Music Terms and Notation Quiz Review

Musical Terms & Notation Quiz Review
Music= Organized Sound and Silence
Beat=Steady Pulse
Tempo=Fast/Slow (Beat)
Rhythm=Long/Short Sounds
Pitch=High/Low Note Names (ABCDEFG)
Timbre=High/Low Sounds
(Piano (p)=Quiet ; Forte (f)=Loud )
Time Signature=
4-How many beats per measure
4-Type of note that equals one beat.
-Rhythmic NotationPlease draw the symbol and list the number of Beats and/or Equal Sounds Per
Beat in Common Time.
Whole Note__
____ Whole Rest___
Half Note____ ____
Quarter Note__ ___
Half Rest___
Quarter Rest____
Dotted Half Note__
Musical Terms & Notation Quiz Review
Eighth Note_
Sixteenth Note__
_ Eighth Rest__
___ Sixteenth Rest___
___ Beat(s)__1/2 or .50__
___ Beat(s)__1/4 or .25__
-Subdivisions of the Beat-
Two Eighth Notes___
Four Sixteenth Notes___
Equal Sounds Per Beat___2____
Equal Sounds Per Beat____3___
Equal Sounds Per Beat___4____
Extra Credit! (1 point per question)
What is a dot worth? Half of its’ note
List one example of Dynamics in Italian:
Pianissimo; pp (very quiet) Piano; p (quiet) Mezzo Piano; mp (medium quiet) Mezzo Forte; mf
(medium loud)Forte; f (loud)Fortissimo; ff (very loud)
Draw the symbol for Crescendo below: