.1.4 Ensure that at least the tests prescribed in paragraph B.3 are carried out routinely for each type of bag. B.1.5 Ensure that when any samples show non-conformity with the test concerned, further samples are taken and tested. All the necessary steps must be taken to restore conformity of the corresponding production and prevent the sale of non- compliant products. B.1.6 The applicant shall ensure that the body as agreed to by the NRCS in paragraph B.1.1 carries out conformity control on a statistical basis and by random sampling. B.2 THE DUTIES OF THE NRCS, particularly to the assessment of conformity of production: B.2.1 The NRCS may at any time assess the effectiveness of conformity of production. B.2.2 The NRCS inspector may select samples to send to a conformity assessment body, when non-conformance is suspected in terms of control of production. B.3 SAMPLING: Requirements for sampling: B.3.1 Samples shall be taken in accordance with Table 1 in B.3.3 B.3.2 Samples should be selected by using appropriately defined criteria to ensure that they are truly representative of the lot, i.e. taken at random, evenly and throughout. B.3.3 For the production to be considered to conform, the routine tests shall meet the sampling requirements in table 1 as agreed upon between the manufacturer or importer and NRCS. Table 1: Sampling requirements: Tests to be conducted Sample size Determination of film thickness in accordance with SANS 695. As determined by the body responsible for control of conformity of production and to the satisfaction of the NRCS. Sampling and test frequency As determined by the body responsible for control of conformity of production and to the satisfaction of the NRCS. Rejection criteria One noncompliant item. No. R. 652 6 September 2013 NATIONAL REGULATOR FOR COMPULSORY SPECIFICATIONS ACT (Act 5 of 2008) RE-PUBLICATION FOR PUBLIC COMMENT OF A PROPOSED COMPULSORY SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY GLASS AND OTHER SAFETY GLAZING MATERIALS - VC 9003 It is hereby made known, under Section 13 (4) of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act (Act 5 of 2008) that I, Dr. Rob Davies, the Minister of Trade and Industry, on the recommendation of the NRCS Board, intends to promulgate a Compulsory Specification for safety glass and other safety glazing materials as set out in the attached schedule. Any person who wishes to comment on the intention of the Minister to promulgate the Compulsory Specification concerned, shall submit their comments in writing to the Chief Executive Officer of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS), Private Bag X25, Brooklyn, 0075, on or before the date two (2) months after the publication of this notice. SCHEDULE PROPOSED COMPULSORY SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY GLASS AND OTHER SAFETY GLAZING MATERIALS VC 9003 1. SCOPE This compulsory specification covers the requirements for safety glass and other safety glazing materials used in buildings in accordance with Part N of the National Building Regulations, and in any other application in which breakage due to human contact may result in serious injuries. Products within the scope of this compulsory specification include but are not limited to: Stock sheets of laminated safety glazing materials, i.e. sheets of safety glazing produced by a manufacturer equipped to laminate safety glass that will be cut to size by an installer; Toughened safety glass, i.e. panels of flat safety glazing manufactured from flat glass, cut to size, and then tempered; Polymeric glazing, i.e. sheets of transparent plastics that can be cut to size; Any glazed products that may be subjected to human impact; ∙ Any other material claimed to be safety glazing. Safety glazing used in automotive applications is excluded. 2. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this compulsory specification the following definitions shall apply: 2.1 applicant: A manufacturer or importer applying for approval of safety glazing materials. The manufacturer or importer shall be an existing legal entity within the Republic of South Africa. 2.2 approval: Confirmation by the NRCS that a particular type of safety glazing material satisfies the requirements of this Compulsory Specification. 2.3 building: The definition of "building" contained in section 1 of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 shall apply. 2.4 manufacturer: Entity that manufactures safety glazing materials. 2.5 NRCS: The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (the Regulator) established by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008) 2.6 type of safety glazing material: Safety glazing material that does not differ in essential aspects such as thickness, colour, design and method of manufacture. Types include: Laminated safety glass; Toughened safety glass; Toughened laminated safety glass; Safety film backed safety glass, including mirrors made from glass, and installed in compliance with the National Building Regulations; Any other type of material that is claimed to be safety glazing. 2.7 safety glazing material: Glazing material that is so manufactured, constructed, treated and combined with other materials and components that, if broken by human contact, the likelihood of cutting or piercing injuries that might result from such contact are minimized. 2.8 the Minister: The Minister of Trade and Industry. 