Table S2. Examples of metrics for each organism group (see methods for more details). sp., species Richness & diversity Phytoplankton Macrophytes Number of sp. Diversity Benthic diatoms Benthic invertebrates Fish Number of sp. Number of sp. Number of sp. Diversity Diversity Diversity Evenness/dominance Abundance Evenness/dominance Total phytoplankton biovolume Coverage Chlorophyll-a concentration Depth of colonisation Catch per unit effort (number and biomass) Secchi depth Sensitivity/ tolerance (including changes in taxonomic composition) Phytoplankton Trophic Index (PTI) (Phillips et al., 2011) Lake Macrophyte Nutrient Index (LMNI) (Willby, Pitt & Phillips, 2009) Percentage of impactsensitive diatoms Benthic Quality Index (BQI) (Rossaro et al., 2007) Occurrence of indicator sp. Percentage of cyanobacteria Percentage of indicator sp. Ratio of reference taxa Abundance Index of sensitive sp. Algal bloom intensity Percentage of tolerant sp. Trophic Diatom Index for Lakes (Stenger-Kovács et al., 2007; Kelly et al., 2007) Average Score per Taxon index (ASPT) (Armitage et al., 1983) AWIC (Acid Water Indicator Community) index (Schartau et al., 2008) Number of snail and mayfly taxa Abundance of Charophytes, Isoetids, Elodeids, filamentous algae Relative abundance of cyprinids, bream, perch, roach, salmonids Fish community index (relative deviation of sp. abundance from reference conditions) Percentage of Odonata/Oligochaeta Percentage of true flies/mayflies Autoecological traits Q index (based on functional Number of Functional groups groups of phytoplankton, Padisák et al., 2006) Relative abundance of growth forms (floating-leaved plants, free-floating plants, etc.) Relative abundance of predators Proportion of piscivorous, benthivorous and omnivorous fish Relative abundance of feeding types Abundance Index of migrating spawners Abundance Index of spawning guilds Percentage of rheophilic sp. Percentage of reproductive migrant sp. Number of age-classes Abundance index of small-bodied sp. Native vs. non-native taxa Percentage of exotic sp. Presence of endangered sp. Number of native fish sp. Relative abundance of alien sp.