3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Safety glazing material shall comply with SANS 1263-1: Safety and security glazing materials for buildings Part 1: Safety performance of glazing materials under human impact. Safety glass and alternative safety glazing materials intended for use in the construction of furniture shall in addition comply with the requirements of SANS 17. The applicant shall ensure that every type of safety glazing material has been approved by the NRCS in accordance with the requirements of Annex A of this compulsory specification before manufacture, import, sale or supply. The applicant shall inform the NRCS of any change in the material, method of manufacture, design or components affecting any mandatory requirement of this compulsory specification. In the event of such change/s the NRCS may, at its discretion, demand the submission of fresh evidence of conformity or a new application for approval. In addition to the markings prescribed in SANS 1263 - 1 the NRCS approval number shall appear permanently and legibly on all safety glazing material in letters at least 2,5 mm high: "NRCS XXXXX." 4. CONFORMITY TO REFERENCED STANDARDS For the purposes of this compulsory specification, a new edition of a referenced standard shall become effective 12 months from the date of publication as a South African National Standard. When a new edition of a referenced standard is published, products originally approved in accordance with the previous edition of that standard may on application have their approval extended by the NRCS. ANNEX A - APPROVAL OF SAFETY GLAZING MATERIAL A.1 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL The applicant shall apply to the NRCS for approval of every type of safety glazing material. The application shall be accompanied by the following: A.1.1 Technical specifications detailing the material composition, method of manufacturer and minimum thickness for the type of safety glazing material. A.1.2 Details of the manufacturing plant/s where the safety glazing material is produced; A.1.3 Evidence of conformity including test reports issued not more than 12 months before the date of submission to the NRCS by a conformity assessment body recognized in terms of the NRCS's Conformity Assessment Policy, to prove compliance with all the relevant requirements of this compulsory specification; A.1.4 The markings to be applied to each type of safety glazing material; A.1.5 Information to the satisfaction of the NRCS regarding the measures taken by the applicant to ensure ongoing conformity of the safety glazing material; and A.1.6 Any reasonable additional information as may be requested by the NRCS. A.2 APPROVAL A.2.1 The NRCS shall assess the evidence of conformity supplied by the applicant and shall grant approval when the mandatory requirements have been met. A.2.2 The NRCS shall assign a unique approval number to each type of safety glazing material approved. A.2.3 The NRCS shall confirm that approval has been granted to the applicant by means of a Letter of Authority certificate bearing the approval number referred to in paragraph 3.5. A.2.4 The approval granted with respect to safety glazing pursuant to this compulsory specification may be withdrawn by the NRCS, at any time, after the applicant has been notified in writing, if the requirements have not been met or maintained. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY No. 646 30 August 2013 STANDARDS ACT, 2008 STANDARDS MATTERS In terms of the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008), the Council of the South African Bureau of Standards has acted in regard to standards in the manner set out in the Schedules to this notice. All South African standards that were previously published by the South African Bureau of Standards with the prefix "SABS" have been redesignated as South African national standards and are now published by the SABS Standards Division (a division of SABS) with the prefix "SANS". A list of all existing South African national standards was published by Government Notice No. 1373 of 8 November 2002. In the list of SANS standards below, the equivalent SABS numbers, where applicable, are given below the new SANS numbers for the sake of convenience. Standards that were published with the "SABS" prefix are listed as such. SCHEDULE 1: ISSUE OF NEW STANDARDS The standards mentioned have been issued in terms of section 16(3) of the Act. Standard No. and year SANS 10673:2013 SANS 4413:2013/ ISO 4413:2010 SANS 618693:2013/ 1EC 61869-3:2011 SANS 618695:2013/ 1EC 61869-5:2011 SATR 61869103:2013/ 1EC/TR 61869103:2012 Title, scope and purport Copper-based fittings for copper tubes - Part 3: Push-fit fittings.Covers copper based push-fit fittings for use with copper tubes that comply with the requirements of SANS 460 for sizes 8 mm to 54 mm. Hydraulic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components. Specifies general rules and safety requirements for hydraulic fluid power systems and components used on machinery as defined by ISO 12100 (published in South Africa as an identical adoption under the designation SANS 12100). Deals with all significant hazards associated with hydraulic fluid power systems and specifies the principles to apply in order to avoid those hazards when the systems are put to their intended use. Instrument transformers - Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage transformers. Applies to new inductive voltage transformers for use with electrical measuring instruments and electrical protective devices at frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. Can only be used in conjunction with SANS 61869- 1. Instrument transformers - Part 5: Additional requirements for capacitor voltage transformers. Applies to new single- phase capacitor voltage transformers connected between line and ground for system voltagesUm ͵ 72,5 kV at power frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. They are intended to supply a low voltage for measurement, control and protective functions. Can only be used in conjunction with SANS 61869-1. Instrument transformers - The use of instrument transformers for power quality measurement. Applies to inductive and electronic instrument transformers with analogue or digital output for use with electrical measuring instruments for measurement and interpretation of results for power quality parameters in 50/60 Hz a.c. power supply systems. SCHEDULE 2: AMENDMENT OF EXISTING STANDARDS The standards mentioned have been amended in terms of section 16(3) of the Act. The number and date of a standard that has been superseded appear in brackets below the new number. In the case of an amendment issued in consolidated format, the edition number of the new (consolidated) edition appears in brackets below the number of the standard. Standard No. and year SANS 731-1:2013 (Ed. 4.1) SANS 1191:2013 (Ed. 1.6) SANS 1574-5:2013 (Ed. 1.1) Title, scope and purport Road markings - Part 1: Single-pack solvent-borne paints. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to re-insert the title for the subclause on skid resistance and retroreflectivity and to correct the subsequent numbering and cross references accordingly. High penetration-resistant laminated safety glass for vehicles. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 6. Amended to change the height of testing impact resistance. Electric flexible cables with solid extruded dielectric insulation - Part 5: Rubber-insulated cables for industrial use. Consolidated edition SANS 180334:2013/ ISO/IEC 18033-4:2011 (SANS 180334:2007) incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to change the title, to update the list of parts in the foreword, to add a type of cable, to update referenced standards, to delete definitions, to add nickel as the other type of covering for copper conductors, to add a table on specific requirements for polyester protected cords and to renumber the subsequent tables. Information technology - Security techniques - Encryption algorithms Part 4: Stream ciphers. Specifies output functions to combine a keystream with plaintext, keystream generators for producing keystream, and object identifiers assigned to dedicated keystream generators. SCHEDULE 3: CANCELLATION OF STANDARDS In terms of section 16(3) of the Act the following standards have been cancelled. Standard No. and year SANS 16321:2005 SANS 45221:1985 SANS 45222:1985 SANS 45223:1988 SANS 7253:1996 SANS 10815:2003 SANS 606141:1994 SANS 60614-21:1982 SANS 60614-22:1980 SANS 610351:1990 SANS 61035-21:1993 SANS 61035-22:1993 SANS 61035-23:1993 SANS 61035-24:1995 Title Batteries - Part 1: General information - Definitions, abbreviations and symbols. Metallic coatings - Test methods for electrodeposited silver and silver alloy coatings - Part 1: Determination of coating thickness. Metallic coatings - Test methods for electrodeposited silver and silver alloy coatings - Part 2: Adhesion tests. Metallic coatings - Test methods for electrodeposited silver and silver alloy coatings - Part 3: Determination of the presence of residual salts. Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray (fog). Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of compression set at ambient, elevated or low temperatures. Conduits for electrical installations - Specification - Part 1: General requirements. Specification for conduits for electrical installations - Part 2: Particular specifications for conduits - Section 1: Metal conduits. Specification for conduits for electrical installations - Part 2: Particular specification for conduits - Section 2: Rigid plain conduits of insulating materials. Specification f or conduit fittings for electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements. Specification for conduit fittings for electrical installations - Part 2: Particular specifications - Section 1: Metal conduit fittings. Specification for conduit fittings for electrical installations - Part 2: Particular specifications - Section 2: Conduit fittings of insulating material. Specification for conduit fittings for electrical installations - Part 2: Particular specifications - Section 3: Fittings for flexible conduits of metal, insulating or composite materials and for pliable conduits of metal or composite materials. Specification for conduit fittings for electrical installations - Part 2: Particular specifications - Section 4: Conduit fittings of aluminium alloy. SCHEDULE 4: ADDRESSES OF SABS OFFICES The addresses of offices of the South African Bureau of Standards where copies of standards mentioned in this notice can be obtained, are as follows: 1. The CEO, South African Bureau of Standards, 1 Dr Lategan Road, Groenkloof, Private Bag X191, Pretoria 0001. 2. The Manager, Western Cape Regional Office, SABS, Liesbeek Park Way, Rosebank, PO Box 615, Rondebosch 7701. 3. The Manager, Eastern Cape Regional Office, SABS, 30 Kipling Road, cor. Diaz and Kipling Roads, Port Elizabeth, PO Box 3013, North End 6056. 4. The Manager, KwaZulu-Natal Regional Office, SABS, 15 Garth Road, Waterval Park, Durban, PO Box 30087, Mayville 4058. 5. The Control Officer, Bloemfontein Branch Office, SABS, 34 Victoria Road, Willows, Bloemfontein, PO Box 20265, Willows 9320.